eddielle (1961012)
My Latest Sims 4 Creations (28 in total) Show all my Sims 4 Creations
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (79 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

3DL Imperio Sim Antonio Set
Published Aug 8, 2011
About Me
Hi my real name is Eduardo, my friends calls me Edward and in the web I'm Eddielle and I'm from the beautiful island of Puerto Rico. The thing about me is that I borned to be an artist. Since I was a kid I design and redesign everything I can. With the pass of the years I become more experienced in the fashion design industry and interior design. I do 3d design, I'm a singer, a painter, cooker, graphic designer, a 23 yrs. experienced fashion designer and sewer and many others habilities that God gaves me. For all of this I'm very grateful to God. Now I'm learning to do some stuff for this wonderful game and I hope my experience and designs go in to your game as an inspiration for your own life.
My inspiration for the objects you'll see here is about anything. My own designs, inspirations from another designs in my magazines and the internet. Love to hear from you.... Thanks. I luv ya all!
My Guestbook Show All
CaprifoliaJun 14, 2023
Wishing you all the best life can offer, greetings from Ki
AngelaJun 07, 2022
Hi there, Thanks for your comment on my set i hope you'll enjoy it.
Hugs, Angela
Leigh BOct 24, 2020
Eduardo, do you have a website for your real life artwork? Thanks so much for all you create and share in the Sims World; I would love to have this art in my real world!