shtinky (942686)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (11 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

'The Arizona' Living Set
Published Dec 12, 2009
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (161 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

OFB Work Wear, Teen Male
Published Jun 3, 2006
About Me
Hi everyone!
I'm in the process of converting our Sims 2 meshes to Sims 3, and having a little break inbetween to play World Adventures.
My plan is to create a big tomb... on the side of creating and converting. I'm finding it takes me so long to explore WA in the snippets of time I play, so I guess my lot idea will take time.
The Arizona Living Set will be coming shortly to TSR, after I make some enhancements and update it due to some WA issues. The version on will be replaced too.
My Latest Updates Show All
'The Arizona' coming to TSR soon!Written Nov 24, 2009
Hi everyone To keep you posted on what's happening in my corner, I'm re-cloning the Arizona with the updated Workshop tool and will be uploading the new version on Holy Simoly, then after a few days of testing and feedback, I will update it to TSR shortly after! Hooray! The dear old Arizona was the first mesh we did, and began it's life here on TSR. It is only fitting that it... ...More
Holy Simoly updateWritten Sep 19, 2009
Hi there For anyone who's interested - we've updated over at holy simoly! There's a cute Sims 3 Lot and new Sims 2 mesh... I won't say what it is, but if you like rustic stuff or our 'Mountain Retreat' items then run over there faster than you can say 'rustic staircase'. Oh... :) ...More
Thanks!Written Sep 02, 2007
Thanks to those who have been leaving encouraging comments. Thanks also to those who have recolored my meshes, in particular for the recent texture challenge. They look fantastic. All the best, Shtinky ...More
My Guestbook Show All
stubbssJan 05, 2021
2011... that's a long time ago. Just saw your "Spotlight on The Sims 3 Player" video and I was like "Imma google her" lol. So yeah. Hi. Bye.
whisperingsimSep 03, 2011
Hello , I just found your Arizona living room set and it is gorgeous. Thank you, It will be perfect for my new house.
AppleFallFeb 08, 2011
Hehe thank you for the comment on my downloads! It's always a pleasure to recieve comments from other artists. For the glowing table I just used the 'full bright' shader and made it recolourable by using the technique that is used to make recolourable glass. I thought someone had written a resource on it but apparently not yet. I'll scribble some notes down for you over on Facebook.