Member Blogs
Hello! I'm Mimi, just thought I'd introduce myself. I'm thinking of doing a story would you read it?
Simming Group on FB
I have a group on FB so if you would like to come and join our friendly sims group, make new friends, share your screenshots, take part in fun contests, share links if you are a creator, then the link is below :D
Facebook Cover Photo Contest!
Baby it's Cold Outside! (Ok, so in some parts of the world it's not very cold at all, but it is here, so just agree with me!) And when it's this cold, we need something warm and cheerful... like a new Facebook Cover Photo showing your Sims celebrating the holidays!
Take a screenshot in one of your Sims games (Sims 2 or Sims 3) that best portrays your Sims in the Holiday spirit. Show them hosting a gift giving party, or having a snowball fight, or sipping hot cocoa on the front porch. Your shot can be anything related to Sims celebrating in the cold, but it must be PG-13.
Upload your screenshot to TSR, with the title 'Holiday Spirit!' To do that, hover your mouse over the Account option at the top of the page, scroll down to Edit Screenshots and click. Choose the tab at the top that says Submit Screenshot and fill in the information. Make sure you change the Public to Yes.
You may enter as many times as you like.
Entries must be submitted by 10PM EST on Sunday, January 5, 2014. Winners will be announced by Thursday, January 9, 2014.
The first prize winner will see their screenshot on our Facebook page as our cover image and will also receive a full month of VIP access to the site (no advertisements, use of the download basket, etc).
Second place will get two weeks of VIP access.
Third place will get one week of VIP access.
(If the winner is already a VIP, the time will simply be added to the number of days left on their current account.)
NOTE: Facebook cover photo size is 850x315 and our logo will be on top of the bottom left corner of the image.
happy thanksgiving / i'll be back in 2 weeks!
happy thanksgiving to all of my fans and supporters! the end of the semester is approaching... yay! i have just two weeks left of school and then i will have the whole rest of the month of december and two weeks of january off. i can't wait to get back to building houses for TSR! thanks to everyone for downloading my creations and i am so glad that you all enjoy them! have a great holiday... you will see new creations soon!
Decorating Griswold Style
Do you have a favourite Christmas Movie? More importantly - for Sims building addicts like myself - do you have a favourite Christmas movie HOUSE? It's so much fun to slip away into that Hollywood world of imagination where everyone lives in a huge old Victorian house or a cozy stone cottage; where the tree is always a real tree and it's always tall and straight and fresh and spectacular; and where it ALWAYS snows on Christmas Eve.
This month I will be trying to recreate some recognizable Christmas Movie Classic houses for you to decorate and enjoy all the winter fun available in the Sims 3. There is some wonderful Holiday themed Custom Content made by TSR creators. I found great objects from BuffSumm, Canelline, deeiutza, DOT, fantasticSims, jomsims, Lulu265, Mutske, Severinka, Sim_man123, SIMcredible and Wolfspryte. And there are lots of festive outfits as well.
My first project is The Griswold House from National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation starring Chevy Chase, Beverly d'Angelo, Juliette Lewis, Randy Quaid and yes, Johnny Galecki as Russ Griswold! This movie is near the top of the list of Holiday favourites for a lot of people and there is lots of information out there about the making of the movie, the cast and the house where it was set. The house has been used in lots of films and is on a Hollywood backlot fake suburban street right next door to the house from Lethal Weapon and a few doors down from TV's Bewitched house. The interior decor for the movie was all about flowers, ruffles, pastels and tartan. So naturally I look to Djehmli to find the perfect classic florals and coordinating patterns, plus Hatshepsut's Pretty Plaid to recreate the look.
The uploaded lot doesn't have any Christmas decorations. I thought I'd leave it for Simmers to have fun decorating it their way. Check out my screenshots to see how Clark and Ellen Griswold are getting the house ready this year. And watch for the Griswold House and other Christmas Movie Classics to be available soon.
