Member Blogs
A safe and Happy holiday to all!
Hi TSR Community,
I wish I could sign every Guest book and wish you a safe and wonderful holiday .. whatever your spiritual beliefs may be ( but like most -- I am swamped with getting ready for the holiday lol)
So I want to wish everyone in the TSR community warm wishes and May 2015 be a year that brings Good health, peace, and prosperity in every realm of life ( health, finances, emotionally and relationships, work. etc)
Hugs from me and my family to all of yours!
Jackie ( aka MightyFaithGirl)
I'm wishing everyone a safe and Happy Holidays! May the upcoming New Year bring you JOY---and lots of new custom content!
Carolyn, aka Cashcraft
Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year! (2014)
Hello Everyone
I want to wish each & every single person at TSR:-
A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Thank you to everyone for your continued support in 2014.
Love Cheryl
x x ♥ x x ♥ x x
Year in Review
So I have been in the Sims community for a little over a year now, although I have played Sims since 2009. So much has happened! I went from playing the game alone to sharing in Sims groups to then making my own creations and sharing them here on TSR. I have learned so much, and made so many great new friends. I cherish you all. Whether I know you very well or only know of your creations...I appreciate all you have brought to me and this community. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays everyone :) <3
Just a random post
It's pretty recent I've started with TSR, well I've been a tsr member since 2013 already, though I wasn't really that active.
You can expect more to come since winter break arrived, *hallelujah!*
but I might be absent pretty often again when school starts. I've got a LOT to do. I'll try to be as active as possible while I still can.
I write pretty often, stories for sims most of the time. heheh, but I never have uploaded it, because I thought it wasn't really that original. Love stories are very common on this website. I tried to do something else instead. Something with more action ;)
The script is almost finished. still like five percent to go, so I'm almost done! yay :D, though making the story will take a lot of time and concentration. I'm going to make a huge project out of it, including flash codes and stuff, seriously I've had this plan for about a year already, but never actually started with it, because I'm one lazy ass. It'll be easier now I know how to create my own poses, like I said in my introduction description, I'll post some poses for the whole sims community to download ;). sooon... haha xD
A peaceful Christmas and a successful New Year!
Wish all of you a peaceful Christmas time and a successful New Year!!!
Hope of a another wonderful year together here on TSR and wish you all the best!!!
Regards matomibotaki
Best Tips To Dealing with Menopause
Menopause is a natural stage in the life of every woman. While some breeze through with few issues, there are those who experience discomfort and symptoms that interfere with their normal enjoyment of life. Every woman is an individual and will experience menopause differently. For those who become bothered with troubling symptoms there are remedies that can help tremendously. Here are a some of the ways you can address specific symptoms.
Hot flushes
Hot flushes are one of the most commonly reported symptoms of menopause. They are caused by decreasing estrogen levels in the body. The ancient Chinese therapy of acupuncture has long been used to decrease hot flashes and restore energy flows within the body by pinpointing (no pun intended) specific nerves in the body for a natural form of treatment.
Boost your mood with Omega 3
Omega 3 are essential fatty acids that are required for normal brain function. When you take the recommended doses on a daily basis, they help to restore cognitive functioning and can help to boost your mood, clear your thinking and improve your memory. The best sources of Omega 3 EFAs are found in fish oil found in trout, salmon, anchovies, sardines and other seafood.
Exercise helps to reduce menopause symptoms and promote better health
Exercise helps to keep the blood and oxygen flowing better to cells of the body for nourishment. Getting adequate amounts is essential for burning excess calories from foods that would otherwise be stored as fats, for building lean muscle mass, and for stimulating the production of feel good chemicals in the body. It is also associated with improved cardiovascular health and maintaining a healthy body weight.
Amp up your calcium intake for better bone health
During menopause, many key nutrients in the body are diminished or depleted. Increasing your calcium intake can help prevent diseases such as osteoarthritis and other types of weakness in the bones from developing. It also helps to provide for better dental health.
Start Kegel exercising for stronger pelvic muscles
Menopause can cause a weakening of the tissues in the pelvic region, sometimes resulting in loss of elasticity and incontinence issues. In order to strengthen the pelvic muscles and lessen the risk of embarrassing and inconvenient bouts of incontinence, perform Kegel exercises on a daily basis. They are easy to do and can be done anywhere.
Don’t let menopause stand in the way of intimacy
If you find that your libido is sagging then do something about it. Women who have enjoyed a healthy sex life prior to menopause can still enjoy the same level of intimacy. If the symptoms of menopause are the cause of your lack of desire, there are remedies available that work!
Relieve dryness with a vaginal moisturizer
There is a broad selection of over the counter vaginal moisturizers, lubricants and female enhancements. Although these are not cures and they need to be used every time for results, they do provide temporary relief from vaginal dryness.
