Member Blogs

Taking a little break

Hi everyone and Happy New 2015 to everyone.  I wish everyone the best of Health, a measure of Wealth and every Happiness in this New Year.  I know I have not submitted any new creations since just before Christmas.  Although I'm sincerely committed to my Sims creating future with TSR, I need to take a short break for a little while due to things out in the real world.  Im in the process of working to learn Blender and Milkshape so I can make unique new fun things for the game.  I also need to spend a bit more time with my Everquest 2 guild The Lore Keepers Of Norrath.  Iv been leading that guild for a long time now and have been neglecting it for the last while.  If anyone ever wants the try out Everquest 2 they do have a free version, free to download and free to play.  My guild is on the Everfrost server and my character name is Theodora.  So take care till I see you later. :)

New Girl Coming to Sim Town!

I just joined! I have been DIEING to get an account!

Still alive

Haha okay wow, I haven't been active on this site since 2010 and I'm just laughing at past me right now. So yeah, hah ha. Guess it's time to update that 'About me' ???Also I could totally (seriously) make stuff better than that now, should I do that? I feel like coming back and start making some quality content, but I don't know. We'll see.

I Present To You...

Feast - A Short Story

A flesh-eater outbreak, a large city and five scared to death ordinary people...What's the worst that could happen when you're limited in the time category?
Will they even live to tell the tale of their gruesome adventure, if you'd call it that....


Find it, read it, and hopefully enjoy it. :)

I am leaving TSR

My new content for The Sims 3 & 4 can be found at:

Just want to thank everyone for their support and fun over the years. I hope you all will join me at my new location!!


50,000 downloads Reached!

Hi everyone!,

Today I've reached the 50.000 downloads. Thank you all for the support and lovely comments. It means so much for me! On to the next milestone of 100.000 downloads! 

Love, SimFabulous.

I´m a Sims 3 Select Artist!! Yah!

Only 3 1/2 months and 70,000 downloads after my first submission I received the invitation to become a SA. And I'm so happy and I must admit a bit proud about it. I have not expected it.

A special thanks to all the great artists here whose objects I use in my houses and especially a very special and very big thanks to all who download my creations. I know without you this would not have been possible !!

Thank you so much!

Best Wishes!


New Me!

Hello, every simmer! My name is Tokyo Aii, and I have been a Sims lover for a few years now! I have decided to create my own account on this site, and tell you about it! I may need so time to learn how to control everything on my new laptop, but I do know some things like the fact that I can get inspiration anytime. I do want you to post comments every Wednesday about what Custom Content I shall make! I also may need to inform you that I will not make Sims 3 Custom Content, but Sims 4 Custom Content. I hope this message completed your wishes of knowing about me! Thank you!

*IMPORTANT* How to use dresses as formal wear

Hello! I wanted to be sure everyone to know that: The dress my simmie is wearing is only available in the everyday category when you open your game. If you want to use it as a formal wear, just delete that tag word I put in red and you can now find it :)

 photo 33_zpsc0e8d9ea.png

I really hate TSR's 50MB limit

I REALLYREALLYREALLY LOATHE the upload limit. Lots have to be 50MB BEFORE putting it in a zip. I can't even furnish a lot the way I want to without getting lots some 60 - 80 MB in size. So alot of the lots I've been sitting on lately y'all may never get, or they'll be totally unfurnished and dumb looking after I literally sledgehammer away all the hard work I put into furnishing the dang things, all to satisfy TSR's retarded pre-zip limit. I'm feeling creatively and artistically stiffled over here; I can't make any headway. *sobbing*

Downloading the Gold Suit

Dear fellow Simmers,

If you plan to get both the coat and pants of the Gold Suit, do download them as a set from the following link:

It'll be better for you (but don't forget to get the files out since it's a zip file!) :)

Otherwise, you can download the coat or pants individually.

See ya!


While my 80s/90s Set was published here at TSR, I got lots of questions concerning the tattoo necklace which my Sims are wearing in the download preview. Actually I created it by myself, but I don't really like it and hardly use it in my game, so I didn't plan to upload the choker. I also thought there already exists a similar necklace here at TSR, but it seems that it has been deleted (I didn't know that until I searched again for it...)

