
65Creations 87,243Downloads

lientebollemeis's Guestbook

sbrizoloneSep 15, 2017

Hello Liente, thanks for dropping by on my page and leaving a comment. Answering your question: no, it's not an exact reproduction of Graceland. It's a residential home, but I did take great inspiration from exterior and interior shots of the actual place. Have a nice day! Gabri

lientebollemeisJul 17, 2017

My creations are only found here:

blkmwmOct 20, 2016

hello love your creations, thank you for all you do

queenritJun 19, 2015


eviDec 11, 2013

Wishing you and your loved ones peace, health, happiness and prosperity in the coming New Year “MERRY CHRISMAS”

kanibunMar 22, 2013

Hi! I'd like to show my appreciation to all your hardwork and working on requests even though Im only gonna use the 200 days lifespan mod. On a side note, I couldn't get the mod to work by putting the .package file in download folder for sims2. is there a different place i need to put it, or does it require some expansion pack to be installed? Thank you for clarify \:\)

lientebollemeisMar 7, 2013

Hi Snoopy, You sent me an e-mail with that question and I answered it. I'm really busy in real life too so please be patient! The avarage waiting for a request is much longer than a few days. Thank you

Snoopy21979Mar 6, 2013

Hi! I was wondering how my requested Monkees bed sheets are coming along. If you could give me an update on that, that would be awesome! Thanks!! \:wub\:

lientebollemeisMar 3, 2013

If you also have a request please go here:

BernieannaxMar 3, 2013

Hi there! LOve your careers! Just wondering if you find the time, woukd you be able to create a NBA (nation basketball association) career? Thankyou! \:\) xxx

hiedibear75Feb 26, 2013

I really like your bedding! \:D

Simsdownload 12Jan 21, 2013

Thanks will do if i can!!!!!!! \:\)

puddingfishcakeJan 12, 2013

hey lientebollemeis, ik denk dat je nederlands spreekt dus stel ik mijn vraag maar in het nederlands; ik wil graag jurkjes op de site zetten maar ik moet ze in een set steken, ik heb het al verschillende keren geprobeert maar het lukt niet, kun jij me helpen en zeggen wat ik moet doen? ik zou je heel erg dankbaar zijn groetjes van merel

louisa1084Dec 25, 2012

Merry Christmas, Any chance you could create some Olympian careers (im a londoner and loved the 2012 olympics) x

DOTDec 25, 2012

.�*�`*�.☆ Happy Holidays ☆.�*�`*�

ekinegeDec 23, 2012

I wish you and your family peace, good health and happiness. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!\:wub\:

eviDec 18, 2012

May magic fill your days and all your dreams come true this holiday season. Merry Christmas and Happy New year!\:wub\:

ChefkasieNov 26, 2012

Hi, Someone suggested that you could possibly help me with 2 new careers I would like to have made. I am creating a holiday town in my Sims2 and would love to have a "present wrapper" career and a "Elf" career. Is there anyway you can help me with this? Thank you

JaleelNov 11, 2012

Hey, i'd like to say your creations are brillant, and I love using them in my game! ^^ \:P

Olivia DottoreNov 9, 2012

Hello. Your career, you've invented are really great. here I thought of a career:moderator,scriptwriter,director,producer,makeup man,writer,copywriter,stuntman,designer,politician,guide,Girl Guide,leader,masseur,mason,historian,prostitute (lol),sculptures,spirit,midwife,painter.I apologize in advance if I wrote it wrong but I on google translate.\;\)

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