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Created for: The Sims 2
This is a Set with 10 Creations - Click here to show all
FREE Recolor of Taroo\'s Badantik Bathroom free MESHES at Tarox4sims2.com, 8th item from the bottom of list under moebel (meshes). Must have this mesh to show up in your game (see Notes). Also, recolor of Simaddict99\'s ruffled blinds mesh. Enjoy! Working on more to match my sets. Walls & Floors, etc. in Sesame Street sets.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/366654
ItemID: 366654
You MUST have the MESHES from Tarox4sims2. Please google it. see above for where it is found on the site. Site changed policy, sorry.
Credits: Taroo at Tarox4sims.com & Simaddict99 here at TSR, SimPE & Maxis
- TSRAA: No - What's this?

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