Anyway, I'll try it again and create a new version of the tattoo choker and if I like it, I'll upload it on TSR!! :)



I don't know if people really read these, but I just wanted to say a big thank you to all of the amazing artists on TSR. Although I would love to, because of some health problems I am unable to create and contribute like all of you incredible artists do. I've been through hell in my life and TS3 has been the one thing that kept me from losing my mind through my darkest times bedridden in agony. I found TSR about 6 months ago and over that time I've learned a lot about some of the talented and generous artists on this site. I have such a tremendous appreciation for you all who are so diligent in creating the highest quality, most beautiful, creative and SAFE content for us to enhance what is for some of us the only world we can live in. Thank you all so much for your very hard work and being so generous to share it with me. I appreciate every one of you and thank you for making my life a little brighter just by being in it. :) I wish you all a very blissful 2015! Please keep up your fantastic work and never let the drama bring you down. You are so very appreciated more than you know!

Happy 2015!!!

Hi everybody!,

2014 has come to an end. I hope this your year was as fabulous as mine was. I got a lot of downloads and of course not to forget, I had become a Select Artist for TS4. I wish you all the best for 2015. And let it be a simfabulous and health 2015! Lots of love, SimFabulous


Bad news bears, everyone. Due to a recent crash in my computer, my motivation to continue with the story has been vanquished by my foul mood. Luckily, I backed up the custom content on a CD, it is just the effort of recreating my sims that I lack. So, bye-bye After Glow. It was a nice little practice story. Fortunately, it was not all the popular, but if you had happened to want to follow it, this post explains why the chapter all of a sudden disappeared. Sorry guys, but I promise my next effort at a story will be just as good if not better.


Happy Simming!


Septum piercing:


Deep V neck dress:


Lace Pencil Dress:


2-piece sequin dress:


Men's shaved comb-back ponytail:


Amy Winehouse hair:


Liz Cute shoulder-length hair:



I created today this account. I think, i can add to here downloads things.

I'm from Finland and i don't speak good English, but i try wrote correctly. I'm teen, only 13 yo. I love free style, because you can dress yourself how you actually just want to. You don't care about the other, how they think about your clothes. Of course, I look at what clothes I put on me, I don't look so stupid.

I think I'll do OK clothes to The Sims 2. I did today the first time outfit to The Sims 2. I think It's pretty, because I like a top and a jeans, but I dont like the shoes.. Because I don't yet know how to make the shoes well.


New outfit coming soon :D

Hello everybody<3

Soo i have a new outfit coming real soon!

i´ve just uploded it and its pending right know...

But i really hope it upoads and i hope you like it<3 :3

Love: EllenSinger1

Happy Holidays!!

I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and a Safe New Year!!  My all your hopes and dreams come true for you in the year of 2015.  I want to extend a gracious and heart-felt Thank You to all of the truely talented artists and staff here at TSR for their dedication to making our games much more interesting and beautiful.  Rockin R'


Muy felices fiestas a todos


Happy Simsmas to all!

Merry Christmas


MERRY CHRISTMAS to all my TSR friends <3 hope you have a wonderful day 

A safe and Happy holiday to all!

Hi TSR Community,

I wish I could sign every Guest book and wish you a safe and wonderful holiday .. whatever your spiritual beliefs may be ( but like most -- I am swamped with getting ready for the holiday lol)

So I want to wish everyone in the TSR community warm wishes and May 2015 be a year that brings Good health, peace, and prosperity in every realm of life ( health, finances, emotionally and relationships, work. etc)

Hugs from me and my family to all of yours!

Jackie ( aka MightyFaithGirl)


I'm wishing everyone a safe and Happy Holidays! May the upcoming New Year bring you JOY---and lots of new custom content!


Carolyn, aka Cashcraft

Happy Holidays!!!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays all friends!! Kisses by Devirose :*Christmas!!!!

Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year! (2014)

Hello Everyone

I want to wish each & every single person at TSR:-

A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Thank you to everyone for your continued support in 2014.

Love Cheryl

x x ♥ x x ♥ x x

Year in Review

So I have been in the Sims community for a little over a year now, although I have played Sims since 2009. So much has happened! I went from playing the game alone to sharing in Sims groups to then making my own creations and sharing them here on TSR. I have learned so much, and made so many great new friends. I cherish you all. Whether I know you very well or only know of your creations...I appreciate all you have brought to me and this community. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays everyone :) <3

Just a random post

It's pretty recent I've started with TSR, well I've been a tsr member since 2013 already, though I wasn't really that active. 

You can expect more to come since winter break arrived, *hallelujah!*

but I might be absent pretty often again when school starts. I've got a LOT to do. I'll try to be as active as possible while I still can.

I write pretty often, stories for sims most of the time. heheh, but I never have uploaded it, because I thought it wasn't really that original. Love stories are very common on this website. I tried to do something else instead. Something with more action ;) 

The script is almost finished. still like five percent to go, so I'm  almost done! yay :D, though making the story will take a lot of time and concentration. I'm going to make a huge project out of it, including flash codes and stuff, seriously I've had this plan for about a year already, but never actually started with it, because I'm one lazy ass. It'll be easier now I know how to create my own poses, like I said in my introduction description, I'll post some poses for the whole sims community to download ;). sooon... haha xD




A peaceful Christmas and a successful New Year!

