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tdyannd's Blog

I spoke too soon...

I spent Friday in the Emergency Room. Two ultrasounds, pain killers, and lots of unanswered questions. I am told I have another cyst; it's not the same one as last month. This new one is 'complex' apparently; that means it has one central cyst and many little cyst nodules off to the sides. They found some fluid in my abdomen which means they are rupturing. I'm headed back to the specialist tomorrow. I wanted to keep you all updated, as I most likely won't be around as much for a few days...

Thanks, Tiffany

A Head's Up

...well, well. I haven't been as active as I used to be, and I have missed that. I've missed all of you. I've missed recoloring...erm, I've missed the fun in recoloring, actually. The fun in playing...the fun in the community. Pretty basically...I've been all kinds of out of sorts. I am back now. Feeling better...working harder to improve.

My pain is less frequent and less severe, and each day of this...I am thankful. I recently overcame a cyst about 3 inches wide on my right ovary, as well as having it hemmorhage (bleeding internally) as well. After some emergency room visits and ultrasounds, I believe it's gone...for now. I'm told it will keep coming back until they take it out. There won't be anymore surgeries any time soon, knock on wood. Because the next surgery will be one that takes my ovaries with it, and 22, I don't think I'm ready for that.

I think that I've made it back to where I want to be as far as my recoloring goes. I have learned some new tricks, I'm taking more time...I am working on getting better at what I love. I think I've come a long way...and as long as you all keep downloading, I'll keep recoloring. I think it's a fair enough deal.

Oh, let's not forget the Andretti's...the beloved Andretti's...with the Sims 3 release push back, I can't spit out chapters any faster. I need the timing to be close enough so that the story follows as planned as they move into Sunset Valley., there's a teaser...isn't it?!

Well, I just wanted to give you all a head's, head's up!

Andretti Part 64

I wanted to let you all know that I have tried uploading it about 5 times for the past week. The images simply are not attatching. I've sent in a support ticket to the TSR Staff, so hopefully this problem will be fixed soon and you guys can get your update. Sorry!

To My Fans

The weeks prior to last one were spent preparing for the Creator's Camp (last week). So, my submissions and Andretti updates were virtually nonexistant. I came home and began working on the Andretti's...I recolored a few sets for the Texture Challenge, I was on a roll.

Last night, when I got home...Charles (my other half) was beginning to prepare to remodel his parent's bathroom. He tore out the coutners and the cabinets to find LOADS of Black Mold filling up the room. If you don't know anything about Black Mold, I will just say that it can kill you.

It is no wonder why Charles' father is simply not getting well and why we are all sick all of the time.

We're waiting on the insurance adjusters to get out here and do their adjusting, but it may turn out that we will need to reside elsewhere until the problem is resolved. So, if that's the updates and submissions will be very nonexistant because we'll more than likely be in a hotel and I certainly can't bring my desktop computer in. I'll have my laptop to keep everyone updated, but I won't have my game.

Hopefully, the only place the mold has spread is that bathroom. We had a leak about three years ago, that we're sure is what caused it...but, there's no telling how far it's moved in three years.

Creator's Camp - Looking Back

I am home now, the flight back was less stressful and faster. We actually landed 30 minutes early. The instant I met up with Charles and Chica, we went to get some food. It was amazing...I actually ATE for the first time in a week! ...I will NEVER forgive EA for that. 8]

It is sad that I won't see any of them again unless I win the lottery and go visit their respective countries, or we all get invited to EA again. The chances of that may be very slim, I don't know. I was sickly Friday night, so I didn't get to go down and say goodbye to everyone. But, it's not like I can't talk to them. Just an odd thought...never seeing them again.

All that aside, I've been asked plenty of times what about Sims 3 am I looking forward to the most. I will certainly have to say the Create-A-Style aspect. Gone are the days of Maxis Mush invading our houses and community lots. We can now appropriately coordinate everything and fully furnish a house that has matching furniture!

I am also super excited about the personality traits. I was playing around with them on Friday and I am just so excited about the 100's of different interactions there are. I put a Hopeless Romantic/Loner with a Party Animal/Committment Issue Sim and the chemistry and interacctions there are just great. 

I'm actually headed out soon to begin looking at new computers. I know this ol' dino won't run Sims 3 as well as I want it to, so I will need to get something else. The only problem is where am I going to put it!?

Here's a few videos from the Creator's Camp posted by Mark Joshua from Brazil. Feel free to check them out, but keep in mind most of the language is Brazillian. You will see me and many other's from the camp throughout the week. I believe that he has one more video to post so check back from time to time.

Also, if any of you find pictures from the Creator's Camp on any other site, please PM me a link or site name, I would love to see them. My camera junked out the first day, so I have about 3 pictures from the event.

