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tdyannd's Guestbook

hiedibear75Jul 21, 2009

Well the important thing is you ARE better. \:rah\:  And yes the ant-siezure meds can and often do have many of side-effects like drowsiness, dizzyness, confusion, etc. ;that's why many people who have minor siezures opt not to take the meds & just deal with a few minor siezures. \;\)  A case of the cure being worse than the disease. \:P LOL  Glad you're better. \:wub\:  You'll be back to riding broncos in true Texan fashion in no time. \;\)  Take care. \:wub\:

hiedibear75Jul 19, 2009

Hey how ya doin? \:\)  I hope you're feelin MUCH better! \:rah\:  Stop by if you need anything. \:cool\:  Take care. \:wub\:

topaz27Jul 16, 2009

Hi tdyannd, I was just reading your blog \:\( and I am so sorry that your not well right now, I do hope you will have  complete and full and speedy recovery and would just like to send you all my best wishes, take lots of care \:\) Topaz \:wub\:   

hiedibear75Jul 16, 2009

Of course even better still is surviving the brain injury. \;\)  You can go tube riding on the lake again......just after a few weeks of letting your brain recoup.  You wouldn't advise a friend to go dancing after just having twisted their ankle would ya. \;\)  Hope your processer is no worse for the wear. \:D  Take care & rest up. \:rah\:  Let me know if you need anything. \:wub\:

hiedibear75Jul 15, 2009

PS let me know when you get that PM. \:cool\:

hiedibear75Jul 15, 2009

I hope you'll be feeling better soon. \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

MoMamaJul 12, 2009

Hope you are fit as a fiddle now! \:D \:D

DiamondSimJul 11, 2009

And howdy doody to yoody toody!!!  \:P \:wub\: \:D

Natal~PhoenixJul 10, 2009

Hey Tiff! no worries, tbh I'd forgotten about asking you that! works been keeping me busy lately.. Anyways thanks for remembering and if your lucky enough to come across some well that's great, if not don't sweat it! Work on other requests! I'm sure your swamped with them \;\) Take Care now your friend Kyieth

LightSide93Jul 10, 2009

Hi Tiff! Thank you so much dear . You are the best. Can't wait to see them.\;\) I am working to try to work out a way to make roofs in my game in a different way. But what I used didn't look great. so I sure hope the actual roofs will work.\:D As if they didn''t I will just go nuts. LoL. Well, see you later . ~Ur Friend Light~\:wub\:

Natal~PhoenixJul 7, 2009

Wowza! \:eek\: that IS HOT! okay well I'm not too sure 'bout it but rumour has it there's 2 New Ep's up EA's sleeve.. Apart from that no news \:D  How about you? and did you get a chance yet to start on the phoenix pattern? of course like I said No Rush \;\) have a great evening Tiff, I just finished watching MJ's Tribute Live(again!) such a tragedy and may he Rip. Okay enough from me now lol later

LightSide93Jul 7, 2009

Hey Tiffany! \:\) Your welcome on the info. \;\) I just have a request if you don't mind, can you make the roofs of the game as patterns? I mean the roof patterns as actual patterns for create a style? As I want to use them, but you know they aren't in the CASt. If you want to make them, just let me know, I hope you don't mind that.\:o Hope hear from you soon. ~Light~ Khalid.\:D

swmeekJul 6, 2009

Anytime Tiff!

Natal~PhoenixJul 5, 2009

lmao! go EAT Now! wouldn't want you to starve you poor thing \:\(  Then who would would I get to make me My Pattern then? \:ph34r\: LOL thanks about 'thinking about it' appreciate! hope your all well in Texas! it's hot here now unbelievably so..And it's England! South Africa to me was hot but dang it's not far off here! The humidity is the problem i guess, it's making me a little crazy i think >.< what Temp/Degrees is it by you now? it's something like 33' here!. P.s I'm looking forward to your creation/s \:\) also did you hear there's suppose to be 2 New Ep's 2 b released in November? if so that's gonna rock! \:D  Okay I think i've written more then I intended to now Lol so check ya later Tiff \;\)

LightSide93Jul 5, 2009

Hey Tiffany! \:\) How have you been? Great I hope, thought stop by, and say hi (as I usually do, when I say "thought stop by") lol.\:P Also, wanted to tell you that I loved your "Little Trees" pattern and installed it,\:wub\: but wanted to let you know, that this design is actually the Islamic star design, in some of our old Mosques, and Islamic architecture. Its usually blue in color, but yet, I think what you made was awesome.\;\) Also your Egyptian one, wow, looks so lovely. Well hope hear from you soon. \:D ~Luv & Hugz Light~\:wub\:

Natal~PhoenixJul 4, 2009

Aw Man this was so nice of you! Those Heiroglyphics are stunning! I left a comment on the "Egyptian Heiroglyphs 2" and WILL definitely thank you and comemnt on your others! Your THE Best \;\)

swmeekJun 30, 2009

You're very welcome Tiff!

FikcijaJun 25, 2009

Thanks for answering! One more thing, what is the font you used on the cover of part 72? I really liked it. And I love your legacy, but I'm very disappointed you moved it to TS3. Because I'm one of those people who don't like TS3 and I don't like how sims look in there, they really lack realism and look like painted... It even got harder to read, because I just can't look at them. I might even stop reading the legacy only because of that \:\( I just want you to know I really liked it and I liked how you write, it's just TS3 that drives me away.

FikcijaJun 24, 2009

That's me again... sorry, seems like I'll be bothering you a lot now. In the same 57 part of the Andretti Legacy, on picture 13 where Gerame is making his bed, the bed and all the other stuff in the picture looks so cool! Where's it from?

FikcijaJun 24, 2009

Hi, I'm still catching up with the Andretti legacy, there's so much to read! Where did you get the cool looking baby item which is on the part 57 on the cover and the first picture? The one that's Ginnie is on?

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