I'm soooo excited because my set was approved, although I don't think it will be posted as a set because I had problems with the file storage but thats ok, I am just excited to see my first uploads to TSR. I actually just uploaded another item a few minutes ago too. It's just a single item. It's a 1x2 work bench. I hated how big and gawdy the original drafting tables were so I made a smaller one. It was actually really easy, I just didn't realize that when I started. I expected it to be more complicated so it bacame complicated, and the more I messed with stuff that didn't need to be messed with the more I messed it up. Then I started over and decided to make one change at a timeto the foot ptints to see where it was that I was messing up and it turns out the first thing I changed was the only thing I needed to change. Ain't that funny. I thought it was funny. Oh well, this was only step one. The next step is to make another option for a workbench. I've been looking for antiquie drafting and writing tables for inpiration. Plus I am still working on my studio living dinette ser which is coming along real nice. I made my first glass object. Very cool.
This is what I have so far. As you can see it's close to done but there are a few kinks I want to work out. You can't see them real well but there is a plate set on the table thats pretty cool. I made it a bit too thin though so it looks kinda two dimensional, No big deal, an easy fix, also the glass vase isn't transperant enough also an easy fix. Also I don't love the shape of the cusion on the stool. Thats not really an asy fix, I'd pretty much have to start from scratch but it's a simple design so it would be that big of a deal. I haven't decided yet. I might leave it as it is, but I doubt it because it will annoy me. So we'll see. I have lots of ideas. Some of them are a bit ambitious and beyound my skill level so I have to try to make myself slow down and do one object at a time. I like to to do things that are a bit diferent, and not just astetically but like what I like about the table is it's a shlf too and the workbench I'm planning will have some shelves too and I'm thiniking of doing a murphey desk. I wish I could find someone who could add the animations to make it a true murphey desk. That would be cool. Ok well it's wayyy past my bedtime so good night and happy simming.
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