Hi Everyone,
I must apologize for not uploading anything here any more. I will be back full time to uploading things onto this site again, but probably not in the near future. I can't even play the game anymore because I don't have the time. I miss playing the game, I miss creating things for the game and for this community -- and most of all I miss my friends and all the people of this TSR community!
I am going to college full-time for a Graphic Design & Multimedia Associates Degree, and then as soon as I graduate that program I will be continuing to get my Bachelors Degree in Web Design & Multimedia. The homework and classes keeps me busy all of the time. This term I am taking an "American Govenment and Politics Today" class, and also "Multimedia: Presentation Graphics" using Adobe(Macromedia) Flash CS3. It's a lot of work but I love learning new things! Eventually I will be able to use my new found knowledge to create better things for the game than just walls, floors and object re-colors.
I want to thank everyone who has left such wonderful comments on my walls, floors and object re-colors; it means so much to know that other people like my work/creations. I sincerely apologize for not answering peoples guestbook entrys and/or comments - but I truly do appreciate that people downloaded my stuff, and then wrote nice things about them...THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!
Happy Simming everyone! :)