Wish all of you a peaceful Christmas time and a successful New Year!!!

Hope of a another wonderful year together here on TSR and wish you all the best!!!

Regards matomibotaki

Melinda Collection

Melinda Collection

Best Tips To Dealing with Menopause

 Menopause is a natural stage in the life of every woman. While some breeze through with few issues, there are those who experience discomfort and symptoms that interfere with their normal enjoyment of life. Every woman is an individual and will experience menopause differently. For those who become bothered with troubling symptoms there are remedies that can help tremendously. Here are a some of the ways you can address specific symptoms.

Hot flushes

Hot flushes are one of the most commonly reported symptoms of menopause. They are caused by decreasing estrogen levels in the body. The ancient Chinese therapy of acupuncture has long been used to decrease hot flashes and restore energy flows within the body by pinpointing (no pun intended) specific nerves in the body for a natural form of treatment.

Boost your mood with Omega 3

Omega 3 are essential fatty acids that are required for normal brain function. When you take the recommended doses on a daily basis, they help to restore cognitive functioning and can help to boost your mood, clear your thinking and improve your memory. The best sources of Omega 3 EFAs are found in fish oil found in trout, salmon, anchovies, sardines and other seafood.

Exercise helps to reduce menopause symptoms and promote better health

Exercise helps to keep the blood and oxygen flowing better to cells of the body for nourishment. Getting adequate amounts is essential for burning excess calories from foods that would otherwise be stored as fats, for building lean muscle mass, and for stimulating the production of feel good chemicals in the body. It is also associated with improved cardiovascular health and maintaining a healthy body weight.

Amp up your calcium intake for better bone health

During menopause, many key nutrients in the body are diminished or depleted. Increasing your calcium intake can help prevent diseases such as osteoarthritis and other types of weakness in the bones from developing. It also helps to provide for better dental health.

Start Kegel exercising for stronger pelvic muscles

Menopause can cause a weakening of the tissues in the pelvic region, sometimes resulting in loss of elasticity and incontinence issues. In order to strengthen the pelvic muscles and lessen the risk of embarrassing and inconvenient bouts of incontinence, perform Kegel exercises on a daily basis. They are easy to do and can be done anywhere.

Don’t let menopause stand in the way of intimacy

If you find that your libido is sagging then do something about it. Women who have enjoyed a healthy sex life prior to menopause can still enjoy the same level of intimacy. If the symptoms of menopause are the cause of your lack of desire, there are remedies available that work!

Relieve dryness with a vaginal moisturizer

There is a broad selection of over the counter vaginal moisturizers, lubricants and female enhancements. Although these are not cures and they need to be used every time for results, they do provide temporary relief from vaginal dryness.

Always get a good night’s sleep

Fatigue and exhaustion can interfere with your normal desire for intimacy. Be sure to get plenty of quality rest each night so you will feel your best the next day. If you are having problems with night sweats, insomnia or other conditions which interfere with your ability to get a good night's rest, there are some natural remedies which may help to alleviate these conditions.

Ask your doctor about hormone therapy

Since hormonal imbalances, in particular, the lack of estrogen in the body is the major cause of menopause symptoms, replacing estrogen and other sex hormones is the best logical treatment. Your health care provider may recommend that you begin hormone replacement therapy. This is recommended for some women who have other health conditions that can be improved from the use of these synthetically manufactured hormone replacements. Caution should be used as they have been know to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and certain cancers in some women. Women who have a personal or family history of cardiovascular issues and cancer may not be eligible for this type of treatment.

Alternative treatments

The use of natural menopause supplements is becoming more popular with health care providers and women around the world. It provides the benefits of hormone replacement therapy without the health risks.

Natural menopause remedies use plants that contain ingredients that act like estrogen in the body. These are known as phytoestrogens. They are most commonly found in soy, wild yam and black cohosh among other plants. The helpful compounds are extracted from these plants, concentrated and combined with other helpful ingredients known as lignans, found in flax seed oil and some grains, into a supplement form.

This alternative treatment has been reported as being highly effective in reducing symptoms by many women experiencing discomfort due to menopause.


There are several different treatment methods available for women who experience uncomfortable symptoms of menopause. As each woman is different, one treatment option may work better than another. There is no good reason to tolerate discomfort from the symptoms of menopause when so much help is available.


My new Project - The old german quarter

This is my new project, i call it "The old german quarter".