Creator's Camp - Day 5

Well, this will be my last blog from the EA Studios in Redwood City, California. I'm boarding my plane tomorrow at Noon and heading back to the lovely state of Texas. I am excited to see Charles and Chica and my hellion Catillac. But at the same time...I am sad that I won't see estatica, hatshepsut, Tug, SteveB, padre333, DOT, or Ulkrshn...ever again, and if I do...I imagine it will be quite some time before then. Padre says 'Never say Never'...but, perhaps if I win the lottery or something, I'll fly over and visit with him and Carrot, and maybe even head to Turkey or Portugal or the UK...or maybe even to Tug's area of America. I've never been any of those places, so perhaps I should add it to my list of things to do.

Aside from the TSR folk, I've met some people who live in Texas...there were about 4 of us (ehaught (builder) and his wife and eggzie (machinima)), I believe. I always figured me and my mom were the only people in Texas who played the game...or at least, the only one's who admitted to playing to the game. It was interesting...all the different people and different accents. If you ever get a chance to hear Padre's Texan's definitely worth it. Poor thing, he tries so hard.

I have a load of pictures, but...of mother's camera ate junk the first day, so they are either super blurry or...well, nonexistant. I may upload them at some point, and hope that you can tell what they are...or, I may just leave everything to the imagination. It is probably best I do that anyway. I've asked the TSR flock to send me some pictures because they all know my camera is a load of crap at the moment, so hopefully I'll have some for myself at least.

Today was the last day of the camp, there was an awards ceremony and then a cookie/cupcake decorating contest. After making my cookies, I just ate the icing and sprinkles. They were the best part of course. Dinner was...well, gross...again. I didn't really expect anything else, but I've got cookies and crackers here in my room to, I shouldn't starve before getting something in the morning before flying out. 

I was really hoping to get to see San Fransisco before leaving, but didn't really ever have the chance. Oh well...just going to EA Studios was exciting enough. Not to mention the TSR Flock and all our weirdness... 8]

Creator's Camp - Day 4

Hello, again, everyone. Today was yet another fun day. Right as the camp released for dinner, the TSR Flock headed back to the hotel for our meal. To say the least, the 6 hour meal was...well, I don't even think 'eventful' would cover it. Of course, what happens in the Red Room stays in the Red Room.

Right now, it's very late...just a wee bit this side of 1am, so 3am back home.  I certainly didn't expect the TSR Dinner to last that long...but, I'm eating my chocolate cookies and blogging for you all. You've got to love Cookies...chocolate, at that.

Tomorrow is the last day of the camp, and I am going to get selfish. I won't be writing anymore 'detailed' 'in depth' blogs about the game. I think with the past 3, and this one, there is more than enough information to satisfy your needs. So, more questions about the game, as I won't be able to get answers for you anymore. If you asked a question on the last blog, check your guestbooks. Some of you still have not checked them from the first blog posting.

Anyway, on with the details!

The night sky comes with shooting stars, but I did not notice day time clouds.

There is no such thing as a 'funeral' option, you can stage a funeral, but that is it.

There is no underwear section anymore, but it may come.

Career and Life Span have nothing in common. If you have a longer life span, you will get more career 'opportunities' but nothing other than that.

There is no limit to the number of sims that can hold a single job title.

Sims are given random outfits at birthdays, but it is easy to change them into something else.

Sims cannot be invited to a townies party, but they can be invited to a community party with the right opportunity cards.

Every townie has a home, NPC's do not.

Be sure to watch your maid. Not all maids earn their wages.

If you tell your sim to relax on the bed, then sleep...they just crawl under the covers versus getting out of bed and climbing back in.

The maid put the left out food in the fridge for safe keeping.

I had a Sim holding the infant, and talking on the phone, and then after the conversation, sat on the couch with the baby.

Sims will still do what's in their action queue, even if you are looking at another sim all the way across town.

Holding ALT allows free rotation and removes the snapping of objects. It is possible, though, to create routing problems.

You can grab texture presets and put them onto ANYTHING you want to recolor.

Mailbox determines what the thumbnail for your lot.

In general, do not use more than 4 terrain paints.

Also, in general, do not use more than 4 different types of trees, shrubbery, etc.

No Gardners!

Clone Tool = Awesome! You can use it to replicate whatever object without having to find it in the build/buy mode.

Mean sims can 'Criticize Family' or 'Insult Mother'.

There is a 'randomize face' in CAS.

No more changing tables for infants/toddlers.

There are no curly hairs, but are some very long hairs.

You can put any stair railing on any stair case.

Sims can have different last names in the same household, but they share the household name.