Thanksgiving Again
Hello and happy November 2013. Have been away. Had another surgery and can walk now, yeah. Also Am doing vollunteer work for salvation army festivals. Have a new career as a face painter which is allowing me to use my art background. Am playing bells and chimes at my church which lets me use my music. Am also a volunteer clown at our senior center. My clown name is Sparkle and lets me act crazy without being put away. Have made some new patterns and they are available on my web page under leniece. Some woods, tiles and misc.
i think chemy is amazing
with a talent like that is truley a gift and what makes it more awsome she share it with us simsters {members of the sims3resouce}
she does not keep it for herself which is a pure hearted person
chemy my sims smile because of u and im sitting with an even bigger smile
chemy if ur reading this i want u to knoe im am obsested with ur creteation like im am ur number 1# fan and no one can say that they are because i have just took that place.
chemy pls pls keep on creating for others it is a hobbie for some it is technical stuff for me it is pasion for u it is love
chemy is my greatest house builder
love u chemy
Christmas Onesies
Coming soon! Christmas onesie's for men and women adults. Created, purchased by my sims, currently preparing for their big photo opp and a wintery scene :)
Annie xoxo
New Story
Helloo!!! :)
To everyone who has read Secret Guardian I'm letting you all know that I just uploaded a sequel to it called Guardian Angel :D (YAY!!!) but it doesn't exactly include JOsh or Ella at the moment but I promise you that it will be awesome!
Outback Hideaway
New lot has been submitted - just waiting for approval.
It is a small lot with a small lake and rustic natural items covering the house. Inspired by the sorts of rustic yet modern homes in the Austrailian rainforest. Feedback is always appreciated, so please comment if you like what I make. Should be approved today hopefully :)
Annie xoxo
i need help pls
i dont know how to change my proflie pic and the big rectangle pic pls pls pls help
my fellow simsters i need help
oh go down today and download some of the best clothes
i love everything u do with u sims i really do
your clothes ae verry detaled and harmonia im a really pckie kida girl and i chose ur clothes
you have achievement i wish i could have
you are my sims3 fashanistar
my sims are verry happy because of u.
who loves chemy i mean the girl really really has a talent for creating houses i wish i can some how devlope a skill like her.
if you havent downloaded a house from chemy yet its best u do
i promise youll thank me for it wait...........
no thank chemy for it she is a star the sims house strar
love u chemy
keep on the housing
Mother Russia Set
Oh my, EA could not have made me happier! *giggles with delight* I am off to create a castle :)
New Mother Russia Set:
Story Break,
I really do apoligise guys, but I've deleted all my screenshots, reason being I had to install and uninstall I had way too many photos, so I really apoligise this means no more camp paradiso I knw I wanted to finish it too :( But I'm sorry if I find the photos somehow Ill try start again but I'm sorry, I will make a new story I don't quite have any ideas yet but this will be my little break until I start up a new story, sorry guys please keep looking out on my profile for blog posts and upcoming stories :) Okay thanks
Select Artist
I just want to take a minute to thank everyone who's helped me get this far!
It's truely been a unique experience becomming a creator, the whole creative process has been a blast! not to mention the anticipation when publishing a new set and the pure joy I've felt when getting the first feedback.
To everyone who's commented on my sets: Thank you guys! really! it's been extremely motivating to log on and read your responses to my creations <3
To the people who downloaded my sets: 106,956 downloads in less than 3 months! - that's just amazing! thank you SO much!
To the people behind the scenes!
A heartfelt thanks to Sim_man123 - seriously dude, thank you for getting me this far (hug)
RicciNumbers - Thank you for introducing me to all the other creators and helping me grow as one as well!
Shino&KCR - <3 Thank you for being super supportive and helping me with my blonde moments: P
Rennara - Can't thank you enough for all the help you gave me with the tutorial I wrote on how to get CaP patterns into WS!
And AnoeskaB for delivering the fantastic news that resulted in a sitting happydance ^^,
I've made so many new friends here on TSR - and I love all of you <3
I still have a long way to go, lots of things to learn - and thanks to the creator community here on TSR, its possible!
