jla43 (2708574)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (75 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Published Sep 8, 2010
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About Me
Great imagination, dont care if people get it or not. Its my mind, my world. I'm in the Advertising world, I like to design stuff (I'm still learning about Workshop) and I've played all Sims Games but so far Sims 3 is my favorite one.
P.S. Don't forget to check my latest blog entry to get more info about the male model casting !!!
My Latest Updates Show All
Busy Busy BusyWritten Sep 25, 2011
Good nomtimes when I only created for sims 3. Unfortunately, adult life has come early and I got to work to survive. Now, I haven't forgotten this site. I will make huge efforts to continue as a selected artist but bare with me I am dealing with the real world. ...More
Not as back as I would love toWritten Jun 17, 2011
Hey guys, apparently adult life doesn't like me to play with the Sims anymore :(...It's been like crazy! Well as an update, I'm starting a new career :D (Culinary!) and yeah it's time consuming! So I've been making an effort to continue giving you the best male clothing out there just be patient! P.S. I'm also getting used to the new Workshop software and the creepy model... ...More
I'm Back!Written Mar 25, 2011
Hey guys! (If anyone reads this -_-) I'm finally back wohoooo! So my recent creation is waiting for you to download heheh. The thing is some of my previous creations were rejected due to the fact that high fashion brands didn't want there name on my stuff-I guess no advertising for them huh...Anyhow my creations won't have any logos until I clear the list with the Admin. staff so meanwhile go... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
soniacatyAug 15, 2013
where are you i love every thing you made keep going
bebbybubbles99Mar 30, 2013
And good luck with the new job
bebbybubbles99Mar 30, 2013
You do the the best selection of male clothing on the site! it!