Always get a good night’s sleep
Fatigue and exhaustion can interfere with your normal desire for intimacy. Be sure to get plenty of quality rest each night so you will feel your best the next day. If you are having problems with night sweats, insomnia or other conditions which interfere with your ability to get a good night's rest, there are some natural remedies which may help to alleviate these conditions.
Ask your doctor about hormone therapy
Since hormonal imbalances, in particular, the lack of estrogen in the body is the major cause of menopause symptoms, replacing estrogen and other sex hormones is the best logical treatment. Your health care provider may recommend that you begin hormone replacement therapy. This is recommended for some women who have other health conditions that can be improved from the use of these synthetically manufactured hormone replacements. Caution should be used as they have been know to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and certain cancers in some women. Women who have a personal or family history of cardiovascular issues and cancer may not be eligible for this type of treatment.
Alternative treatments
The use of natural menopause supplements is becoming more popular with health care providers and women around the world. It provides the benefits of hormone replacement therapy without the health risks.
Natural menopause remedies use plants that contain ingredients that act like estrogen in the body. These are known as phytoestrogens. They are most commonly found in soy, wild yam and black cohosh among other plants. The helpful compounds are extracted from these plants, concentrated and combined with other helpful ingredients known as lignans, found in flax seed oil and some grains, into a supplement form.
This alternative treatment has been reported as being highly effective in reducing symptoms by many women experiencing discomfort due to menopause.
There are several different treatment methods available for women who experience uncomfortable symptoms of menopause. As each woman is different, one treatment option may work better than another. There is no good reason to tolerate discomfort from the symptoms of menopause when so much help is available.
My new Project - The old german quarter
This is my new project, i call it "The old german quarter".
It include the following buildings:
- Old Cottage - a small old half-timbered residential with 2 little bedrooms under the roof and an area for gardening in the front of the building
- Old Mayors Office - this old half-timbered residential was the former Mayors Office of this old german village, with a masterbedroom and 2 small bedrooms under the roof. In the garden you will find a pool and in the plant tubs you could plant herbs or veggies.
- Village Schoolhouse - this old half-timbered residential was the former School of this old german village. On the former schoolyard the kids find a nice playground and in the former sport hall is now a indoor pool. This building has 5 bedrooms and is optimal for a large family or for a residential community.
- Vineyard Estate - this old half-timbered residential is a big luxurious mansion with a fruit garden and a vineyard in front of the building. You will find a separate appartment for the gardener. This building include everything what your Sims want.
- The Old Stable - this old half-timbered stable was converted to a dance restaurant (nightclub). Take a dinner with your family or have a drink on the bar. And at the night you could have fun on the dance floor at the hayloft.
Here are the first pics:
I,m Happy
Hello. I'm verry happy.Today there over 100.000 downloads of my houses. Thank to all that make that happend. Thanks for download. my houses
Where are the...
Back in September the call went out to new...I REPEAT...NEW!!!!!! artist to join the ranks of the TSR artist team. Where are they? the advertisement should have said....."Yeah a new game as come out...we are just going to wait for all of our Sims 3 artists to make something for this game and then make them featured and select artist for the Sims 4 also" NOT! "looking for NEW artists for the Sims 4" So I ask again where is the new blood? I have seen and commented on so many submitters house that have beautiful floor plans, amazing decoration, and outstanding landscaping. All TSR wants is a pretty front presentaion picture...they really give no crap about the rest of the long as the first picture is pretty. The featured and select artist of Sims 3 and 4 are the exact ones that won the decorating contests over and over and over and over again during Sims 2. So the resy of us may as well pack up our stuff and go home. Beacuse even if we could defiy sim physics and create houses made from clouds we are never never going to make it on this already formed, stagnating, and broken website.
One of my dresses for Sims 4 too lightens legs and other parts of the body.
I fix it! Please re-download the following item:
And so it begins...
The Sims have been in my life since 2000. And for the past 14 years now, its been a love/hate relationship. I absolutely love to play and get all excited, but then quickly get bored with the mundane repetitive nature of the game. Until recently that is... I discovered, for the first time, the Legacy Challenge. Yes, I know I am way behind times, but I haven't played much at all the last few years. So when I found most of the Sims 3 downloads on major sale for Black Friday, I decided to give it a whirl again. After downloading most of the main expansion packs (minus the two newest - island and future)...I was on a mission to find new content, check out what has been going on in the Sims community and hopefully find some challenges to keep me interested long term.
