~wyldchyld~ (1319752)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (40 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Skateway Deluxe
Published Jan 3, 2009
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About Me
I began playing Sims when my son and daughter got me hooked on the game back in Sims 1 days! Then I found Sims 2, and am still enjoying the game. I'm a homewife, mom, and grandmom, and have been married to my 2nd hubby & best friend for almost 9 yrs. Together we have 9 kids, 10 grandkids, the latest one just born last November! I enjoy playing Sims, but especially like to build and re-decorate lots, use Homecrafter, Bodyshop, SimPE, and learn more!
I enjoy the outdoors, nature, anything pertaining to art, photography, and spending time with my family and pets.
I have made some really nice friends here at TSR, enjoy meeting people and making new friends. I enjoy the site, whether downloading, uploading, being in the forums, or just browsing around at all the great creations!
My Latest Updates Show All
Neck Surgery & Newborn PuppiesWritten Jan 20, 2009
It was a busy week last week. My hubby went for neck surgery on Wed. Jan 14th, It was to be a 5 hr operation, so I was at home in the later part of the morning, waiting for the Dr to call to say how the surgery went. Finally the Dr called and everything went well in surgery. I was then making plans to go visit the hospital when our Cavalier Spaniel went into labor! She had been watching... ...More
Welcome to my Blog!Written Jan 16, 2009
Hi and welcome to my 1st blog here at TSR. I dont really know what to say to start off with, but if you happen to drop by, drop me a line, or a simple Hello! I'll do more blogs as I get used to the new site. Happy Simming, Creating, and Downloading!~Sherry ...More
My Guestbook Show All
KiduJoJoleJul 01, 2010
Hi nice creations Have a nice day!
squeakersOct 21, 2009
Hey Sherry, I'm seriously worried about you, and I'm hoping everything is ok. I think about you everyday, and hope we can talk soon. Please let me know how your doing, I'm missing you like crazy!!!!!TC hon, love you!!!!!!
squeakersOct 02, 2009
Hey sis!!!! Long time no see! I'm missing you like crazy, and hope we get to talk soon!!!!!!!!!!! I hurt my arm a couple of weeks ago. You know how I have insomnia? well, I got exhausted one night and fell asleep with my left arm twisted up really weird, the next morning, I couldn't move it, it hurt so darn bad. Well, come to find out, I have a pinched nerve in it and it hurts like the dickens! I have to see a neurologist so they can test the nerve and see what damage has been done to it, I'm left handed to boot, and have my hand in a splint, and then my arm in a sling. I'm typing with a pen being held by my forefinger and thumb in my left mhand, and using my right hand, I'm being stubborn, and can't stay away from my beloved sims or TSR! I hope you are doing ok, and your pain isn't too bad, how is everything going? Call me sometime, I'd love to talk, I could do with a good dose of sis talk!!!! TC sweetie, and hopefully we get to talk soon!!!! Love ya!!!!