I had one sim cooking, and the other eating, and they were carrying on a conversation.

Gossiping will actually clue you in on what's going on in the town.

Pop-Up will tell you combatibility between two sims.

Sims can stand around in a circle/herd of sims discussing random things.

TONS of shoes to choose from!

Depending on personality, some sims will share a bed regardless of relationship, and or use the shower/potty if someone else is in the room. 

That's it for tonight. I am sure that the other's are knocked clean out by now. As I said, dinner was an 'experience'. It's off to bed for me now. Don't forget to check your guestbooks, and more questions! I won't have the means to get them answered! Thanks for reading and I hope that I've talked some of you into getting the's going to be great!


Creator's Camp - Day 3

I want to take a minute and tell everyone that has been asking questions. I reply to them in your guestbooks. I've noticed a few of you haven't checked your guestbooks since I last posted in them. If you don't know how, look in the top menu bar and select 'Dashboard'. You will then see 'Guestbook' as one of the options below.

This morning, first thing, I had an interview with EA Games. It was fairly decent...quite a bite of hair spray, some powder on my nose, and a microphone in my shirt, and I has ready to go. It was about 30 to 40 minutes long, and hopefully I will get a link to it in a few weeks when the little reel is complete so I can see it. Estatica was on for her interview a little after mine. Later in the day, we were told our interviews were well liked. So...we may very well be in the final product. So far, I have been interviewed by Brazil, France, and now EA Games. It's kind of fun.

The food is slowly getting better. Today, we actually had Texas Food, so I was QUITE impressed. Thankful...truly thankful, actually. We're all steadily working away, and poor Padre is still creationless. Hatshepsut and Estatica and I have finished some houses, I've done quite a bit of clothing and various furniture recolors. It's very interesting the different combinations you can come up with. My house is based entirely on the the textures I used for the very first window. All the wall paper, flooring, furnishings, and decorations. It's beautiful. I did create my first Sims 3 story's awful. So, don't check it out if it goes public. 8]

Hatshepsut and I were headed back to the hotel after the lab was closing down, and we saw three little bunnies hopping around the EA Campus. You've got to love bunnies. Tomorrow the TSR group is having dinner together at the Hotel Restraunt, which should prove to be interesting. We got to visit the EA Campus Store today. I bought a few games, and wanted to get some shirts...of course, they were al too big. Nothing 'petite' there. That was fun, the group of creator's basically ransacked the place, and Padre333 filled his arms with sooo much stuff everyone had to get pictures of him.

But, onto the more interesting things. As always, if you've got questions...I will try to get answers.

Answers from previous questions that I didn't have answers to previously...

The Picnic Basket is very basic. Your sims can carry it around, sit on it, and eat.

At this time, it is not possible to woohoo anywhere but the bed...including the cars.

Also at this time, you cannot recolor the cieling.

Pregnancy Outfits have a single outfit for each category. I was told that you can change the 'textures' of those clothing items, but I think my game was buggy and wouldn't let me try it.

There are 35 to 40 different food recipies.

'Call to Meals' still works and is functional.

Pregnancy is still three days, regardless of life span.

You cannot change the infant's blanket, but it is pink for girls and blue for boys.

I asked about supernatural creatures, and all I got was you can have a playable ghost with a little work and even make 'ghost babies'. These 'ghost babies' will be ghosts, but can be turned into real life sims with a little work as well.

When your expecting mother is heading to the hospital to have the baby, if you so choose, no one else will follow. She will give birth alone.

Third Day of Playing Notes

In Elders, you can select the amount of age detail (wrinkles/age spots) that you want.

Based on the personality traits of your sim that you choose, you get a set of LTW's based on them. You can pick with LTW you would like to strive for.

There are quarter squares that make it easier than ever to center everything. Meaning, your love seat can now center on the TV.

The fire alarm is lower, and I was able to hang a wall lamp above it. I am not sure that you can put wall hangings about it though.

Sims can put more than one food item on a single countertop tile.

Just because your Sim cooks themselves a plate, doesn't mean they will eat it. Some will automatically eat it, others will not.

You can donate money to different foundations based on your personality trait. This will give you good moodlets.

Old folks and extremely large sims can run.

There's a community spa where you can get a facial, manicure, pedicure, or massage.

Sims can take classes to learn skills much faster than reading or doing.

Some moodlets last days, hours, and even minutes.

Plants around town and in your home can be harvested and used to cook with.

You can choose a voice for your sim.

There are now 4 speeds of gameplay.

There's a child playground, swing, and slide.

Clutter! Need I say more?!

When you fatten up your sim, their neck and face fattens as well.

On the easel, there are three sizes of paintings.