I remember the Sims Resource from a long time ago, but I don't ever remember it being so awesome. Don't get me wrong, it was totally cool (80s child here sorry), but its way better now! I'm super excited to find all the incredible artists, this blog feature I don't remember from before and a whole lot more! So, as I embark on my newly found interest of the wonderful world of Sims...I hope that I can come up with some somewhat interesting posts for you to read and for sure try my hand at creating my own content.
Happy Simming!!
Everything comes to an end......
I just want to say that I have neither time nor desire to continue submitting to TSR.
I wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy New Year 2015.
Goodbye and many thanks to my friends for supporting me and my creations ♥
What makeup would you guys like to see? ~
I'm interested to know what makeup you guys would like to see in your Sims 4 game. I enjoy creating detailed, high quality textures, but I want to know what sort of makeup you guys prefer to use for your Sims. There are so many options.
- realistic
- kawaii (doll like)
- fantasy
- gothic/punk look
- cosplay/movie
Etc,etc...let me know!
Sims 4
If you have problem with the hairstyles please try the following suggestions:
- Turn Sim Quality setting higher.
- If the textures are blurry or have compression artifacts, enable Uncompressed Sim Textures option.
- Turn Lighting Quality to higher setting for shiny hair issue.
- Update the game (patch may update game files structure, meaning hair that were made with newer version might not work with older version of the game).
- If the above doesn't help - Turn off Laptop Mode (may affects performance and hardware heat).
Additional tips to help with the performance and hardware heat.
1. Turn on VSync (Vertical Sync) to help prevent overheating by avoid drawing frames exceeding your monitor's refresh rate.
1.1. If VSync doesn't work well or introduce stutter:
Go to "Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4" and open Options.ini with Notepad, find "frameratelimit" and set it accordingly to your display's refresh rate (i.e. 60).
2. Turn off Reflection (affects mirrors and water).
3. Turn off Edge Smoothing or use lower setting like 2x (Anti-Aliasing).
SIMS 4 and News!
I am very happy to be back to SA for TS4 ^^
Tsr thank you for the trust and for confirmation. *_*
I launched with much enthusiasm in the creation of new homes for this new game,
the tools available are still very limited, but we are at the beginning.
We hope to create more and more complex things!
Thanks TSR. :) Thanks to the people who follow me and download my creations! Happy Simming!
OMG! I can't believe I just hit 50,000 downloads! Thank you all so so so much!! YAY!!!
Happy time!
It's first time I am in TSR and I need help with creating thing. Can't get the Workshop. Hope somebody will help me.
Thank you for appreciate SIMcredible
Yay simers!
It's a blessed joy to us to become FA for sims 4 :)
We want to thank you for each feedback, for taking time sharing comments and sincere fondness regarding our work. Not always we are able to reply all comments back and say how much we appreciate, but yes ^^ we really appreciate :D
Comments and feedbacks always help us to keep creating.
And just a quick note regarding our series "Small box of Goodies" for sims 3. Many of you have been asking the release of these series for sims 4 ... Yes ^^ we'll be bringing it for sims 4 soon, and we plan to bring them all slowly with the time. So, bit by bit , you'll be able to enjoy the lovely source of living touch supplies also in sims 4!
Thank you once again for support SIMcredible!
Updates and Work in progress
For updates and to see what i am working on i recommand you "like" my Facebook page as i post all progress there..
CLICK HERE to go to my page!
Select Artist
Hi everyone!
Today I've became a Select Artist for TS4!
I feel very honered to be one of them! And I want to thank you all for the support and lovely comments!
I wouldn't be a Select Artist without all those downloads.
Also special thanks to TRS for making it possible for me.
Officially a Sims 3 Select Artist!! YAY!
Hi TSR Community,
Recently I received a long anticipated email from the extraordinary Artist Panel asking me if I would like to accept the honour of being a Select Artist for Sims 3 Lots. I was so humbled and moved! ( I said YAY! YES!!! yes yes! lol)
I want to give a huge Thank you to Cath ( The Numbers Woman) , Thomas, Gea ( Anoeska ) and Angela, as well as everyone else on the Artist Panel for finding my creations worthy of such an honour. As well as awesome advise from Cath , Angela and others over the years. Your feedback has been so helpful.
I want to thank all the other artists - such as MB, Pralinesims, Chemy, Christina51, Degera, Fredbenny , Metisqueen , Space Sims, Simman_123 and MANY others for their encouragement and/or advise over the past 2 yrs that I have been creating for Sims3!
But most of all I want to thank all of YOU-- TSR Community of Sims Lovers - for downloading my items and finding them worthy to put into your games <3 I appreciate all the kind feedback I get with every creation!!
I have waited a long time for this.. and I am on CLOUD NINE. This year 2014 -- marked TEN years that I have been a member of the TSR Community. I have made many friends on here.. some no longer here for various reasons , But I will always cherish the community and ppl here :)
I came to The Sims Resource looking for content for my Sims 2 game Waaaay back in 2004. I spent 3 yrs as an addicted downloader LOL until I got up the nerve to start uploading some of the houses I had built for my game in 2007.
