Home To Roost & November Project!
Hey Guys!!
So my newest lot is uploaded, Home To Roost, and it's avaliable to download now! :D
This is absolutely the lot i'm most proud of so far! I did use a house plan for this but adjusted it to work with the build tools in-game. I seem to have my own style of decorating I think, it's very Brittish aha. I especially like the little 'Gnome Corner' its actually a little idea I took from DragonQueens Waterfall tutorial. It was more the placing of rocks that inspired me if i'm honest :D
I'm in a middle of a build at the moment which i'm spending less time on as i'm back to work now but i'm intending to take my time on it and get everything as perfect as I can so watch this space!
Hope you guys had a lovely halloween :)
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