gozig86 (248983)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (18 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Make Over Pt 5
Published Feb 13, 2009
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About Me
I am a 22 years old women/girl from Sweden. I been playing sims since it first came out many years ago. Mostly I build houses and decorate them, but somtimes I play too.
I am obsessed with Sims!
My Latest Updates Show All
First time for everythingWritten Apr 14, 2010
Yes, its always first time for everything. This time my first time will be to make a Sims 3 house and share it here I think. Have done houses for sims 3 before, but never shared it. So now Im starting to build a new house to share with you all:) hope everything goes well :P ...More
Building a curchWritten Feb 16, 2009
I just started to build at Curch for my sims with a BIG graveyard. All my sim who die will come there eventuelly. Maybe I will share it when I´m ready with it. But right now I just need things for the curch. And I am looking at some places to find it=) //gozig86 ...More
I just found some old pics:)Written Feb 09, 2009
I have totally forgot that I had an old Photobucket but today I found it.... and guess what I found in my photobucket? Some old loveley interior pics I took a long time ago. I´m going to show you some now=D ...More
My Guestbook Show All
DT456May 19, 2009
Tack för ditt inlägg i min gästbok!! <3<3
DT456May 16, 2009
Hejhej! Shit vilka snygga hus du har gjort, skulle ha laddat hem nästan alla om jag hade alla expansionspaket!! Försökte göra Epsilon förut men det blev inge bra! Ditt blev ju jättebra!!!
Nisse2earsMar 30, 2009
Hej! Jag hoppar runt har pa TSR och ville bara skicka en halsning fran en svea till en annan!