I spent several yrs - 2007 to 2009 recoloring for Sims2 and building lots for Sims2 until i took a semi retirement due to family issues and being busy with running my own business.
However in Oct 2012.. I purchased Sims3 ( I could no longer contain my Simming addiction ;) ) I am so glad I did!! It took me a bit but I found the building so much more in Sims3 and soon was starting to create again. I took a stint in TSR University ( Angela is such a wonderful mentor <3 ) to try and learn meshing -- but for some reason this old brain couldn't grasp the texturing -- so I just continued on with lots and then Paintings. I am SO HAPPY that I decided to start creating again!
Now Sims 4 is out.. and I plan to build for it. ( I am working on the first real lot that i find would be worthy of upload) And of course , still building for Sims 3. All the amazing content on here just makes the game SO MUCH more fun to play and create!
I also HOPE ( I say hope) to try again at meshing for Sims 3 and pattern making. I so admire the time and creativity of the object makers and pattern makers! In other words I am not done yet with learning and growing as an artist! I also eagerly await the addition to create for Sims 4 on TSR Workshop. ( Tutorials etc)
I am currently in Full time college at 44 yrs old- but I love Sims everything so much - I cannot go very long without creating something! :) I will do my very best to continue to make quality items for your games <3 I posted a short while ago at my shock and wonder that I had reached 3 MILLION downloads ( 1900 plus objects betweens Sims2 and Sims3 ) Again Downloaders I cannot thank you enough! Muah! xoxo
Have a terrific Monday and THANK YOU EVERYONE @ TSR! I love this place and will always be a loyal TSR'er. ;)
Happy Simming!
Computer Problems
Again my Desktop Computer is in the shop again. Wish I could just get a new one. But this one is hand built by my son, Jason and it has an excellent Video Card in it. It handles the graphics of Sims 3 beautifully. I fully utilize the 64-bit system I have Windows 7 installed and when it was configuring the updates failed. So now Windows 7 won't load. So off to the shop to have it Re-Installed!! Again!! And by the time I get it back my internet will be off. WOW! When it rains it pours.
I hope everyone that celebrates had an Awesome Thanksgiving. Although I had to work a double, which since I couldn't spend it with my son, I had a busy night at work and even made a few dollars. Which is paying to get the computer fixed....LOL. It all works in a circle....LOL.
Happy Holidays to all and be Safe!! Robin aka Rockin' R
20.000 000
20.000.000 MILLION-DOWNLOADS !!! thank you so much for ONGOING downloads through the YEARS. I am really thankful FOL LOYAL FRIENDSHIP!!! your MATOMIBOTAKI
A clothing mod please?
Hiya everyone! I am hoping someone will read this and answer my prayers. I would like a mod of the dress Kirakishou from Rozen Maiden wears please~ Thank you for your time!
oh no!
Well my computer just blew up...again! Yay! Second time in 2 months, and its only 10 months old. So annoying. So for anyone interested in my story Parasites there will be no more chapters until my laptop is fixed which could possibly be a week or two. I will probably lose all of my data too and you know what that means! Reinstalling the sims again and having to remake all of my characters. I'll try make them as similar as I can. Thankfully I emailed myself the future chapters before the computer died so not all is lost :D I had also written a prequel to that short story I wrote called Mine, but that will have been lost too so I'm not sure if I'm going to continue that. Sorry for the bad news!
sims4 mods
I do love the sims4 ability to make and share mods. i have made a few structures that i have posted on the sims gallery page. i am going to be working on the play house this week. aka party house
Thank you all so much for your support and all your downloads! I can't believe that I'm at 20,000 already!!! <3
The Sims 4
After a few years of not being active, I've come back to the sims. This time, it's for the Sims 4 -- which I was really skeptical about at first. I've decided that I love the game, especially build mode. Once you get used to it, it's a dream, and there's so many features that none of the other games have had (at least for build mode). I have a new house ready for uploading. All that I have left to do is playtest it. If you're reading this, what do you all think?
Zombie Boy Full Body Tattoo
I am starting a new tattoo just now.
This idea is from Zombie Boy that I want to do long ago. I really like his tattoo and want to bring into game 100%.
So, what I need is do the job as same as "artwork series", using "sai" to draw out the tattoo.
I google search Zombie Boy's photo, and start to draw, like this.
and the head
haha... then
It's really take time. I'm glad that "sai" can help me turn the pic to psd. It help me so much.
I am going to upload a beta tattoo(face only). Full body will also coming up. (I hope can finish in a not sure v_v)