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jla43's Blog

Busy Busy Busy

Good nomtimes when I only created for sims 3. Unfortunately, adult life has come early and I got to work to survive. Now, I haven't forgotten this site. I will make huge efforts to continue as a selected artist but bare with me I am dealing with the real world.

Not as back as I would love to

Hey guys, apparently adult life doesn't like me to play with the Sims anymore :(...It's been like crazy! Well as an update, I'm starting a new career :D (Culinary!) and yeah it's time consuming! So I've been making an effort to continue giving you the best male clothing out there just be patient!


P.S. I'm also getting used to the new Workshop software and the creepy model there-yikes!

I'm Back!

Hey guys! (If anyone reads this -_-) I'm finally back wohoooo! So my recent creation is waiting for you to download heheh. The thing is some of my previous creations were rejected due to the fact that high fashion brands didn't want there name on my stuff-I guess no advertising for them huh...Anyhow my creations won't have any logos until I clear the list with the Admin. staff so meanwhile go ahead, browse my stuff and download!

Sims 3 trouble

Hi Everyone! I want to apologize for a lack of recent creations due to a game crash. Apparently my laptop can't run very well the game and it overheats. I'm trying to fix this problem as soon as possible so on the meanwhile enjoy my posted creations! :D

Male Sim Model Casting Call Part #2

I urge you guys to seriously read my blog posts 'cause according to the poll almost all visitors don't have a clue about this event. I was hoping more people participated and hey maybe I didn't make things clear. I'll try to buzz this event! hopefully the guys from TS3 can help....For now Please read my past blog post with this topic.

New Banner!

Hey guys! I finally changed the header for my site...I think it looks way more cool and modern than my former banner!

JUST TO REMIND YOU about the male model casting call read my post entry about this topic to get all the info you need.Remember to participate!

Male Sim Model Casting Contest!!!

Ok, my male sims are way too tired of being exploited for my designer ads and I'm tired of using them. So here's the good news: I'll be having a contest/casting for male models that are suitable for the brands I design. Here's your chance to get notice too! How you may ask? well the model I choose will get exposure on my featured creations and of course will give credit to the artist. Get creative!!

 Simple Rules:

1.You must create your own sim (no uploading one already created)

2.Once created send me through Private message 4 full body shots of your sim (front,back and sideways)

If your sim gets chosen Ill request the direct link to your sim download.

HAVE IN MIND: Ill be choosing models according to the personality of the brands so name, hair style,body type,age and fashion will be considered for the casting call!!!!

More than 1 M downloads!

Thank you all for downloading my stuff! It's been a pleasure designing especially for the male sims :D I'll keep posting really cool stuff so stay tuned!

The jealous female sim

Ok, I've been checking the recent poll and I'm still considering creating for the female sim. The thing is that there are already some cool designs out there and it will take me more time to juggle both female and male clothing. I'm not saying a definite no on this topic, but is still for consideration. So if I decide to start doing female clothes it will be simple designs. Keep posted!

A Pro to be

Ok guys if you don't see many of my designs this week it's because I'm graduating! Woot, Woot! Yeah it's a 3 day celebration- not including the party with the family LOL- so be patient while I enjoy my sweet freedom from college :D

Latest Headlines

Busy Busy Busy Not as back as I would love to I'm Back! Sims 3 trouble Male Sim Model Casting Call Part #2 New Banner! Male Sim Model Casting Contest!!! More than 1 M downloads! The jealous female sim A Pro to be
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