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Created for: The Sims 3
"Storage aficionados know that any piece of furniture can contain more storage space. This Coffee Table capitalizes on that notion by going above and beyond the usual coffee table mission statement with six bonus storage holes."
I always liked this coffeetable when I was playing Sims 2, it's cheap and colorfull, so I converted it from the Sims 3. The coffeetable is CASTable, and has got two channels, and 3 presets + the Sims 2 texture
Polygones count : ~1000 vertrices ~850 faces, and in low level of details : ~350 vertrices ~250 faces
Hope you like it !
(Sorry for my bad english, again.)
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/975962
ItemID: 975962
Filesize: 200 KB
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