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agapi_r's Guestbook

ekinegeOct 12, 2009

Hi Christina! Thank you so much for your lovely comment on the EKNSet-44.\:wub\: Keep up the great work!:\:wub\: Ekin

IsabelletjeOct 10, 2009

oh and please continue with the stuff you make! \:o

IsabelletjeOct 10, 2009

Thank you so much! But, it's a shame that it is a subscriber download. ): But thank you, and thank you for taking the trouble of sending me it. Have nice day s (;

irene_busyOct 10, 2009

Hy! Thanks a lot for telling me \:wub\:

welshminxOct 9, 2009


DracoROct 3, 2009

Beautiful creations!

xtinabobinaOct 1, 2009

haha, 10 minutes before your deadline? that sounds like me! I had a quiz due this morning, and I was just finishing it and was late to class! i also have an economics test today i have to study for, sigh. Yeah, it is sad about my parents. I'm not too sad though. I loved my dad, but, I feel this is best for everybody. He was such a negative nancy..and he yelled alot. with him gone, the house feels much calmer. except that its a huge catastrophe because we're cleaning it until it sparkles. i cant wait to see what you come up with (the screenshot). no pressure though! life comes first, for sure. idk when ill be able to sim this weekend, ill be painting/cleaning/moving furniture all weekend! ugh! anyway, my dogs' names are Bear & Sadie. I also have a schnoodle (schnauzer/poodle mix) named Toby, but..well..he's really ugly. He's sweet though, and very smart! but my boyfriend does not like him because he is so ugly! poor baby! lol. school is good by the way. thanks for asking. it's just time-consuming! and i have all these tests coming up and so little time to study! *anxiety attack*. well, i hope school is good for you, i bet you did great on your brochure, what was it about?

xtinabobinaSep 29, 2009

no unfortunately you have to use OMSP's (i have to combine 2 of them) in order to get the sim on the horse. the pose i use is from a posebox that looks like a black triangle. i have no idea what its called \:\( but if you have it, its pose #5. otherwise, decorgal's got a sit/floor pose for femmes that works pretty good too. Clearwater Fitness has been published both here and at my blog \:\) hope you enjoy it! OF COURSE i have your sweet top in my game! i saw it and LOVED it. you did a fabulous job. Bamse, such a cute name. haha, i'm glad he understands you \:\) i bet hes pretty big huh? my dog is still a pup, only 1 year old. he has another 2 years of growing. the vet says he'll be about 100 lbs. woah! yep, ive made a hobby out of buying sims games, so ill be getting the new expansion in november. only i hope they come up with something completely new next spring!!!!!! (bring on the animals). some new curtains? awesome! my mom bought a new bed-set today from Pottery Barn. my parents are getting a divorce \:\( its very sad. *sigh* so my mom is remodeling the inside of the house. its a mess right now since we're rearranging everything. well, im glad to hear your weekend went well. how is school going?

Hachiko033Sep 28, 2009

With pleasure =)

xtinabobinaSep 28, 2009

Why must the weekend go by so fast? Well, I played sims mostly. I've been working on completely re-doing Belladonna Cove as well as its own downtown. That's going well. I have a new lot uploaded at my blog for sims 2 \:\) I also see that my Clearwater Fitness (lot for sims 3) has been published. By the way, i have your toga in my game..lovely!!! Are you working on anything new? Oh, did you ever get my email ?\:\) i sent it a day or two ago. I LOVE GERMAN SHEPHERDS! they are my dream dog. what's your dogs name?? does he understand your language? haha. way cool. so what are you going shopping for? i havent been shopping in so long! i really want to go see movie this week! Pandorum is out, have you heard of it? well, hope to hear all about your weekend soon! take care!!

SimonkaSep 26, 2009

Hey, thank you so much for your congrats. \:wub\:  Simona

xtinabobinaSep 25, 2009

geez, i didnt get to send you that email like i promised. i was so busy with studying yesterday i didnt get anywhere near a computer. TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol. i will. okay, i'm going to check out that illustrator thing, probably in Oct. I will definately check out your adobe profile too. hmm, well typography sounds interesting, but im confused, what is it that you want to become? like a graphics designer? haha my boyfriend is wrestling with my golden retriever puppy as i'm typing to you. theyre so funny. do you have any pets? lol, sorry i get off track sometimes. well, core curriculum classes are like 'math' 'science' 'english' and 'history'. they vary and have different levels and specialties, but basically thats the categories they fall under. when i get over to UT, I'll start my programming classes and more computer-related classes. i'm pretty computer-savvy as it is, but its mostly because i had to teach myself, having several computers & all in the house. i'm pretty much the 'computer nerd' in my household. lol. well anyway, what are your plans this weekend?

xtinabobinaSep 24, 2009

hey, yeah, ive been so busy with school i havent gotten to even look for downloads this whole week! let alone send you an email! school, hw, school, hw! *pulls hair* adobe illustrator huh? seriously considering buying that on ebay. idk what it does though. can you explain? i just know that it makes your pics looks freaking amazing and i love them. im really excited to see what you do with the horse im going to send to you TODAY. (promise haha). anyway, im going through the core-curriculum now. i'm a sophomore in college and ive got another year or two before i get my bachelors in COMPUTER SCIENCE. (software engineering really) once i graduate with that, ill get my masters in software engineering, then go on to some major university (like University of texas) to get into a software program. then im on to work for some major video-gaming company. EA, nintendo, idk. theres lots of them hiring software engineers. im on the right track \:\) anyhoot, im so ignorant, what is typography? im glad to hear your exam went well. i have two next week! one in pre-calc, the other in macroeconomics. blah. what are you majoring in? or, i guess, what is it that you study? \:\) ttys!!!!!!!!!!!

Catherine8Sep 22, 2009

hi) i understand i am very late, but thank you very much for you compliment on my pictures. You ask about some objects from holiday huts - i look them in my game: 1) tablecloth from solfal (here at tsr) 2) flower by Birgit43 (here at tsr) 3) teapot with cake - i don;t remeber I can just pack this objects , if you need them - just say HUGS,Cat 3

xtinabobinaSep 22, 2009

oh, hey! nice banner \:\)

xtinabobinaSep 22, 2009

girl, yeah. that pic was fantastic! i mean the one where shes by the pillar and it has the world 'toga' written in like orange letters. you did amazing! i had meant to send you that email yesterday, but i had so much pre-cal homework i got too busy to even play sims \:\( so, ill be sending it your way today! for sure. anyway, how is school going?

GredaSep 20, 2009

Hi agapi, Thank you so much for your lovely comment on my Screenshot. Have a Great Day and Happy Simming.\:wub\: \:wub\:

ProwlerTyloSep 20, 2009

Your welcome. Have a great week.

atangkiSep 20, 2009

Congrats on your recent SA promotion! \:\)

xlorofloraSep 18, 2009

your creation are really awesome i can't wiat for the others! ! !Btw i am from greece too =]  

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