Lots of love and hugs
What are friends for?! chapter 7!!!!
I finally finished uploading all the phots and now I have to write, which will take time. I do promise one thing, it should be up by the end of the week or maybe even tomorrow. I don't know when I really finish it, but I know that it will be up soon. I know that it took forever to post this one chapter, but I had a hard time trying to figure this one out. When it's finally finished, I'll make sure that you know about it.
-mischa :)
Finally I can get back to playing the Sims, after having broken my computer, trying several times to install the Sims, and every time he tell me that was not a valid copy even though I have all the original games, entering the and when the game after 5 minutes crashing. Finally think I got it!!!
Sorry for being so absent, but it was not my fault!
I'll get back to work!! xD
Nursing School Update
Hello fellow simmers, it's been a long time since I've done anything simlish (aside from my 'how to play the sims 3' communications presentation lol). Nursing school has kept me very busy, and I know I haven't interacted with you guys for sometime, sorry :( I do miss the sims community, however my school break is coming dec 5th and I cannot wait to create, upload, and share with you guys. Hope you are all doing well. Happy Thanksgiving in advance!
I'm still quite a slow pupcakehead.
Well, maybe not. or am I? That's the question, right? v( '.' )v? Anyways, I'm making progress with writing "Endless - Chapter 2". (As I noted in a blogpost before, I changed the title from "Dear You" to "Endless") And currently I'm creating a simmie, and a new lot, which I'll upload soon. ^-^ (That's what I'm planning..) But if school decides to randomly throw lotsa work-stuffles to me. It might take some more time.. (╥﹏╥) They better don't..!
Anyways, that's it for today! I'll try to reply to all the messages today, though I can't promise anything about being able to do so!
Have a beautiful day, my dear! xx ♥(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)
Hello Lovelies!
Nisuki here! It's ben a while, isn't it? My apologies! I've been very busy and couldn't find time to do some thingies for TSR (╥﹏╥), but now I've been able to keep everything in balance. This means I've more time for other stuff, huray! (◕ ε ◕)!!! So.. First, I want to tell you something. I.. Yea, I changed the title of my second Story. At first I planned to name "Unbound", but then I decided to just name it "Dear You", but now. finally.. I decided to name it "Endless". Sorry for the sudden change! The introduction and Chapter 1 have been edited to this new title, and the rest will just follow. So "Endless" shall be the name of my current story! I will note this at "Chapter 2 of Endless" Sorry if I'm confusing you. xD But I hope you've understood what I meant.
Anyways, it's been a while since my last creation upload. I might upload a new house soon, since I already have three sims! o: Let's give it a try, shall we?
I hope everyone's doing well. Keep smiling, hugshugs! xx
Just a few more items
Just a few more items to add to the Kanto Kitchen, Finaly it's (almost) there.
High Rises WITH apartment mailboxes - No Mods!
It is a pain to get started making high rises. Really. I mean the ones without shells. The ones you build from the ground up. To do this, I placed the two apartments that don't have shells from Bridgeport in my house bin, and then place one of them on a lot of my choosing. Then I have to completely delete the whole thing except the apartment mailbox and garbage can just so I can have the mailbox. *Sigh* It's worth it though! No stick mailboxes for my apartments, and no mods necessary to have them either! YAY! I have recently gotten the bug to create another high rise. Don't ask...I don't know either. LOL! Anyhoo, I just thought I'd let you know that it takes a bit to create them properly, and then test them for any problems, so don't think I'm not around. :) Just creating something (hopefully) really cool! Hope this tip helps other builders create their own buildings without shells or mods. :) It CAN be done, and you CAN have apartment mailboxes in your high rises without mods! Really! Happy Building!
Love and hugs -
My latest (and possibly last) set has been submitted - just waiting for approval :)
Yes, I check back every hour! Here's a preview of one of them:
New Egyptian World: Alexandria
Founded by Alexander the Great in 331 B.C., this Mediterranean city became the world’s most magnificent center of trade and later, home to Cleopatra. This beautiful world was created and fashioned after an actual ancient map of Alexandria with its canals and the connecting lake that was fed by the Nile and the sea. There is even the great wall that was built around the city for protection. Though not an exact replica of Alexandria, I offer you a beautiful, exotic city of mystery and charm for your Sims to live, love and die in this historical era.
