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pretty_baby's Guestbook

hrekkjavakaOct 8, 2008

Hello my dear... Urgh, been so busy, uni has just stated... \:P Am working on a few things today, ditsy dresses for teens.. \:D amongst a few other things.. \:P How are you? I adore your sleek modern outfits!!!! \:wub\: Samantha x

justkira.Oct 8, 2008

Yeah thats them, they sounded like stoners lol.

simal10Oct 8, 2008

And also, your creations rock as always

simal10Oct 8, 2008

Hey Sarah! I just wanted to drop by and say hi and how are you? \:D I couldn't see you on MSN \:\( I guess it's because of the time difference \:\( But I hope we can talk soon \;\) Kisses, Simal

Leam3Oct 7, 2008

Thanks very much for reply me \:\) I'll see if I can find it on Peggy Zone \:D

justkira.Oct 7, 2008

No I didnt, im not sure what it is \:wacko\: And i was most probably asleep, i slept all day and was up all night ARGHGH im so tired now \:P But i did see some of idol just metro station performing, my gosh they done TERRIBLE lol...

olcia_olivineaOct 6, 2008

Hi my lovely Sarah\:\) Finally I can reply! It's 9 pm and I've just came back from school - and I am really tired. Of course there are some cute boys... but they are also sooo shy! If I wouldn't say 'hi' to them I think that they wouldn't say a word to me. I am not a maneater, so why they do this:P? And don't worry that you don't know a words in Polish... our language is really strange! So many possibilities to write a word but only one possibility is correct (I hope that you understand what I am saying - my brain doesn't work correctly hihi!). I have the same problem which you had befory you bought your new graphic card - I am playing for example for 40 minutes and then game crashed... I always have problems with using punctuations\:P One of my professors are really crazy, he jockes all the time - I am sure that you will like him too! Hope that when we will have the exams he will be the same\;\) Now I will make myself a tea with milk (my favourite!) and have a warm bath - it's time to relax \;\)! And how are you? Hope that you are having a great sleep\;\) Sorry for so late reply... \:wacko\: Huge Hugs, Ola\:wub\:

gozig86Oct 6, 2008

Thansk the I have to look at MTS=D

justkira.Oct 6, 2008

Hayyy ^^ Thank you for the comment you left on my new set\:D

veb12345Oct 4, 2008

Heyah Thanks For Telling Me Wear To Get Hair Now My Sims 2 People Are Very Stylish \:P

gameliaOct 4, 2008

Hi! Thanks for commenting on my Vaunderbuilt Condos. I hope your Sims enjoy the apartments. Mine are certainly enjoying your clothes! \:D gamelia \:wub\:

justkira.Oct 4, 2008

I have a couple of friends who are REALLY close with him, so one day i may meet him properley!!! I dont know why i get so excited though hes just of idol lol. I just watched the preview then, it sooo doesnt seem right. But i still cant wait to see it \:D

justkira.Oct 4, 2008

Yeah i get caught up in idol towards the end always. Ahahah so we both have idols from our area, yeah i was soooo close to going to school with tom. My friend alex went up and hugged him the other day, totally freaked the poor guy out lol and yeah Chrislyns amazing!!! CARL RISLEY aww ill never forget him but i have forgotten Hunsy :S my all time favourite was matt corby \:wub\: im a sucker for the attractive ones \:P Ahahaah yes i love kath and kim, whats that about american kath or kim? ive been hearing the commercials for it all morning?

justkira.Oct 2, 2008

Mmm well yeah it was well worth it \:\) Ahhaha i was at the beach today, and saw that guy that got voted off idol, my friend had like a heart attack lol. i thought i would tell you because your from australia and you might know who im talking about \:D

olcia_olivineaOct 1, 2008

Hello\:D Ohhh, I am so tired! First day at Uni was exhausted and this is only a beggining\:wacko\: I've met my new classmates and they seems to be nice - and there are actually 5 girls in my group so I am not lonely\:D A salad with my tomato nose? lol, that was just perfect\:D! Kids in Poland are learning most often two languages - English and other one - German, French et cetera. But sometimes I regret the fact that we all don't speak only one - it will be easier for everyone. I like bizzare people very much, because my faily is bizzare too\:D If you will be able to spend with us some time you will be scared of us hehe... The Medical Thrillers which I am reading aren't too scary for me, but maybe I am different\:P Oh, I can't wait to see those outfits with suspenders! Thank you sweetie so much for your compliment about my new avi and banner, it's great to know that you liked them\:wub\:! Now I'll go and relax a little in a sim world\;\) Wish you a lovely day\:\) Hugs, Ola

justkira.Oct 1, 2008

hayyy >< sorry mega late reply. i got grounded from the computer because of some well events on friday night \;\) but im back online today \:\) yes i done pretty good with the birthday money so im planning a big shopping expedition \:D\:D

blooker666Sep 30, 2008

\:D i decided to get another computer and start all over, now i am happy to say taht my downloads are working again. thank you for taking time to write back. That was way cool of you.\:rah\:

olcia_olivineaSep 29, 2008

Did I already told you that I hate being sick? I sneeze all the time and my nose looks like a tomato\:wacko\: But hey, maybe the end of it is near\;\)? So great that I found somebody who loves food so much as I do\:D My mom is still saying to me that she must buy a padlock for our fridge hihi! You said that you were having a pizza... yum! Maybe next time you would send me a piece of it\;\)? And don't worry taht you didn't understand my words - I can't speak and write in English very well and this is the reason. Now I am reading some medical thrillers to relax before study. It's not that I am lazy, but not everything is interesting, for example I never liked physics. biography? Well, I will be honest - I have never read any (I am an ignoramus I know!). But Woody Allen is a really uncommon person and who knows, maybe I will change my preferences\;\). And I am not worrying about blurry textures anymore, 'cause I've checked outfits made by Maxis and some of them have the same problem. What I must to say is that I fall in love with you newest outfits with suspenders\:wub\: I haven't seen anything so cute and I think that you should make some for toddlers or maybe children! Why? because nobody could make them better than you\:P Hope that you are having a good sleep too\:P Hugs&kisses, Ola

MaaakSep 29, 2008

Hi \:\) Thanks for your comment on my clothing set \:D I am also lacking with male clothes in my game, that´s one of the reasons I create them \:P

faiithxSep 29, 2008

Thanks for telling me where the hair's from. \:\) I love all of your stuff \:\) You're definitely one of my fave sims 2 clothes creators. x

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