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simmothy's Guestbook

marcorseApr 5, 2013

Yes dear friend! Waaaay too long! But I can't point any fingers, because I have been most inactive for the past 3 months myself! It was lovely to see your comment on Serendipity coinciding with our returns.\;\) Thank you and I hope to see a bit of the simmothy touch on show, very soon? \:wub\: Huge hugs, Marg.

Ray_SimsDec 26, 2012

♥ ♥ ♥ Merry Christmas and Wishing you an abudance of friends, happiness, joy holiday season and very best for the new year ♥ ♥ ♥ ~ much love ~ Ray ~ \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

NataliSDec 25, 2012

\:wub\:Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!\:wub\:

ekinegeDec 23, 2012

I wish you and your family peace, good health and happiness. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!\:wub\:

OnyxiumDec 21, 2012

Hi! My lovely friend! \:wub\: I wish you a merry wonderful Christmas! The new year bring you happiness! HUGS! ♥

Alan-isDec 20, 2012

Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and a new year full of good news! \:D

RirannDec 19, 2012

May this Christmas and the New Year bring your way plenty of reasons to smile. \:wub\: Happy Holidays!

eviDec 18, 2012

May this Christmas be bright and cheerful and may the New Year begin on a prosperous note! \:wub\:

marcorseMar 25, 2012

So glad you liked the look of Cleanthe.   I had hoped you might. \:P   Hugs, Marg.

marcorseMar 24, 2012

Here I am, playing catch up as usua \;\)   l . . . not intentionally being rude! \:rolleyes:      Thank you so much my dear friend for your gracious  thoughts on Simmeron .\:wub\: . . that helicopter/helipad certainly created a stir that I quite underestimated!   . .  but glad you thought  there was something more to the build that that .. \:wub\:   it was pretty much a last minute 'brainstorm' as a matter of fact'..\:D 

enrico09Mar 20, 2012

Thank you for your comment! \:D you're super awesome XD \:D

Dux12Mar 13, 2012

Hi \:\) Thank you so much for your great comment on my Tuscany family starter lot. I am so pleased you like it. I Wish you a wonderful week.

whisperingsimMar 5, 2012

\:D \:rah\: Well done, Purple Passion 2 is featured.\:rah\: Looks like there are other purple loves out there.\;\)Have a great day Simmo.  \:wub\: \:wub\:  Whispy.

whisperingsimFeb 29, 2012

\:D \:D  OK  now, I don't feel so bad for not seeing your Purple Passion message earlier. I am so pleased you liked Harlequin.  \:wub\:  It was a bit like your Modern Daze in that it didn't take me as long as my others did.  The outside took about an hour, but the inside took longer, especially when I realised i had forgotten to put in  a staircase to the second floor. \:o \:D  As for the color,  I ended up with the green by accident , but liked it so kept it. I have got another ready to go up. this one has a tattoo parlour so people can work from home. \:D Anyway, thanks again for your wonderful words. Take care. Keep smiling and long live purple.   \;\)  \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

marcorseFeb 28, 2012

\:o\:o  I'm so sorry!    I missed your PM until this minute . . . my ISP is in the process of being absorbed into another [less user friendly] mob . .  and everything is topsyturvy in the email department. \:mad\:   I don't check that email address very often anyway, as it is a 'web' one . . .  not my personal one. . .  and I keep forgetting that TSR in it's wisdom [:P] has changed the PM delivery system.   I tried just now to get into my dashboard to reply . .  but it's just spinning its' wheels and I'm not sure it's even trying.  \:rolleyes:  Sooo . . . . wonderful news that you are back and working on new stuff . . . and Purple Passion continuted sounds great! \:D  No, I don't have any preconceptions that I would impose on your creativity . . what you have is enough for me!!  I am sure that other party would think the same, but I could be in error there !!   It's probably too late now anyway, and I'm really unhappy that I missed your message all those days ago. \:\(   In fact, my ISP will now be the one that W was relegated to in a similar takeover a little while back . . .though her original wasn't the same as mine . . . and maybe she hasn't seen your PM either.  I hate it when small, local businesses with small client bases, therefore the chance of better customer service, are swallowed up by big conglomerates not even resident in the same State . .  . . . and this is what has happend to my ISP . . . . . I will give her {W} a head's up immediately by phone. . . .  In the meantime, I'll look forwad to your new offering[s] with eager anticipation.   \:wub\:  The biggest hugs, Marg. 

marcorseFeb 25, 2012

 WOW !!   What a sweet surprise dear Simmothy! \:wub\:  Not at all sure the title is earned, but I'm not giving it back!!!   Forgive the late response, but I'm only here at my computer every second week, so I missed your words when they first were written. . . I have a lot of catching up to do on all the special things that have been published over the past 10 days [I was away a little longer this last time] . . .but for now, thank you my dear friend for your lovely words on Floral Clamber, the set.   \:wub\: Big hugs  

ziapinaFeb 24, 2012

\:D Hi Simmothy,  thank you very much for your wonderful comment on my lot La grande Maelys. I'm so glad to read it! Many dear greetings and a great day! \:wub\:

TrustimeFeb 23, 2012

Hello!\:D Thank you so much for commenting! \:rah\: Have a fantastic week!\:D

FlovvFeb 21, 2012

Thank you very much for your lovely comment! \:wub\:\:wub\: You made my day! \:\) Have an awsome week! \:\)

TrustimeJan 23, 2012

Thank you for the congrats! \:rah\: \:wub\:

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