Please read all the below information before downloading. This is a very large world, and it will take a high end computer to play. Note that the world may lag or have some short freezes at first until all the NPCs and spawners are placed in the world. Populate the world with the Sims of your choice. I have tested this world extensively for any routing or game issues, and it has played fine for me. This is not a perfect world, but I tried to pay great attention to detail, game play and the Sims interacting with it. Have fun!!!
World Information: 253 lots, large map, finished file size is 104 MBs. All spawners have been placed either in the world terrain or in the finished lots. All rabbit holes have been included as well as community lots needed for careers, lifetime wishes and badges. Water activities have been added such as ports, houseboats, beaches and islands.
Important Note: You may use ports and houseboats in Lake Mareotis, but not around the island coastline or in the canals. For the coastal and canal areas, you may use only small boats, speedboats, sailboats and jet ski’s as well as fish, snorkel, and dive. This world will not play exactly as Island Paradise, but you can enjoy most of the water game play. There is plenty of room on Lake Mareotis and the coastline to add dive lots or do a hidden island. I did not add these due to file size.
World Requirements: all Eps up to and including Island Paradise, Stuff Packs used are Outdoor Living, Town Life and High End Loft. The free store world of Riverview is required for the farm items. Some free store items are also required and listed below. Jinx rabbit hole rugs are required for the rabbit hole lots to function. The game rugs are placed and ready to be replaced with the Jinx rugs. You may find the rugs at Custom Sims 3. You must be patched up to 1.63.
Store Content Required: All Free Content
The Deserts End Table (end table), Kushy Tushy Dining Chair (dining chair), Table of Solitude by Scarab Corp, Bookshelf of the East from South Sea Imports (bookshelf), Tower Ivy and K2 Ivy from Prius Collection (wall ivy), Thanksgiving Floor Cart by Louie’s Market (wheelbarrow), Mr. Turnwillow (scare crow), Bountiful Harvest Centerpiece (light centerpiece), Thanksgiving Pumpkin Plant (pumpkin), Thanksgiving Wreath- door wreath), The Mysterious Cat (black cat), Clark’s Pack of Ghosts Lighting (lighting), Grinning Grimmy (wall hanging) All store content placed in the world are free items and you should already have them.
File Link:
Sims 3 Official Site:
Thanks, everyone. I hope you will have an interest in this beautiful world. I have also created some Egyptian Sims to go with the world, and you may find them at the official site under Judy Sims in My Studio.
World Pictures: just a few highlights of the world
New dresses coming soon!
Hello all,
Finally worked my way around some glitches and managed to start taking photos of my latest dress creations! :) I will work on them tomorrow and they will definately be up by the weekend :)
There are 3 dresses in the set - all look quite similar just variations of each other. They are for children. They are pretty navy blue lace dresses with beautiful lace socks and tights. :) I hope you like them as I don't think I'm able to make any more clothes after this lot - my body shop crashes after 5 second but these I had premade on my old computer - managed to save their file! Comments and feedback appreciated. xoxo
I got signed in!!! :D
Hello everyone,
Well, I am in the Sims3-Fever again. To be honestly, I got that game years ago to christmas, and I played it - really -, but then I fifn't have fun anymore while playing it and I also didn't have enough time. But now, it's autumn and soon it'll be winter (wwah, it's already that cold outside), so I think I will hve more time to play Sims3 again. I have also created a young adult - her name's Victoria - and she's great. But now I want to design my own collection for her house and I think, designing in one's own taste is still another experience, exspecially when you have finished and you see your creation in your Sim's house.
Soooo, and now I managed to sign in to TSR a few days ago and I am going to download the TSR Workshop :D. I REALLY hope that I am soon able to create my own furniture, clothing,... because it looks a little bit complicated. So, to all of you that have designed these beautiful creations: Wow, I am admiring you, I wish I couuld do that, too ;-).
