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hatshepsut's Blog

That's all folks!

With the release of Sims 4 I have decided it’s finally time to hang up my building hat and step aside for the new talent that this new game will bring.  I know I haven’t been around so much over the last few months and it doesn’t seem right to hang on just for the sake of it now that the passion has gone. 

I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here as a sims artist and I would like thank the team here at TSR for putting up with me for so long!  I also wish to thank you the downloaders whose comments and encouragement have meant so much to me and kept me going all this time. I have some fantastic memories and have made some dear friends over the years and now it is time to move on.  I won’t be giving up simming completely (I’ll finally get to spend some serious time actually playing the games that I’ve spent so long creating for) and you may still find me lurking around the place from time to time.

I’m sure many of your are excited to get started on sims 4 but for me the look and feel of the game just doesn’t inspire me and I won’t be parting with my hard earned cash for a copy, at least for the time being.  So, that being the case I bid you fare thee well but not goodbye.

See you around,

Hats <3



Change of Heart

The lot you are about to see is something I've been working on for the last couple of weeks.  Originally it was built for use only in my own game so I went a bit mad with store items and cc which made me a bit reluctant to upload it in it's present form.

However, being the caring sharing person I am (occasionally at least) I had a change of heart and I am currently in the process of preparing it for upload along with a 2nd version which will contain considerably less cc and store items.

So, here's a little peek at what is to come and believe me when I say that the pictures shown here don't even begin to show the full extent of this lot!

Gorse Acres

Gorse Acres Rear


Ok, so what gives?

Firstly apologies for being a bit on the quiet side lately and I'm sorry I haven't had time to respond individually to all your lovely comments and feedback recently but please know that they do mean so much to me and are greatly appreciated.  Without you guys it would be meaningless. 

That thing that all too often gets in the way of important simming matters known as real life has dealt me the odd curve ball lately and is keeping me rather busy.  I do have a few things saved up for the release of v8 and I am currently working on some new items, they're just taking a little longer than normal to complete.  Hopefully things will calm down again soon and I'll have more time to spend on what I love and what I'm here for. 

And in other news I just hit 2M downloads, so I guess that now makes me a multi-millionaire!  Cool!!! :D 


All Quiet on the Western Front

I just thought I'd let you all know that I'll be taking a little time out from creating for a little while.  After nearly 7 years of almost continuous creating I feel I'm entitled to a little rest!  So, for the both of you who might just notice things have gone a bit quiet here I hope you have a wonderful, safe and warm holiday season and I hope to be back in the new year with lots of new goodies to share.

Love, Hats

Warm and Fuzzies

The temperature outside might be in minus figures but it's that warm fuzzy time of year again and I'd just like to wish all my TSR friends and downloaders a very Merry Christmas! (<---click here!) and a prosperous and healthy new year!

Neighbourhood Litter

I'm sure many builders have them.  Lurking in the deepest darkest recesses of their neighbourhoods.  I'm talking about those long forgotten, unloved, half built lots.  You had such high hopes for them when you started building them.  Full of enthusiasm, they were going to be the best lots anyone had ever seen, then something better came along!



Take for instance this seemingly lovely cottage:

I had it all planned out in my head.  It was going to sit next to a pretty little stream with a little arched stone bridge with lots of trees and flowers and rocks, so on and so forth.  The reality was I was left with a huge lump of land at one side, a pathetic little trickle of water and a bridge that looked so out of place it could have occupied a lot all by itself!

Interest gone, I started on my next project...









Nothing so complicated about this lot, it was just going  to be a nice family home.  It was coming along nicely when I just had a sudden lapse in concentration and poof...that was the end of that!











I managed to make a little more progress with this one.  I was in frenzied build mode until I got the main structure up and then the distractions started.  I found I kept coming back to this one inbetween other projects and just chipping away at it.

It's still ongoing now.  Maybe it just might get finished in time for sims 4 but I wouldn't put money on it!







Finally we come to this victorian home.  It's been lonely and forgotten in my neighbourhood for at least 6 months, maybe more.  Whether it was the colour scheme I took a dislike to or wasn't happy with the roofline I just can't remember.  I don't hate it enough to demolish it but there's something about it that puts me off finishing it!






So there you have it, the litter that's currently cluttering up my building neighbourhood.  Will any of these lots ever see the light of day?  Perhaps.  I haven't yet flattened them so there's still hope and I'm sure it won't be long before there's a few more ready to join them.



I want to see it all!!

It's true that you can't please all of the people all of the time but I'm giving it a shot!  Now when I download lots (which isn't often I'll admit) I like to explore and discover for myself what the lot has to offer.  I also know that some people won't even look at the download button on a lot until they see it inside out, upside down and back to front beforehand!

So, for those less adventurous folk who like all the details up front you can view layout plans of my latest lots on my facebook page.

House Clearance

As my collection of Sims 3 lots grows steadily I've decided to add some of my older lots to the free list.  So go ahead, check 'em out and happy downloading!

Yay! I'm a millionaire!

A whole million downloads, mine all mine...wow!  I just couldn't let this little milestone go by without uttering something so - WOOHOO!!!

It may not seem such a big thing considering the length of time I've been junking up the TSR database (5 years to be exact!) but for someone who mostly creates lots then it's not bad going!  So I believe a big thank you is in order for those of you who have downloaded and enjoyed my creations and I hope you continue to do so.

Here's to the next million!

Out with Old, In with the New! - Terrain Paint updates

Just a quick post to let you know that my Great Outdoors Terrain Paint set has been updated.  The terrains now work with both the round and square brushes and the file sizes have been reduced.

Latest Headlines

That's all folks! Change of Heart Ok, so what gives? All Quiet on the Western Front Warm and Fuzzies Neighbourhood Litter I want to see it all!! House Clearance Yay! I'm a millionaire! Out with Old, In with the New! -...
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