It include the following buildings:

  • Old Cottage - a small old half-timbered residential with 2 little bedrooms under the roof and an area for gardening in the front of the building
  • Old Mayors Office - this old half-timbered residential was the former Mayors Office of this old german village, with a masterbedroom and 2 small bedrooms under the roof. In the garden you will find a pool and in the plant tubs you could plant herbs or veggies.
  • Village Schoolhouse - this old half-timbered residential was the former School of this old german village. On the former schoolyard the kids find a nice playground and in the former sport hall is now a indoor pool. This building has 5 bedrooms and is optimal for a large family or for a residential community.
  • Vineyard Estate - this old half-timbered residential is a big luxurious mansion with a fruit garden and a vineyard in front of the building. You will find a separate appartment for the gardener. This building include everything what your Sims want.
  • The Old Stable - this old half-timbered stable was converted to a dance restaurant (nightclub). Take a dinner with your family or  have a drink on the bar. And at the night you could have fun on the dance floor at the hayloft.

Here are the first pics:







Streetview 1

Streetview 3

I,m Happy

Hello. I'm verry happy.Today there over 100.000 downloads of my houses. Thank to all that make that happend. Thanks for download. my houses

Holiday Yard Train Set

Holiday Yard Train Set

Where are the...

Back in September the call went out to new...I REPEAT...NEW!!!!!! artist to join the ranks of the TSR artist team. Where are they? the advertisement should have said....."Yeah a new game as come out...we are just going to wait for all of our Sims 3 artists to make something for this game and then make them featured and select artist for the Sims 4 also"  NOT! "looking for NEW artists for the Sims 4"  So I ask again where is the new blood? I have seen and commented on so many submitters house that have beautiful floor plans, amazing decoration, and outstanding landscaping. All TSR wants is a pretty front presentaion picture...they really give no crap about the rest of the long as the first picture is pretty. The featured and select artist of Sims 3 and 4 are the exact ones that won the decorating contests over and over and over and over again during Sims 2. So the resy of us may as well pack up our stuff and go home. Beacuse even if we could defiy sim physics and create houses made from clouds we are never never going to make it on this already formed, stagnating, and broken website. 


One of my dresses for Sims 4 too lightens legs and other parts of the body.

I fix it! Please re-download the following item:

And so it begins...

The Sims have been in my life since 2000.  And for the past 14 years now, its been a love/hate relationship.  I absolutely love to play and get all excited, but then quickly get bored with the mundane repetitive nature of the game.  Until recently that is...  I discovered, for the first time, the Legacy Challenge.  Yes, I know I am way behind times, but I haven't played much at all the last few years.  So when I found most of the Sims 3 downloads on major sale for Black Friday, I decided to give it a whirl again.  After downloading most of the main expansion packs (minus the two newest - island and future)...I was on a mission to find new content, check out what has been going on in the Sims community and hopefully find some challenges to keep me interested long term.

I remember the Sims Resource from a long time ago, but I don't ever remember it being so awesome.  Don't get me wrong, it was totally cool (80s child here sorry), but its way better now!  I'm super excited to find all the incredible artists, this blog feature I don't remember from before and a whole lot more!  So, as I embark on my newly found interest of the wonderful world of Sims...I hope that I can come up with some somewhat interesting posts for you to read and for sure try my hand at creating my own content.

Happy Simming!!

Working on a hallway for Sims 4 matching the Sara Living

The work in progress so far... 


 love the sims resourse

Everything comes to an end......

I just want to say  that I have neither time nor desire to continue submitting to TSR.

I wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy New Year 2015.

Goodbye and many thanks to my friends for supporting me and my creations ♥

Latest Headlines

Taking a little break New Girl Coming to Sim Town! Still alive I Present To You... I am leaving TSR 50,000 downloads Reached! I´m a Sims 3 Select Artist!! Yah! New Me! *IMPORTANT* How to use dresses... I really hate TSR's 50MB limit Downloading the Gold Suit TATTOO CHOKER Well... Happy 2015!!! Uh-Oh downloads FIRST TIME New outfit coming soon :D Happy Holidays!! MERRY CHRISTMAS Happy Simsmas to all! Christmas A safe and Happy holiday to all! HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Happy Holidays!!! Merry Christmas & A Happy New... Year in Review Just a random post A peaceful Christmas and a... Melinda Collection Best Tips To Dealing with Menopause My new Project - The old german... I,m Happy Holiday Yard Train Set Where are the... PLEASE, RE-DOWNLOAD UPDATE ITEM ! And so it begins... Working on a hallway for Sims 4... hello Everything comes to an end......
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