kiskasims313 (3714276)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (12 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Alternative Drafting Table 01
Published Apr 23, 2011
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About Me
I love sims. The best thing about the game is all the custom creations. I have finally learned how to mesh and I am have tons of fun making things to share. Let me tell you it's a lot of worki, but so worth wheni I load my game a see some I made. It's exciting.
My Latest Updates Show All
Feeling AdventurousWritten Apr 09, 2011
So, I got this idea in my head about 3 o'clock this morning that maybe, just maybe I can do clothes. I really want to do clothes. As much as I love interior design, I love fashion even more. Which is sooo weird because I am totally a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl. I might lose the tee for a blouse once in a while but unless I'm going to church or a wedding I ain't ditching my jeans for a... ...More
Multi colored glassWritten Apr 04, 2011
So, I ran accross this really cool vase while looking for inspiration on something to create, but I had no idea about how to go about making this vase. I was one of those glass vases with streaks of color like blended in the glass. I don't think I am descibing it very well. Anyway, I posted a pic on the forum hoping someone could tell me how to make it.... ...More
Needed: New IdeasWritten Apr 03, 2011
I think I'm simmed out. 3 weeks straight of creating has me burnt out. It's all I have been doing with my free time. I haven't picked up a book in a month. speaking of books, I am soooo excited about the movie " Water for Elephants". That was a great book, I heard a rumer back when they first talked about making it that Sean Penn was gonna play the August, the girls crazy boyfriend but I... ...More