maylynn55 (423863)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (3195 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Lace Walls - Stripes - Plum
Published Jan 4, 2007
About Me
Hello Everyone! Thank you so much for stopping by to check out my creations and I hope you enjoy using them in your game as much as I enjoyed making them for all of you! *~*~*~*~*~*~*~* I'm a retired/disabled Radiological Technologist. I live in a semi rural/suburban community in Maine, USA. I have a 19 year old cat named Tia and two pugs, Yoda & Ivy. My husband and I have been married for 6 years, and with him came a WONDERFUL stepdaughter. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~* My stepdaughter, Katie, got me into The Sims to begin with, way back in 2001. I played The Sims 1 all the time, but I never created anything...I just built a LOT of houses! I discovered TSR during that time and used to download all kinds of things from here. When The Sims 2 came out, I decided to try my hand at creating floors in the Homecrafter Plus program and Paint Shop Pro 8. I have always loved playing with graphics on the computer and soon I was not just cropping images for floors, but was building walls and floors from "scratch". I am learning to recolor objects and perhaps eventually I will learn to create objects / mesh. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Right now I am in college studying to be a Web Designer. I never thought I would be going back to college and getting a second degree at 53 years of age, but I am very excited about it. Coming sometime in the future is something a little different, a set of unique Victorian walls and floors...made from "scratch" (literally pixel by pixel) by me, something I have been working on, on and off, for several years. And all my ongoing Lace sets of course. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~* With the introduction of Pets, I have also made some new Pugs; a set of male & female fawn colored pugs and also a male & female set of black colored pugs.
My Latest Updates Show All
Hi Everyone, I must apologize for not uploading anything here any more. I will be back full time to uploading things onto this site again, but probably not in the near future. I can't even play the game anymore because I don't have the time. I miss playing the game, I miss creating things for the game and for this community -- and most of all I miss my friends and all the people of this... ...More
Castle and Dungeon Walls and FloorsWritten Jan 21, 2007
Hello Everyone, I hope everyone is enjoying the new year so far. I'm not done uploading the last of my Lace Wall sets - I still have 11 sets yet to go: 4 Paisley, 2 Plaid and 4 Stripes. But in the meantime I thought I would upload something new for me - some walls that would look excellent in castles and dungeons or where ever your imagination takes you. Here's a preview of the castle... ...More
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!Written Dec 31, 2006
Happy New Year to everyone! Wishing evetyone a bright and joyous 2007!!! I hope the new year brings everyone their heart's desires. May you all be safe, prosperous, and healthy throughout the coming year. May :D ...More
My Guestbook Show All
charrayApr 14, 2009
Just wanted to thank you for sharing all your wonderful wall and floor creations Great job!!!
hiedibear75Feb 20, 2009
I came to get your floors and walls again. I love those tile sets that are numbered 1-41 I think they may be under wallpaper......not sure. But I love them and had to have them back. Take care and I hope you have a wonderful week.
evetsangelFeb 02, 2009
I like your avatar and banner.