simmothy's Blog
Select Artist debut!
It is awesome to be a Select Artist for TSR. I am very grateful and thankful. Thank you to all those who have wished me well and supported my work here. Well, enough of that. I gotta get back to work on my first official lot as an SA. Bye for now:)
Featured lot
It's an unbelievable honor to have my fifth lot (Modern Passion) as a featured creation! This is not too shabby for a guy that started building in June of this year. It's exciting to see your creativity be accepted by people from around the world. Thank you all, for your kind comments and words of encouragement. And for clicking the little heart, showing your appreciation. And last but not least, thank you for downloading my lots. I hope you get endless joy from them. I sure get endless joy creating them. Take care all.
EA Exchange
Hello everyone! I'm also on the EA exchange under the name "Magnifly". So if you see one of my lots on there, it should (better) be under that name:) I just learned how to put custom pics on the EA exchange today. So I uploaded one of my lots. Also keep in mind that there are people on EA that steal lots and other content from TSR artists. So all you investigators be on the look out. TSR will still get 99% of my builds. Well, I hope you all have a great weekend. Bye for now:)
My very first blog entry
Hi everyone:) This is my first blog entry and I'm not quite sure what to write. It's 3:30 pm in sunny Southern California. I just got off work and T.G.I.F. I can say that all I thought about today was my next lot build for Sims 3. Not sure what to build. But that's part of the fun. Thanks goes out to all who have downloaded and enjoyed my lots. I greatly appreciate your kind words, also. Well, I'll leave it at that for now. Talk to yall later:)