On a computer, you can: find coupons, browse the web, play chess, play computer games, tinker, and get a job.

There is a Party Planner that allows you to set the time for your party, the location, and the dress code.

When you are socializing, there is a small pop up that tells you what the other sim is thining about your 'socializing'. You are irresistable, moving too fast, hilarious, boring, etc.

Ants can carry pieces of your food away on the picnic basket.

The more often you prepare a meal, the better it gets. Practice makes perfect.

Default CAS is a YA.

Stubble automatically comes with beards or without.

MY FAVORITE PART: You can buy a Rubber Ducky for your bathtub and bath bubbles, and have a Bubble Bath and play with the ducky. (...this is coming from an avid Rubber Ducky Collector.)

You can put any texture, anywhere, on anything.

You can choose to buy a furnished or unfurnished house.

Sims can prepare meals on the corner coutners now.

Depending on traits, sims will sing in the shower.

There are too many new interactions to name. You can discuss things your sim has done, books they have read, and movies they have seen, etc.

No more fireworks during woohoo, but falling hearts.

After my sim woohooed with the townie, she went to the bathroom, and he got on his cell phone and called someone up and was talking about my sim.

You can invite Sims to spend the night at your house.

Neat sims have the option to 'clean house' or 'clean house until pristine'.

Frugal sims can recycle.

Showers go bad and produce bad moodlets with cold water, stoves go bad and produce undercooked meals, etc.

When a sim pulls leftovers from the fridge, they only take a plate for themselves.

Preggos can visit the hospital for 'Medical Advice'.

Babies do not appear in the cars.

The Maid played with my baby while she was at my house cleaning.

Sims can hold babies and socialize.

Food can go bad in the fridge, and must be cleaned out.

Some houses have challenges when you start them. Like a broken water main where everything requiring water is shooting water out across the house.

Houses have difficulty levels based on the age and number and amount of sims living there.

Baby Sitter no longer 'tracks schedule'.

Sims can have gardens and eat the food they harvest.


That's it for tonight. Tomorrow, I will check on these things that have been asked and I don't have answers for:

Clouds, Funerals, Underwear Section, Career/LifeSpan, Job Title Limits, and Lots


Creator's Camp - Day 2

More, more, more. We basically played all day long today, only breaking for meals. We got to sit in for a sound session with Nikki, one of the girls who is a Simlish Voice in the game. It was perfect. Absolutely like the game. That laugh of the little's her. No changes whatsoever. It was so creepy...talking to a real sim, you know.

Anywho, some of you had questions that I had to get back to you on...and here are the answers. Oh, and if there are anymore questions...feel free to leave them in a comment. I have a few more days to get answers for you. Please take note that we are 'testing the game' it's not complete yet, and there are many bugs and many things that need to be changed. So, what I blog is what is current for the day and may change tomorrow.

Playing the Second Day Notes

~There are cinemas, bistros, museums, etc that your sim can visit. You can work in these buildings doing a job pretaining to the building. Chef to Bistro. Athelete to Stadium.

~The plants in Buy Mode, for me, are disappointing. I mean, really. But, we must understand that is a base game. We've all been spoiled with EP's and SP's, and just give EA time to get some EP's and SP's ready for Sims 3. We'll soon have a decent supply of plants for interior use. On a lighter side, the Build Mode plants are just awesome. There is such a huge selection, and the pond plants, too!

~I made a mistake yesterday when I said there were 6 Traits that you could choose in CAS. There are only 5. Sorry!

~You cannot swim in the ocean, but you can fish in it. And not every sim has the necessary skills needed to fish.

~As far as I cared to travel, my sim would walk through the hills and on the outskirts of town. I am sure there's a limit to how far you can go, but I didn't find it.

~The TV was also disappointing for me, but I think that I am also used to my Free Time Expansion for Sims 2. I have to keep reminding myself this is only a 'base' game. There are only 4 channels: Sports, Kids, Action, and Romance. You can however work out Strength or Cardio, instead of only one type of work out.

~Lots are already in place. You can move them and rotate them, but it's my understanding that you can't add 'new'. I will have to double check that, but I think that's the way I understood it.

~Build Mode plants are very nice. There are a few sizes for each tree type, and anytime you place a shrub it is automatically a different size. You cannot change this.

~In the Catalogs, you can now select an item, and the description pops up. You can then zoom in or out on the object to get a better view. I LOVE THIS!

~The Maximum width of a set of stairs is 8 tiles! They are HUGE!

~Each floor tile and wall can be edited with the color wheel and texture library for limitless possibilities.

~Fences rise with terrains, so you can have that hillside mansion with a fence that flows with the hills.

~If you hover your mouse over a plate of food, it will tell you how good of quality it is and what it is.

