paigeedoll (2181505)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (95 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

The Grand Bend
Published Sep 22, 2012
About Me
I'm Paige, hey hey!
i'd have to say i'm an addict..
to the sims, DUH!
But I am more of a builder then a player; I want to become an architectural technologist.
For me creating in the sims gives me the chance to experiment on what different architectural styles I like and tests my ability to make functional spaces, even for sims.
My style has developed to be along the cottage/craftsmen side, however I do tend to branch out once in awhile! Keep in mind that my lots are ALWAYS base game content only!
Enjoy the finish products and please send feedback, thanks a bunch!
My Latest Updates Show All
Slowing DownWritten Sep 27, 2012
Hey fans! I'm sure you've noitced in the past couple of weeks it's been slow moving for me, not a lot of submissions. I apologize for this but real life has been so busy (real life, WHAT?!). I should be submitting a new house every week or every other week, I'm doing my best to try and balance the two. Thanks again for the support, have a great day! ...More
Select Artist!Written Aug 15, 2012
I am so happy to tell everyone if they haven't seen already with the shiney new badge on my minisite.. hallelujah ! I have been waiting so long for this aha, and now it's finally happened! I want to thank everyone who has congratulated me so far and best wishes to those artists who were promoted with me as well! :D ...More
ReturnedWritten Jul 27, 2012
It's exciting! After a long while away, about 8 monthes , I'm back submitting my residential lots to share with all of you! Please keep checking back every week to see what new houses I have posted. Have a great day! ...More
My Guestbook Show All
PralinesimsJul 07, 2018
♥ (( Thank you so much!)) ♥
PralinesimsOct 09, 2017
Thank you very much ♥ xo
PralinesimsSep 24, 2017
Thank you!