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Created for: The Sims 3
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Ace of Spades. Non-recolorable.
In playing cards, the Spades Suit, along with the Clubs, Hearts and Diamonds, is believed to be medieval French in origin. Spade in this sense of the word does not refer to the shovel-like agricultural spade that farmers use. Instead, 'spade' is derived from the Italian word 'spada', meaning 'sword'. In the feudal times, swords and other implementrs of war were incredibly expensive, and usually only the nobility could afford such august weapons and their maintenance, and so, the Suit of Swords came to represent the Nobility class, including the military and especially royals.
The playing cards deck share a history with the Tarot deck, and the Suit of Spades thus corresponds to the Swords Suit, which rules Air and the mind; the North, and the Zodiac signs Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.
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