~Moving is interesting. You can choose to move to a new lot, and you can either sell your furniture or pack it. If you pack it, the furniture leaves the house with you. If you sell it, it stays with the house just as it was when you left it.

~The mailbox and trash can are recolorable with the Create-A-Style. Your mailbox can finally match the house.

~Police and burglars still fight, and the burglar alarm still deafened me.

~There are now Dawn, Day, Dusk, and Night Skies. They are awesome. The Sun and Moon move as well.

~Tombstones now show the cause of death. You can engrave an epitaph, too.

~When walking around town, you can choose to walk or run.

~The ghosts are still colored according to death. And they look AWESOME.

~Infants are wrapped in blankets instead of only wearing diapers.

~You can see the infants moodlets and motives bars.

~Sims will gain traits at birthdays. If you do a fine job of raising them or living their lives, you can 'choose' their new trait. This makes me believe that traits on birthdays are assigned randomly according to their behavior and the way they were raised.

~You can take pictures with your Cell Phone to hang on your wall or sit on your tables.

~You can follow the children to school.

~You can even gain traits at school depending on your behavior.

~You can get a job using the paper, internet, or physically going to the workplace of choice.

~There is School Detention for children who fall asleep in class or cheat on schoolwork.

~Kids/Teens now need their guardians permission to bring home a friend from school. AWESOME!

~You can hire Magicians for parties.

~Instead of Nightmare Nanny, you now have a babysitter...who looks like a YA.

~You can literally interact with almost anything in the game.

~Moodlets sway your Sims mood in either direction. Just because all of your motives a green, does not mean you'll be in a great mood.

~Bad Mood sims are less likely to listen to your commands.

~There are Part-Time and Full-Time jobs. The Part-Time jobs will not interfere with High School hours.

~Pregnant Mommy's get a few days off paid from work. New Daddy's get a few days off after the baby is born as well, but it didn't not say if the Daddy's get paid.

~Your Sim can read Pregnancy Books while Pregnant to help ensure a happy healthy pregnancy and happy healthy good-traited baby.

~Be sure to befriend your boss!

~Sims can tinker with electronics and appliances, they can even upgrade them. But, be careful for beaking and that electric shock.

~Toddlers are not just eat and sleep. They are ambitious.

~If you don't like how your sim has turned out, you can buy a Mid-Life Crisis to redo their personality completely if you have enough Lifetime Happiness Points.

~If a business is closed, your sim can look in the windows of the building.

~When my sim opened her fridge, you could see the cold air coming out.

~Some actions have actual times you can set for how long the last.

~Some actions also will tell you what the time will be when the sim is 'fully complete' with the action. Sleeping, for instance.

~Bills come every morning. Or they are supposed Mine is buggy right now. My Postman never comes, but the Repoman arrives every evening to take

~My sim brushed her teeth and aquired a good Moodlet for 'minty breath'.

~While on the job, you have options as to what kind of performance you want to give: Business as Usual, Work Hard, Take it Easy, Meet Coworkers, Hang Out with Coworkers, Suck Up to Boss, or Practice a Skill. You can gain skills while working.

~You can earn raises without promotions based on Job Performance.

~You can tour community buildings alone or with a companion. You can also take various classes to gain skills at community buildings.

~New Food Dishes.

~I noticed that my sim could enter the library, so perhaps 'some' community buildings can be entered?

~Not every bookshelf as the same books. You must browse if you're assigned to read a particular one by your boss or other various opportunity.

~My sim ate out alone one night. I got a pop up saying she was unhappy with her food, and did I want to complain or continue eating it. I chose complain and recieved 500 Simoleons from the chef for my honesty. So, I will assume that chance cards are still available at random.

~You can change the ringtone on your cell phone.

~The Maid is no longer a French Maid. The first time she came, she was a normal dressed gal. The second was a bald man wearing only cargo shorts. I am not sure if that is a bug or not. I was laughing too hard to bring it up. lol

~Leftovers are still possible, and food dishes can be 'specialized'.

~Sims can be toothpick skinny to grossely obese. They get fat on their necks and cheeks, too.


That's all I have today. I hope that you all are getting more excited for February 20th! And please, if you have questions...feel free to ask them.

I've also noticed my blog all over the internet. I don't mind this, but please...just link back so that those with questions can ask them and I can try to get answers. Thanks.




Creator's Camp - Day 1

As some of you may have noticed on other sites, or even here at TSR, I was invited to visit EA Studios in Redwood City, California for an entire week (this week) for the Sims 3 Creator's Camp (for lot building and storytelling) along with some really great CC artists from TSR and all over the globe.

