Multi colored glass
So, I ran accross this really cool vase while looking for inspiration on something to create, but I had no idea about how to go about making this vase. I was one of those glass vases with streaks of color like blended in the glass. I don't think I am descibing it very well. Anyway, I posted a pic on the forum hoping someone could tell me how to make it.
I didn't get any responses. I thought maybe it wasn't possible although that seemed silly to me, but maybe no one has thought about doing anything like that before but that seems even siller. I mean there are easily thousands of creators in the sim community and not one person has thought about doing multi colored glass. Really. Well either way I never got a response. No big deal.
Yesterday i was playing around with an idea I had for a piece of modern table decor. I'm making a modern laundry room set for my sister, and I decided to clone my vase with lemons from my studio living dinette set (which I am sorry to say is still not uploaded, I'm waiting for them to figure out the filestorage situation before I upload any more sets to tsr, although I do have a few individual items I am working on.) Anyway, so I closed this vase which, btw was cloned from Nickedemia's Vase with oranges. i didn't use any of her original mesh but i did you her defuse map. I just changed the color from orang to yellow.
Well I was playing with this same mesh yesterday. I had an idea to make a glass bowl with a few multi-colored balls as a modern abstract piece of table art. It's not really my style but I knew my sister would like. (on ana unrelated topic, my sister just found out she was pregnant which is really good knews because she is 29 and she has been with her boyfriend for almost 5 year and she hadn't had so much as a scare, so yeah I'm gonna be an auntie.) Anyway back to the point so I was playing with the diffuse map for the balls, it has a transparent alpha layer and I created this kind of funky multi colored disign using the smudgey finger. I though it was cool. i don't rember what made me decide to make the white transparent but I did so i basically had the streaked color over a transparent layer and when I loaded it back in to workshop, low and behold I had what looked like multi colored glass but it wasn't a glass material it was the basic Phong material with a partlu transparent diffuse map. So I had to play with the tiling and I had to play with the actual image to make it seamless becasue at first you could clearly see where the image split and it looked crazy. I ended up with this. This isn't my finished product I just througha quick mesh together to show you what i was trying to accomplish. You can see between the color is transparent and you cna make it completey clear or kind of milky using various tools. I use mostly and I 've been experimenting with transperancy for a while.
Anyway I figured this out completely on accident, but I will be uploading a vase with a similar texture soon, I just wnat to practice the technique a little more because It's a little sloppy looking.
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