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cinderellimouse's Guestbook

murfeelDec 17, 2012

MuwahaahaHAAA~!!! ^0^ I am glad I made you break your rule! Enjoy the Arborteum walls! \:wub\:

steadyaccessMay 1, 2010

Wow, you was an excellent Sims 2 creator!)))) I'm even a bit confused\:o Thank you very much for commenting my eyes, now I'm sure that they are very good \:DDD

TrailRunner782May 14, 2009

Hey!  Good to hear from you!  I was just hoping you and the little one were ok. \:\)  Glad to hear you're all doing well and sorry to hear about all the nappies!  That's the one part about working with little one's that I could do without! lol  I'm sure it will all be worth it, at least you know she is healthy!  How big is she now?

midland_04Apr 24, 2009

Oh you know, the usual during the spring, taking care of baby goats, and now some baby cows, and fixing fences, mowing the yard, ect... I've been so busy, the days just run together anymore.  I'm so exhausted.  LOL  Hope to talk soon.  Midland_04  \:cool\:

woohoosimsApr 10, 2009

Hey, nice skins \;\) Keep up the good work! \:D

TrailRunner782Mar 27, 2009

Hey girl, it's been a while since I've talked to you!  How's the little one?  She must be getting big by now!!  Hopefully I hear from you soon, but I totally understand since you're pretty occupied! :-)

midland_04Mar 24, 2009

Hey, I was going through my guestbook and came across your last entry, and it hit me, I haven't stopped by and said hi in a long time...  So here I am, and Hi!!  Hope all is going well for you.  Hope to talk soon.   Midland_04  \:cool\:

hiedibear75Feb 25, 2009

I hope she gets well soon. \:\(  I know being a mommy they ALWAYS want the Mama when they don't feel good. \;\)  Heck I'm 33 & when I don't feel good I still want my mommy. \:D  I wonder if your banner you tried to upload.......was it in the correct format? \:confused\:  Well you take care of yourselves. \:wub\:

qvisnFeb 24, 2009

WOW your skins look good, i had to DL them. The exorsist is not what you should say about your princess. LOL  its constant change of milk that makes them sick. she probably overdone it because you have been wicked witch and starved her... as long as shes gaining weight thats fine. must go and try your skins out and will let you know how they look.\:wub\:

hiedibear75Feb 24, 2009

Yes I suppose she would have had a total kanipshun fit. :P   Babies can get "nipple confusion" when their feedings go back & forth from Mom to bottle. \;\)  But I know what you mean about the poo-y cifference. \:D  Johnathan never had formula and his sisters all had varying amounts. \;\)  Kirstin was in the hospital for too long and so I dried up. \:\(  And SHE out of any of them could have used it......what with being a premie and all. \;\)  "G" will grow up and be toddling around before you know it. \:\)  Well I have lisa9999 to thank for the banner. \:cool\:  I wasn't feeling up to making one about the time TSR switched to v7 and so she made them for me so people wouldn't have to stare at a blank space. \:\)  Well you & "G" take care. \:wub\:

hiedibear75Feb 19, 2009

Another thing you could try if you'd like to keep feeding her you ....... if she is staying on for a long enough could try asking her pediatrician about starting on the baby rice cerial. \;\)  She's 2mo old now and most babies start needing more sustenance around that time. \;\)  If she were not getting adiquate nutrition she wouldn't have as many poopy diapers/nappies. \:cool\:  It's been a little while since I've had a baby........but a lot of it is like riding a bike. :P  Babies get such a wonderful boost to their imune systems and nursing helps in reducing food alergies as well. \:rah\:  Just food for thought. \;\)  Anyway.....take care. \:wub\: 

qvisnFeb 15, 2009

cant find your skin tones,  are they released yet? i think Georga is taking the micky, get her on the bottle, shes not getting enough from you. babies dont eat every 1 and half hours.  poor you, sends big hugs. xxxx

qvisnFeb 13, 2009

Are you lost???\:wub\:

qvisnFeb 1, 2009

If you go through the wizard and then the challenges, it should take you to the old site, you can upload stuff easy there, then it will show up on the new one.  I have been on holiday in England for years, did the whole of Devon, then Cornwall, Lake district, Scotland, Wales and even Durham, thats where my family originate from, dont want to go far, or i would be off to the canaries like a shot. chat later.\:wub\:

hiedibear75Jan 31, 2009

I don't think it will work with HER as the Sim........since she has already gotten to the top of the dance carer. \;\)  BUT I am going to make anothe Sim with the same name in anothe hood and cheat her way up.......since like you said.......I DID DO IT. \:\(  I am going 2 load my game with ALL my cc in it when I do though cuz I'm going to go work on Matt & Jenny again. \:cool\:  Well you & Georgia TC. \:wub\:

qvisnJan 31, 2009

I wasnt thinking about going abroad, just this country for a break from the schools,meetings and housework, thought maybe centre parks or something like it. Dave could fish and i can take one of the girls laptops. glad you loved the dress as much as i ddid, i could'nt resist it even if she cant wear it yet. will look at your skins and let you know. TC chat soon.\:wub\:

qvisnJan 29, 2009

Yes, im still here, the new site is good when you find your way around, still learning though.\:confused\:  you need to update your (about me) section, should say you are busier with baby than you thought you were at work.:P  I have posted new dress to you, should be with you in a couple of days, its so pretty. My cd drive is not working so i cant play sims and i cant take the pics i need to upload my new stuff. theres always something going wrong. im planning a couple of days away after the 5th of jan but i dont know where to go, any ideas, just the 2 of us, if i dont think of something soon i wont be going anywhere.  Love to Georgia and Pete. xxx

hiedibear75Jan 27, 2009

Well if you meant Face Book......I haven't been on that site, I got some nasty trojens that I haven't gotten since I quite going to Face Book. \;\)  But I do miss some of the little games we played with eachother on it though. \:\(  So you've got an urge to make something eh........what do you have planned?  I've been doing a bit of this a bit of that with my Sims. \;\)   I'm surprised you've got the extra time to make new stuff with a new baby. \:D  Well I hope you stop by my TSR page more often. \:cool\:  TC & hope to talk soon. \:wub\:

lacey2408Jan 25, 2009

Well,Hi! You say that other artist are talented.. But do not forget yourself..missy :P. You are very talented. And i am sure that you will make the top.   Kind regards,Lacey\:cool\:

CherryNDJan 16, 2009

Hello~ The skintone my used on "just for lip" set  is from this site

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