First things first, I have flown to California many times. My brother is a Marine in the US Military, and we visited him in San Diego 4 or 5 times a few years back. However, I have never traveled alone...especially 1/2 across my country to spend an entire week with people I've never met. So, yes...a wee bit stressed, and few tears...but I made it to my gate at the airport safely. I arrived two hours early because I really wasn't sure how long everything would take, especially since September 11 (a very unfortunate day in the US back in 2001). Well, everything took all of 15 I sat at my gate and BlackGarden (Heather) calmed my fears. Well, basically brought out excitement which buried the terrible fears I was having of flying alone.

We all loaded the plane, and I was assigned just behind the wing. I noticed something leaking from it, and thought to myself that I was not going to let something like that bother me to the extent that it really should have. They started pulling equipment away from the plane and a man walks by and notices the drip. He bends down to smell it, and then calls some others over. Just great. The captain shortly gets on the intercom and tells us there's a fuel leak and it'll take an hour to fix. Even greater. So, I get off the plane to get some breakfast, as I was rather hungry. When I try to get  back on, the gate keeper tells me they aren't loading. I got a bit snippy with her because...well, because I was stressed and told her I'd just gotten off and that my stuff was sitting in my set unattended. It really wasn't, but you know me...I do tend to overexaggerate. She tells me I can't board regardless. I was so mad, I cried. I called my mother and told her that I was still in Texas and that my plane has a fuel leak. The captain said it was a brand new plane, as well. There's not telling what else will break on the way to California.

Across the aisle from me was an interesting looking fellow, and I took notice of him because of his clothes and red mohawk. Come to find out, when we arrived at the airport and were waiting for our hotel shuttle...we discovered we were both in San Fransisco for the same thing : EA's Creator's Camp. He's from Brazil, and very friendly. VERY friendly. But, that is good...someone needs to break the ice, better him than me. 8]

This hotel room is the most fanciest thing I've ever seen. I mean, really...I am scared to sit down...or even use the bathroom sink. 8/ I was starving and sat down to eat at the Hotel Restaraunt and couldn't figure out what 1/2 the stuff on the menu was. So, I just opted for the cheeseburger. Then, wanted dessert, but I couldn't figure out what anything was on the menu either. So, I just asked for some vanilla ice cream. It was ordered to my in a wine glass with a plant in it. 8I ...yeah, a plant. I am assuming that it is mint, but there's no telling in this place.

All in all, it has been very eventful, and I have met some truly inspiring people. I must first say that Steve is nothing like I expected, but between him and Padre333 (how many three's is it?)...I can't stop laughing. What a bunch of loons. Good loons, that is. It is also nice that Steve has been here before, and when we had something totally...weird to eat tonight,  he told me where the nearest grocery store was to get something else to eat. Long walk from the hotel, but better food. By far. Dot takes cover when the cameras come around, and no...she is not equipped with Pink Hair. Let down...I know, I know. Estatica and Hatshepsut are very genuine and nice girls, and they are generally who I follow around the campus. Ulkrhsn is really quiet, but she had a 22 hour flight from Turkey and her body clock is all kinds of, I can't blame her for being dead tired. I can't imagine a 22 hour flight.

As far as the game goes, so's pretty good. There are a few things that I really don't like, but that is probably because I am accustom to Sims 2. And of course, it's still in a test there are some bugs that we have to work around and there are some things that have yet to be fully applied.

For starters, we had an EA Campus Tour. Holy cow...I am just amazed. I'd have taken pictures...but, the camera has gone to the bottom of the lake...or, I wish it had. It's being junky, and I've given up on it. Figures. It's only the most important event in my life so far...why would I need to take pictures?! 8I

The Campus is just huge. Absolutely huge. They have an onsite dentist, physical gym, basketball court, tennis court, day care, two cafeterias, and even little TV's and computers everywhere if the staff wants to play some games. They have a massage parlor, a name it. He said it was because they wanted to make it so the employees never have to leave...and geez, why would they want to!?

We had quite a few demo seminars during the day, and finally just before dinner we got to play the game. YES! We got to play Sims 3! I've taken a LOAD of, be prepared for a lengthy blog. You're's lengthy now, and it only gets longer. 8D

tdyannd's Sims 3 Creator's Camp Notes:

~One of my first concerns was if the neighborhood is entirely open, can Sims get hit by cars? The answer is no. The cars just drive right through them.

~I was also wondering if sick sims can visit the hospital to get well. The answer is also no, but you can go there to have your sim baby if you'd like.

~Every article of clothing is always available to you in the game and in CAS, and they are always recolorable. This means that sims no longer need to 'buy' clothing before being able to put it on.

