Sims 3 — Aberfeldie by marcorse — Hello there! I'm Rose and I will be your guide during your visit to Aberfeldie today.

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Hello there! I'm Rose and I will be your guide during your visit to Aberfeldie today.

Let me just say at the outset that this is a 'no-obligation' inspection and if your only interest is in seeing the interior of my home, then that is fine with me - with one non-negotiable condition. Groupls are limited to a maximum of 4 per tour and all parties must stay togeter, in my immediate vicinity. No wandering off to do your own thing, as it were. If that is agreed, then we are set to go. Oh, and for your added enjoyment, the ladies of the local Historial Society are running a refreshment booth today, at the Scout Hall just down the road about a hundred metres or so, where they will serve you Devonshire tea or coffee and cake for a small donation to the Society.

First of all, some statistics to get you started. You will have noticed Aberfeldie's exterior appearance - you could hardly miss it, eh? A condensed version of it's history, says that it was constructed of local sandstone - a relatively uncommon pink variety - by my late great-grandfather Griffin Lloyd Aberfeldie in around 1820. Some of the more seriously worn stones have been carefully restored. but - sadly - the original slate roofing was replaced in grandfather's time - to 'modernise' Aberfeldie it has been said, but probably because maintenance costs were very high. That lovely purplish-grey material had been mined at Blaenau Ffestiniog and carefully hand split, but no one knows what became of the slates once they were removed. The coachman's quarters over the carriage-house have been converted into a single, self-contained flat and the carriage-house itself into a double garage.

All the interior woodwork - and most of the handmade furnishings - is of mellow, Tasmanian blackwood. This beautiful timber with it's many variations of grain and colour is a perfect foil for almost any decorating style - which is a good thing, because many people over the years have had a hand [sometimes literally] in making Aberfeldie what it is today - a eclectic mix of many different periods, which somehow comes together in a manner both pleasing to the eye and to physical comfort.

We won't be inspecting the flat today, due to our numbers and the size of the rooms there - it is very basic - living and kitchen combined, plus separate bathroom and single bedroom, with a minimum of furnishings, just about covers it.

Now we've got that out of the way, let us go inside. As I close the door and check the mail, you may have a look around the great hall. The marble fireplace has not been lit in many years, and it wouldn't surprise me to find that it has been blocked off in some way, but that is conjecture on my part. The stone floors are all original as are the stairs to the upper floor. To the left of the front door you will see the livingroom with TV . There is a small, writing nook - handy for dealing with personal correspondence or bill payments. On the right, a sittingroom and, further back, the formal dining hall, which segues straight into the modernised kitchen, with it's wood features. The whole kitchen is a sort of island as you can see - and the door at the side rear opens onto the yard near the rubbish-bin. If we were to come back along the side of the dining hall, a short passageway - there behind that small sofa, leads to a private office/study.

For now, as we pass the fireplace, we are in another cosy sitting area with double doors leading out to the yard, to the woodpile and to the stairs up to the sundeck . . . and to the left here a little bit is the main bathroom complex.

The stairs were once jokingly referred to as Griffin's Folly - the two sets lead to the same place, more or less - so one would probably have sufficed. Be that as it may, we have 2, and for this tour we will use the one right here and proceed to the upper level.

Okay . . everyone got their breath sorted? Good. We are standing in another of the small sittingrooms here on the landing. This one has a bookcase, as you can see. Under the windows, two chess tables are waiting, but not for us today. We have a choice now on where to proceed and things get a bit complicated because of those two stairwells. Let us go to the right first shall we? Through to the first two double bedrooms . Not much to look at here is there? A bedroom is a bedroom is a bedroom - but
both have comfort to spare and a pleasing ambience.

We'll backtrack a little now and check out the other wing of the gallery - ah yes - the Aberfeldie pride and joy! The Grand Ballroom - well, the ballroom at any rate. What stories this room could tell if we had the ability to understand them - the old, upright piano is still kept tuned and the guitars and sound system are more modern embellishments, but the magnificent floor hasn't been waxed in many years, just polished to keep it maintained. Modern double glass sliders give access to an outside terrace/deck - perfect for cooling off after a spirited gavotte? Back inside, a full bathroom is here nice and handy and there is another double bedroom just across the way - the blue room. Interestingly, it also has access to the deck.

Now, what have we missed? Oh yes - here we are. Down this short hallway alongside the stairs we used to come up, is another bathroom and a study nook and as we continue on, here is the staircase leading back down to the Great Hall, where it all began.

I'm sure we missed something in this rather condensed tour, but unfortunately there isn't time for a more leisurely inspection, due to the conditions I outlined earlier. I hope you have enjoyed this visit to Aberfeldie - even if it was only for the 'have a look' factor - and if you have a more serious interest, please feel free to contact the Agent direct - the telephone number is on the printed material. Thank you for being so patient and considerate , , , , you may now inspect the grounds at your own pace if you wish and, please, on your way home, don't forget the Historical Society tearoom. 'Bye for now.

Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1019525

ItemID: 1019525

Revision: 2

Filesize: 13 MB

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  • Price Unfurnished: 120011
  • Price Furnished: 230120
  • Furnished: Fully
  • Decorated: Throughout
  • Bedrooms: 4
  • Bathrooms: 4
  • Stories: 2
  • Lot Size (z): 40
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There are 6 comments on this article

Aniram VIP ∙ Nov 7, 2010

Wunderschön! Vielen Dank!

jillypup ∙ Oct 30, 2010

Thank you!!

jillypup ∙ Oct 29, 2010

\:rah\: Fabulous House\:rah\: Thank you\:D

djehmli ∙ Oct 28, 2010

Love the design, and really enjoyed the guided tour, thank you for sharing \:\)

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