lientebollemeis's Blog
Policy Update 2013-06-07
My policy found on my profile:
1. NEVER reuse/edit or reupload any of my creations for anything (personal use included), anywhere!
2. ASK before using pics of any of my creations for movies, stories,...
Creator Policy
Uploading terms:
Do not upload to the Exchange.
With my meshes:
You may not include with Lots.
Do NOT include my meshes with recolours.
Do not re-use my textures for unrelated projects.
Do NOT recolour this in any way.
With my recolours:
You may not include with Lots.
You may not include with Sims.
Do not recolour / can not be recoloured
Do not re-use my textures for unrelated projects.
General terms:
Special - see profile page.
Help wanted (also when you're not a creator)
Tutorial How to show your own movies (eg YouTube) on Sims Tv
This tutorial is already finished and can be read on
But I want to put this tutorial on Tsr too and I can't seem to get it uploaded.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION (my website, requests, policy,...)
NEVER reuse/edit or reupload any of my creations for anything (personal use included), anywhere! ASK before using pics of any of my creations for movies, stories,... If you don't understand this, please, ask me about it! |
Let me know what you think of my creations:
Overview of websites I upload to
To request something go here:
You may also PM me with your request or contact me in any other way you can think of.
e.g.: Books (Twilight, Harry Potter (different versions) and others), buildings, necklaces, calenders, clocks... are found HERE
e.g.: Sims 3 mods and Other creations (tools, more careers,...) can be found HERE
Have fun!