~There is this new tool called something fancy, but I call it the 'Drag and Drop' method. If you have a set pattern/texture that you like for one thing. You can drag it and drop it onto different items/objects/clothing items, and it just plops the new pattern onto the object. Makes recoloring an entire room just super fast, or an entire outfit.

~As of right now, you cannot import patterns into the game. However, with all the options and color wheels...your pattern design is limitless. Literally, limitless.

~Hair coloring is astounding. You now have the option of coloring the roots/eyebrows, main hair color, highlights, and tips completely different colors if you so want.

~You can move the mailbox anywhere you'd like on your lot. But, whatever door is closest to the mailbox is considered the front door.

~Children can wander the neighborhood alone, but toddlers must be carried. No one is glued to the house. (I have not checked if the infants are glued there, but I am sure they are.)

~Each and every aspect of a sim can be changed. An eye for instant is broken up into groups (lower lid, upper lid, eye shape, etc) and each can be changed with a slider bar to create an unlimited number of different eyes.

~It is possible to have more than one hood. Though, I would think older/slower computers may get some lag for having too much going on as the neighborhoods are so big.

~You can change the lifespan of your neighborhood from 25 Sim Days to 1,000 Sim Days. 95 Sim Days is average. You can also turn the neighborhood aging completely off.

~Free Will is on a slider bar. You can choose None, Low, or High, I think. Meaning...Low Free Will is that sims will do freely in an emergency, and High Free Will is basically 'Free Will On' in Sims 2.

Those are just a few things I found super interesting. But, here are notes from specific aspects of the game.

CAS (Create-A-Sim/Create-A-Style)

~The Drag and Drop method applies, making it super easy to recolor/restyle an entire outfit.

~It is possible to have a different hairstyle per outfit, though I've not figured it out yet.

~Changing hair/clothing/face is so easy. You can just click on them and the CAS takes you directly to the right menu for editing whatever you selected.

~All the accessories and hats are customizable.

~You can easily change texture/pattern colors, and save them for the life of your game so you can easily get to them for another item/object.

~There are literally TONS of hair color possibilities. Each and every item has a color wheel to choose colors from.

~Custom hair colors, make-ups, patterns, can all be saved in your game for quick access.

~There is an eyelash length slider bar. It's amazing. I love it.

~It is a LOT easier to make normal faces, and is 'possible' to create uglies. But, it's not as easy as in  Sims 2.

~You can now choose beauty marks and freckles and their variances.

~There is a color wheel for literally evertyhing. Clothing, make-up, hair, skin tone, textures.

~Socks and Shoes are also fully customizable. YES SOCKS, TOO! Shoes and socks are chosen seperately per outfit, as well.

~The only limit on custom texture space is how much your hard drive can hold.

~You can Zoom In and Out at any time in CAS. Meaning, no more only looking at head shots for makeup. You can do it while you're choosing shoes if you so wish.

~You can also choose your sim's voice and change his/her voice pitch.

~An option for Evil Sims is to troll forums, and wreak havoc online.

~Sims now have favorite things. Like a favorite food or favorite type of music. There are different groups, and each group depends on what traits you've chosen for your sim.

~No more Personality Points. You choose actual traits. You can have 1 to 6, and they are totally up to you.

~Some Sims 3 developers are premade sims.

~You can create twins in CAS regardless of their age.

~Elders can have any color hair you want them to have, but are defaulted to grey/silver.

~There are no themed clothings right now, but with the number of textures and can easily make whatever you need for your story.

~If your Girl Sim has an updo prior to entering the shower, she will have a downdo whilst in it and afterwards.

Build/Buy Mode

~The biggest lot size is 64x64 (same as a 5x5).

~ In the catalogs, you now have images to click on instead of tabs. It's hard to explain, but pretty nifty.

~You can expand rooms/walls by using the drag tool and grabbing the entire wall and pulling it whichever way you want to go. It also pulls all items along the wall with it, including wall coverings and flooring.

~There is an option for Auto-Roofs. So, while you build the roof automatically appears and contorts to whichever rooms you add on as you build.

~Instead of using the Roof Slope Cheat, there is now an ingame slider bar that allows you to change the slope to nothing or extreme and everything in between.

~All the stairs are the same, but you can use them indoor or out, and can make them 2 tiles wide or 3 tiles wide, etc. You can also, by dragging the mouse, create multilevel stairs simply.

~When placing stairs inside, you can recolor the wall underneath them to match the rest of the room or be totally different, or you can delete them all together.

~There are single tile doors, double tile doors, single tile doors that center on double tiles, and even three tile doors.

~Can easily build courtyards! The center of your house won't automatically get a roof if you don't want it to! You can have a little park surrounded on all sides by walls! It has external lighting.

~There are cielings under ANY floortile placed.

