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lilliebou's Guestbook

DegeraMay 30, 2011

Hi!  I love your houses, thank you for taking the time to build them and share them with us \:wub\:

PralinesimsMay 30, 2011

Hiya sweetie!! thank you very VERY much for the nice GB entry!!Have a gorgeous week my lovelyf riend!! *kisses*\:wub\:\:wub\:

DeviroseMay 30, 2011

Hi friend ,sorry for the delay in writing to your guestbook,thank you so much for your nice comments on my creations!I am glad-I love all your work!So elegant and beautiful!Have a great week^^Kiss \:wub\: \:\)

Chloe :PMay 30, 2011

lilliebou...i really didn't want to be mean, excuse me for that, but i was just explaining hoe sarcastic you are and how two can play that game. It's okay most people don't realise they are being sarcastic. it must be second nature to you ! 

Youlie25May 28, 2011

Hey Lilie, merci pour ton dernier commentaire sur mon bar Le garage \:o . J'adore aussi la déco 50's, depuis le temps que je voulais la caser dans un lot ! C'est fait ! Passe un très bon weekend, bise, Julie

jasper321May 28, 2011

Thank you LillieBou for your comments on my work, much appreciated\:D

LuziferiaMay 26, 2011

thanks for your nice comment to my \:wub\: Mediteranes Haus

juhhmiMay 25, 2011

Thank you for your comment on my cathedral! I'm glad you like it! \:\)

Youlie25May 25, 2011

Salut Lilie, merci pour ton commentaire sur ma piscine. Je t'avoue qu'avec les chaleurs et la sécheresse actuel en France, c'est aussi un endroit où j'aimerais me baigner !! Bonne journée, bise Julie

DriedBloodMay 25, 2011

Thank you for commenting on my screenshot.. Have a nice day..\:D

simprettyMay 25, 2011


TakdisMay 24, 2011

Hello. \:\) Thank you for your lovely comment on 'Campesinos'. \:\) See you later.

JCIssetteMay 23, 2011

Well, I don't know how popular Medieval will be, but it will be a fun challenge to do. I also wish TSR would host the world files. They won't even give the world artists here a pod on the index site to showcase their worlds for download. All we have is the CAW forum and that does not get much traffic. If people could see them right up front, they would be more interested in downloading them. But TSR says they can't host the mega files and I can understand that. MTS does, but they can't be over 20MB and that is too small for most worlds. I still have hope though. LOL Even a pod on our minisite would be good. The blog entry goes away with another entry and people aren't going to go through it looking. LOL Well, got to run. Hugs, Judy\:wub\:

JCIssetteMay 22, 2011

Oh, you liked it!\:rah\: Thanks so much for checking it out. Yes, it is a LOT of work and you spend literally hours on it. I thought my mind was going to turn to mush after designing and builting so many lots. I have been playing the world and really enjoy it. It has a lot of fun places to go and do things. I know you don't play the game that much, but I am so glad you checked it out. One can not really appreciate a CC world until they have made one. It made me have such respect for those CC world artists out there. I must say it is an awesome experience to turn a flat piece of land mass into a beautiful world. It is very addicting playing god. LOL I will be submitting the lots soon and will be off to do another world. This next one will be Medieval with a twist. LOL Hugs, Judy\:wub\:

JCIssetteMay 22, 2011 is Riverview not Riverside. I will change that. Thanks for pointing it out. LOL  I am loving all you new houses, Lillie. Hope you have a great weekend. Hugs, Judy

murfeelMay 22, 2011

Thanks for liking my stuff! Btw, I LOVE your Gothic Windows! \:wub\: Thanks again! \:D

JCIssetteMay 22, 2011

Well, Lillie, you beat me to it. You must have been hanging out on my site. LOL Hope you had no problems with the download and are able to play the world okay. Let me know what you think of it. I am so happy to share it with you. Hugs, Judy

RirannMay 21, 2011

Hello! Thank you very much for your lovely comments on my houses! \:wub\:

JCIssetteMay 21, 2011

Hi Lillie, I have my new world posted on my blog now if you want to take a look at it. If you have the EPs required and Riverside, you should be fine to download it. Just click on the link on the presentation, it will go to a file to click, click it then it will go to the download. Click and save to your desktop, then open by double clicking just like any other Sims3 pack file. It will install with the custom content it has in it. Do not delete or it will not show in the hood. After that, just move your file to your Documents for safe keeping. Then it is like any other that you would go to in the game. You will have to pick a couple and put them in a starter peasant house to look at the hood. If you like it, keep it, if not then uninstall it. LOL I just want you to see what I have done. I love playing it and have it installed with the Glover couple. They are always my test couple. LOL Well, let me know what you think? Hugs and have a great weekend. I am exhausted from yard work right now. LOL Judy

GummiLoveMay 21, 2011

No, thank you!  All of your homes are marvelous.  My self-sim and her husband are living in your "Summer" house right now.  I love it!  It's easy to play in and it looks amazing which is a plus :]

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