Busy Bee !
Helloo everyone!
It's been a while eh? I've been very busy and stuff.. So yea x.x Anyways, I'll be replying to some messages now and I shall continue with "Dear You - Chapter 2" He!!!! I just saw that we can comment on stories and screenshots again, nice nice! I hope everyone's doing good ^-^
Have a beautiful day! xx
Keeping track on my facebook page
Hey all,
Just so you guys know, if you want to follow my updates before release, you can "like" this page on facebook..
I will update my work in progress and (to be) published items there first!!
Have a great weekend you guys!
TV-show lots
Hi guys!
It's been a long time since I've updated my blog here. Well I've been kind of busy since I've been working on some TV-show houses.
So far I've rebuild Carrie Bradshaw's apartment from Sex And The City, Lorelai Gilmore and Sookie's house from Gilmore Girls. The Carrie apartment and Sookie's house will be available in furnished and in unfurnished versions. Unfortunately my Lorelai house will only be available in unfurnished version because the furnished version is way too big and I can't seem to cut it down, otherwise I will loose too much authentic items which really make the house. You can check my facebook profile for photos of my work in process.
If you have any request for famous house, please let me know and send me some pictures :-)
Happy simming
Dorienski x
Finally Back!
What happened in these almost 3 years... !?
Firstly my father died cause of a tumour.. I had to recover myself (my mind and my heart) for those moments... -and no please, don't tell me anything religious about Paradise/HEaven or God, 'cause I don't believe in these..-
Secondly, I finally found my sense of living: help people and animals... So i'm an elder nurse and ofc a veterinarian helper ^^
Thirdly, I'm finding a job -right now I only work sometimes and only if people call me but most the time I'm a volontueer- I'm happy about it, but I need money XD
Fortly, one of my cat recently died...
and last but not least... My PC was dead again.. I need to change it in few months 'cause I really want Sims 4 :P
And what about you, people???
I miss TSR and Sims!!!
PS: I found a real/great sister-like friend!! <3
Hi guys, what's up?
Not much is happening in Lily-chan's end at the moment. She's currently on vacation by her parents and nothing much is happening in my Sims game right now. Well I snatched my hubby's laptop (who also has sims 3 installed!) so i could built something for my game. Okay... I didn't quite snatch it.. he told me to because he was going out of the house, so yea... I swear! I need my own settings! His screen is so... sooo.... I dunno how to describe it, but I am getting something built all right ;)
So far I've only been uploading two homes, but I hae built more though. I've just been too lazy to snap pics and upload them o.O I promise I'll do something about it though.
But so, what's coming up? Well a spacey modernized mansion ~ I haven't been building large homes for a long time, so I hope it'll be worth the effort :3
Haven't I accomplished anything but that? Well yes I have! My sister has been like: TS3 AIN'T my thing!
but guess what... she saw me open the game and enter CAS.. then she was suddenly... HOOKED!!! She completely fell over the fairies and stuff. Nyaaah I'm so proud of her! <3
because of that I have considered trying uploading sims as well, but not sure yet. we'll see about it~
Have a nice day!
Broken Walls aren't broken - so to speak!
You might have noticed in my upcoming creation that I once again have broken walls (similar to those I once made for Sims 2).
I actually made them a long time ago, but EA spotted what I was doing and swiftly introduced a nasty little bug with World adventures that left an ugly grey border where any seamless window was placed (and of course the broken walls are actually windows).
After the early expansion packs, I did routinely try them again and again, but no joy. if anything, the fault became worse. So these windows were allowed to join another 200 or so windows in my "dump it" folder (I tend to get ideas for windows, make them and then dump - it's a bad habit).
But yesterday, when preparing screenshots for my Industrial Tanks set, I decided to try one just for kicks - and it looked normal - totally correct! So, at long last, I can finally launch these windows so your Sims towns can also be in ruins - literally.