~Lighting is awesome. You can choose ANY color for the light bulb and change the intensity of it's brightness, too.

~The Maximum number of floors is 5, your foundation and roof both count as floors individually.

~Sims 2's one tile equals Sims 3 four tiles. Tiles are much smaller but bring way more possibilities.

~45 and 90 degree rotation come with the game.

~Holding the ALT key is the same at the 'snaptogrid' cheat and free rotation.

~Table and chairs will now all move together, and can be rotated any which way. Same with desk and chairs and beds and end tables.

~It is possible to put appliances in a corner diagonally, and they are fully functional for the sims.

~Overhead cabinets come with the game.

~There are 4x's as many slots on tables, mantles, ect that you can place clutter on. These slot's items are also rotatable.

~You cannot move objects up and down on walls.

~Diagonal Walls are fulyl functional, and objects placed flush against them are also fully functional.

~There are randomize buttons for all objects, and they choose random textures in your game to apply to the item.

~You cannot change the scale or repeat pattern for any texture, but some come with three different sizes of the same texture.

~You can still rotate and quarter floor tiles. Floor tiles are also fully customizable.

~Parking Spaces do not have to be attatched to the road. The car will randomly disappear and plop onto the road, even if sitting next to the road.They can also be placed diagonally, and do not have an set floor tiles.

~There are also bikes and bike racks that you can use to get around town.

~There are tons of terrain paints, and you can change their opacity. There are also square and circle brushes now.

~There are TONS of trees.

~The shrubbery automatically comes in different sizes, there is no way to choose what size you get.

~All the trees/flowers/shrubs sway in the wind.

~When you raise or lower the terrain, the plants go with.

~There is no diving board for the swimming pools yet.

~Sims no longer need a ladder to get in and out, however drowning a sim is still possible. You can cancel the 'climb out' action from their queue.

~There is now a tool that allows you to delete more than one objet at a time. You can drag the 'sledgehammer square' around and anything within the square deletes and is sold for money.

~Fireplace Mantles also have numerous slots for clutter.

~You cannot change the outward brick appearance of the fireplace.

~There are no 1/2 walls yet.

~There are tons of fences, but they are not customizable.

~The dragging tool works for fences as well, but you cannot drag a diagonal fence/wall or a straight wall that is connect to a diagonal.

We actually got to play for a few hours prior to dinner. Hatshepsut dove right in to creating a new lot, Estatica and I fiddled with CAS...and while she figured out how to build a new lot, I started to play the game...just play. I took a few...okay, a lot of notes to share with you all that I noticed while I played.

First Time to Play Notes

~You can follow your sim in the taxi or car by right clicking their thumbnail.

~Pop-Ups in the right corner let you know when a shop is having a sale or a big event is happening somewhere in town.

~Sims still have the Need Bars, but they are not as important as Sims1 and Sims2.

~Cars drive right through Sims in the road...shame.

~We asked about 'new deaths', but they wouldn't say anything. ;]

~Depending on your Sim's traits, specific actions appear. I had a sim who liked to cook, and she carried a cookbook around and shared recipies.

~Every single item you interact with gives your sim a good or bad mood boost depending on their traits/personality.

~You can become business partners with community businesses.

~Jobs pay hourly, not daily.

~Sims can have favorites. They get mood boosts in a good way from using/doing these favorite items. These favorites weigh heavily on the traits you choose for your sim.

~You cannot see the inside of community buildings. Your sim disappears into them, and comes out when you tell them to or when they are done.

~You can put different books on your bookshelf or you can carry them in your inventory. I will assume you can buy books to put on your bookshelf as well.

~At night time, the lights do not automatically pop on. Your sim must physically turn them on, you can walk through the room and they pop on and stay on.

~I had a cheap toilet, and my sim had to push the knob three times before it actually flushed. She got frustrated with it.

~My sim also had a fear of nudity, so when she bathed...she wore her swimsuit. 8D

~In the mornings, when she got in the tub and got out, she was still wearing her PJ's. I had to manually change her into what i wanted.

~Cars disappear when you reach your destination, and they reappear when you leave.

~If you buy a car, for the first few times your sim is in it, they get a 'new car smell' mood boost.

~Depending on your sim's mood, their thumbnail changes to represent their mood.

~You can change a sims's outfit by clicking on them, anywhere at anytime.

~Sims automatically have a cell phone.

~You must go to the grocery store to buy food.

~You can save at anytime from anywhere.


Those are my notes from today. Keep checking back as I play more, build more, and start to work on stories. I will continue to blog what I can from the event. So far, it's been awesome. If you have ANY questions about anything I've posted sure to leave a comment asking about it. I will get back to you. Later, guys!

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