robottoasties_xo (1810993)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (6 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Home To Roost (Fully Furnished)
Published Nov 1, 2010
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (25 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Neon Lights - Bright Lime/Lemon
Published Apr 23, 2008
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About Me
Heeey! I'm Natasha, Tasha or Tash - whichever one you wish!
I'm 20 years old and currently live in Scotland.
I've been playing the Sims since the very, very beginning and i'm still just as addicted as I was all the way back then! Hehe! I love, love, love all the custom content & wish so badly that I was as talented as the artists on here although I do attempt a few projects! ahaha
Feel free to leave me a wee comment
Btw, the little robot on my av & banner is supplied by
My Latest Updates Show All
Home To Roost & November Project!Written Nov 01, 2010
Hey Guys!! So my newest lot is uploaded, Home To Roost, and it's avaliable to download now! :D This is absolutely the lot i'm most proud of so far! I did use a house plan for this but adjusted it to work with the build tools in-game. I seem to have my own style of decorating I think, it's very Brittish aha. I especially like the little 'Gnome Corner' its actually a little... ...More
Brudes HillWritten Oct 24, 2010
This is my latest property based on a home my Uncle owned. I tryed to incorporate a modern feel with a traditonal look. Again i've noticed that having a pretty looking garden adds a lot to the property so I paid attention to that. The house itself has 3 bedrooms and 2 full bathrooms so it'd be perfect for family life. It has a spacious living area with a large kitchen and diner. I also... ...More
Petite CottageWritten Oct 24, 2010
Hey all! I'm so glad i'm on holiday, my Sims have never seen me so much! Ahahaha. I've made 2 lots today but i'm most proud of my little cottage! It's the first house in which I used a house plan. I'd always planned to try using one but never really saw any in which i'd attempt but today i decided to have a little look around and come across a simple looking... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
karinalangkjerDec 24, 2010
Hi, Natasha! I wish you and your loved ones Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, wishing your dreams come true too! Kisses,
DOTDec 23, 2010
~ .: Â :. ~ Wishing Peace And Chocolate For The World ~ .: Â :. ~
PralinesimsNov 10, 2010
Hello thank you very much for the sweet comments I wish you a beautiful day!! *THANK YOU*