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tdyannd's Guestbook

joker52455Mar 6, 2010

The 100th installment of The Andretti Legacy is coming up!!!!!!!!! *blows party horn* Are you excited? Are you gonna do anything special for the installment? Are you gonna announce that you're quitting? \:wacko\: Forget I mentioned that. I hope to see it soon! By the way, I know it's been so long since we talked last, but healthwise are you doing okay?

xEleqanceMar 1, 2010

Okie Doke \:\) and my Sims are now avaliable for download. One more is coming i just deleted him by accident so i have to upload him again \:mad\:

hiedibear75Feb 28, 2010

Sounds as though you've had your hands full. \;\)  And people say "gamers don't have a REAL life". \:P LOL  Well if you ever find yourself "stress eating" feel free to send them lbs. my way. \:D  Winter & I don't get along very well......and this one has been one storm after another. \:rolleyes:  We've got a pretty full house with 3 cats, 2 dogs, & 4 humans. :P  And besides that our mobile home is in a park that has rule upon rule & topped off with a couple of regulations. \:wacko\:  In fact technically we are over our critter limit.  It is supposed to be no more than 1 dog & 2 cats.......although my Mom's guide dog doesn't count cuz she is considered "medical equipment" , but one of the cats we have is anciet & I think he is so old he farts dust. \:P LOL  AND ours are ALL 100% indoors so the odds that management will figure out we've got 1 more cat than what they're currently aware of are slim. \;\)  Well congrats on the job & house. \:rah\:  Take care. \:wub\:

hiedibear75Feb 27, 2010

Nope I'm still heavily planted in the TS2 camp. \:cool\:  Maybe I'll just wait til TS 4 comes out! \:P LMAO  I just can't get over the change in how everything looks.........TS3 me no likey. \;\)  LOL  My roomie has it & the expansion to go's not for me. \:wacko\:  So how have you been? \:confused\:  I've been......well......what can I say it's winter \:rolleyes\:\( \:puke\: \:\( \:rolleyes: but @ least I can still stay busy with TS2 when I'm not actually \:puke\:ing so I still haven't gone "postal". \:P LOL  Hope the job is going well. \:rah\:  Take care. \:wub\:

hiedibear75Feb 27, 2010

I saw the new clutter stuff you made for TS3. \:rah\:  Too bad it isn't for TS2. \;\) LOL  I hope the new job is going OK for ya. \:rah\:  Take care. \:wub\:

xEleqanceFeb 26, 2010

Yay \:\) can't wait to see it.

xEleqanceFeb 25, 2010

You should make some more \:D ; as soon as i downloaded it i had to play my game asap lol you did a great job. \:wub\:

FreyanSamFeb 19, 2010

Hi, it was a pleasure to help and I did redownload some of the fixed patterns tonight. Thanks \:wub\:

HadewychFeb 18, 2010

Thanks for stopping by my guestbook and blog and giving me some comforting comments \:D  Yep, all's well now again, but it did throw me in the beginning \:confused\:  Beginners troubles, I should get used to it now \;\)

DiamondSimFeb 18, 2010

Hi!!! ^^ Good to hear from you! We need to make a date then--grab me one day when you see Im online and you're feeling like creating (and tutoring a bit \;\)  )--and we'll do some tandem creating like we used to! Sounds like fun and Im looking forward to it ^^ Dont forget! <3 Love ya, Sweetie! \:wub\:

Wolfsim68Feb 17, 2010

Hey thanks for stopping by! As usual life is totally hectic, but I'm finally creating again which feels amazing. I have so many ideas, now the hard part is getting time to build! Loving all of it though! How have you been? Love & Hugs \:wub\: Shaz

ElutFeb 17, 2010

Hi Tiffany. Thanks for the support \:\( \:D. I am now totally avoiding the latest patch from EA because I can´t even getting the game to load with that one. But I finally got some building done and hope (keeps my fingers crossed) that I actually can get something uploaded  - next week - maybe - if I´m lucky\:D

dgandyFeb 17, 2010

Hi Tiffany! Good to hear from you. I hope all is well! \:wub\:

Vanilla SimFeb 15, 2010

Hi Tiff, Thanks for commenting on my Hallowen Patterns..sorry it has taken me so long to say so. I wish you a       ♥ Happy Valentine’s Day ♥

mhansellJan 11, 2010

I was wondering when your next episode of the Andretti Legecy will be ready.  I didn;t start reading it until episode 75 but I have gone back and read them all.  You are very talanted and I enjoy your story very much.  Thank you.\:rah\:

DOTJan 1, 2010

'~,'.: Happy New Year! :.',~' 

Jaws3Dec 29, 2009

...just letting you know that I've had a few smaller lots published lately, if you're still on the lookout. \:\) I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and the New Year brings you much happiness! \;\) See you at the Shack!

SimsimayDec 27, 2009

*' Merry Christmas ! I wish happy and healty new year! '*  \:\)

BBKZDec 25, 2009

One of the real joys of the holiday season is the opportunity to say thank you for being a part of our lives and to wish you the very best for the New Year \:\) Barb

dltn43Dec 25, 2009

Hi Tiffany,  Wishing you and your family a day full of love and peace!  Merry Chirstmas and Happy New Year!  \:\)  \:wub\:  Diana

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