Feeling Adventurous
So, I got this idea in my head about 3 o'clock this morning that maybe, just maybe I can do clothes. I really want to do clothes. As much as I love interior design, I love fashion even more. Which is sooo weird because I am totally a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl. I might lose the tee for a blouse once in a while but unless I'm going to church or a wedding I ain't ditching my jeans for a skirt, and dresses is a dirty word in my book. If I could have I would have wore a white Channel suit for my wedding day but my husband vetoes me cause he said he wasn't marrying a lesbian. Whatever, it would have been cute. Not to mention I would probly have kept the suit, unlike my husband. Anyway, so yeah, I'm gonna attempt a clothing item. Something simple like a bathing suit or simple top. We'll see.
I do have a little mini set I just uploaded. It's pending approval. I'm pretty proud of it. It's only 3 items, but I spent a lot of time getting the details just right. So I hope everyone likes it. The pic on the left in my 3 pc desk set and the pick on the right is the inspiration. Enjoy and happy simming.