squeakers (139401)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (77 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Arbor Custom Homes
Published Feb 15, 2010
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About Me
Hi, I'm Denise, and I've been happily married now for almost 15 years on Valentines day, to a wonderful man who has been very supportive and has kept me sane these past few years.I'm disabled with multiple problems, and on my good days love to play the Sims2 and download all the wonderful creations made by all the talented artists here! I also love to upload lots that I've built,I also love uploading screenshots, I do mostly gardens,ponds, and beaches.I'm a Proud mom of three sons who are 23, 21, and 18, my 21 year old got me hooked on the Sims,over 8 years ago, and I thank him for that everyday,I would go crazy if I didn't have them to spend my time with! LOL There are days when I'm in severe pain, and the pain meds don't work, the Sims take my mind off of my pain, and helps me to cope better with it.And besides, there's no better fun than spending an afternoon playing the sims 2!!!I want to thank everyone who has downloaded my lots, I greatly appreciate you all, and I also want to thank everyone for checking out my screenshots, and have left me messages and comments, again, I appreciate everything!!! TC, and have a great day!!!!
My Latest Updates Show All
Hi everyoneWritten Aug 30, 2010
Hi everyone, sorry I have been gone so long, as some of you know, I have been really sick, lots of pain, no sleep and bucket days, I've lost over 50 pounds the past couple of months, and though I still hurt, I'm hanging in there, and doing a bit better healthwise, it's one day at a time. I've had a virus that the Drs aren't sure what it is, my diabetes has been acting up, and I've been in the... ...More
ShadowWritten Nov 17, 2009
Here are some new pictures of Shadow, our cat Escape brought her home one night when she was around 8 weeks old or so, she had no home, and was hungry. My family and I have been working with her, and I'm proud to say she is a new cat! She now lets us pet and hold her, she will stay in the house now with the door shut, and she loves to cuddle! She is getting big and strong, and is happy. She... ...More
Our cats new freindWritten Oct 21, 2009
Well, our cat is full of surprises! Last week, he came home with a young kitten that has no home. The little one is about 6 to 9 weeks, and is scared of people big time. It was hungry, and wouldn't go anywhere without my cat. We have been leaving our door open and food close to the door in order to encourage the kitten to come in, eat, and get used to people, it's a darling little thing, and... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
midland_04Jul 21, 2013
Hey, hope you are still here? I SOOOOO meant to come back so long ago and start creating again!! Hope to hear from you soon!
mightyfaithgirlOct 17, 2012
Hi Denise. I am sorry to read your last blog. Hope you are ok. I am back to creating andback to "normal" ( you know what i meanby this) Hugs xo
maxi kingAug 10, 2012
Hi my dear friend,I hope you are ok,I miss you!Hugs Irmtraut