cinderellimouse (1912265)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (108 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

The 1920\'s Project - Make-up Set
Published Mar 12, 2009
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About Me
Hello! I love to make my sim world beautiful and happy! I can't be mean to my sims because I feel guilty and find myself cheering them up again. I love TSR because there's so much great stuff out there and so many talented people making things that I can make my sims happy with all sorts of goodies ;-)
My Latest Updates Show All
TwinkletoeWritten May 25, 2008
My good friend Twinkletoe got her mini-site too!!! Yippie!!! Go and check it out if you haven't already! Congrats, Twinks!!! ...More
Mini-site!!! Yippie!!!Written May 23, 2008
I am so excited to finally have my mini-site! Thanks to all my friends for rooting for me, especially 'Hitman' my campaign manager!!! And thanks to everyone who has bookmarked me, all those kudos points really helped! For those of you who don't know... I'm pregnant! So my good intentions to create new content are on hold at the moment. All I want to do is sleep!!! But I'm assured that... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
murfeelDec 17, 2012
MuwahaahaHAAA~!!! ^0^ I am glad I made you break your rule! Enjoy the Arborteum walls!
steadyaccessMay 01, 2010
Wow, you was an excellent Sims 2 creator!)))) I'm even a bit confused
Thank you very much for commenting my eyes, now I'm sure that they are very good DD
TrailRunner782May 14, 2009
Hey! Good to hear from you! I was just hoping you and the little one were ok. Glad to hear you're all doing well and sorry to hear about all the nappies! That's the one part about working with little one's that I could do without! lol I'm sure it will all be worth it, at least you know she is healthy! How big is she now?