punie (1604012)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (545 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

punie kids group 63
Published May 8, 2012
My Latest Community Uploads
About Me
Okay, time to update my about me. First, about my creations: Some of my earlier works aren’t as good as my more recent creations. A lot of my earlier works were made before I knew how to make recolor’s, before I knew how to add more color options, before I knew how to get rid of the shiny, and before I knew how to get rid of the bump map. I now know how to do all of these things, the only thing I don’t know how to do is make a mesh from scrap so all of my works are made from either EA meshes or those free from the Sims 3 community. I will not be going back and fixing my old creations because it’s just too many for me to do, I’ll just try to make up for it in my future works. I don’t really take request for the simple fact that it may be months before I even try to attempt it. I usually make stuff when I have the free time and I never know when that will be. If you aren’t looking for now results then feel free to send me request and I’ll take a shot at it. If it’s too difficult for me I’ll send you a reply and let you know I’m not able to make it. Secondly I’m really glad so many of you like my work—it’s a great motivation for creating!
My Latest Updates Show All
Woohoo 1,000,000 downloads!Written May 20, 2011
Woohoo! One million downloads in 8 months! Thanks so much you guys I'm glad you like my stuff. I'm still not perfect but i think I'm getting better. I may not have time to reply to every comment but I do read them and I love hearing what you think about my creations. Well I'm not much for words just wanted to say thanks... so thanks :) ...More
50,000 downloadsWritten Oct 18, 2010
50,000 downloads. In 11 days. Wow! I'm glad you like my creations! I have 3 more kid group clothing to upload before I move on to other ages. I'm not much for words so... thanks is all! ...More
My Guestbook Show All
Melody36Oct 22, 2016
We share the same occupation
mzlovelyjSep 25, 2013
I adore your work
Mary HerriottApr 10, 2013
thanks so much for all your work. just love you making socks for toddlers