I would like to apologize for going missing and leave a note as to why. My son finally had surgery on his knee last month, and that has required several, day long trips. We also discovered the exterior of our home had been getting rain damage behind the siding. It was due to faulty installation but the manufacterer of our home (yes I live in a mobile home in reality) have filed Bankruptcy. So even though the home is only 12 years old, we are stuck fixing the rotted walls on our own! We are quite literally having to remove and rebuild our home in 12 foot incriments at a time! From the floor support to the roof! The roof is new so ironically enough it has NOT leaked lol! Although it is a major set back, and a huge amount of work, we opted to stay, since the home is almost paid for, and rebuild. The silver lining is that I will basically have a new home in the end (built properly) and I now get to play Sims for real by designing my actual home the way I want it to be lol! However I will not have time for creating. I have already lost the SA title, which would have been my choice anyway, because although it was a honor, I just do not have the time nor the energy to create anything lately. Thanks to everyone who has been so sweet to me during my time as a SA! I am now going back to being one of the fans instead of one of the creators!