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Created for: The Sims 2
This is a Set with 8 Creations - Click here to show all
This Creation has Requirements - Click here to show them
Holy Smoke MODULAR stairs in eight new colours! No recolouring necessary. EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: Please click the INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS link above. If downloading individual stairs, please use their installation instructions. Enjoy! TSRAA items.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/216867
ItemID: 216867

This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
Installation Instructions:
<font face=\"Arial\" style=\"font-size:10pt\"><strong>TO INSTALL THE <font color=\"#FF0000\">ENTIRE SET</font> OF MODULAR HOLY SMOKE STAIRS...</strong>
<strong>(1) Place all the stairs files in your \'Downloads\' folder </strong>as usual.
<strong>(2) Find where you originally installed The Sims 2 game </strong>(not the expansion packs) and look for the folder <strong>TSData\\Res\\Catalog\\Scripts</strong> (<a href=\"http://forums.thesimsresource.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=126944\" target=\"_blank\">see picture</a>). It is usually in THIS location:
<font color=\"#008080\"><strong> C:\\Program Files\\EA GAMES\\The Sims 2\\TSData\\Res\\Catalog\\Scripts</strong></font>
<strong>(3) Open the file \'modularStairs.txt\'</strong> and find an empty space at the bottom of the page.
<strong>(4) Copy and paste the following eight blocks of text below</strong> into a space at the bottom of the file <a href=\"http://forums.thesimsresource.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=126945\" target=\"_blank\">(see picture)</a>:
<font face=\"Courier\" style=\"font-size:10pt\">
# cyclonesue_stairs_HS_Black
modularStairs 530
objectID landing 0x0011CF7A
objectID placeholder 0x0011CF79
objectID step 0x0011CF7B
objectID topStep 0x0011CF78
objectID bottomStep 0x0011CF76
catalogTextIndex 6
# cyclonesue_stairs_HS_White
modularStairs 531
objectID landing 0x0011CF86
objectID placeholder 0x0011CF85
objectID step 0x0011CF87
objectID topStep 0x0011CF84
objectID bottomStep 0x0011CF82
catalogTextIndex 6
# cyclonesue_stairs_HS_Steel
modularStairs 532
objectID landing 0x0011CF80
objectID placeholder 0x0011CF7F
objectID step 0x0011CF81
objectID topStep 0x0011CF7E
objectID bottomStep 0x0011CF7C
catalogTextIndex 6
# cyclonesue_stairs_HS_Gold
modularStairs 533
objectID landing 0x0011CF88
objectID placeholder 0x0011CF8C
objectID step 0x0011CF8D
objectID topStep 0x0011CF8B
objectID bottomStep 0x0011CF89
catalogTextIndex 6
# cyclonesue_stairs_HS_Blue
modularStairs 534
objectID landing 0x0011CF92
objectID placeholder 0x0011CF91
objectID step 0x0011CF93
objectID topStep 0x0011CF90
objectID bottomStep 0x0011CF8E
catalogTextIndex 6
# cyclonesue_stairs_HS_Red
modularStairs 535
objectID landing 0x0011CF98
objectID placeholder 0x0011CF97
objectID step 0x0011CF99
objectID topStep 0x0011CF96
objectID bottomStep 0x0011CF94
catalogTextIndex 6
# cyclonesue_stairs_HS_Green
modularStairs 536
objectID landing 0x0011CF9E
objectID placeholder 0x0011CF9D
objectID step 0x0011CF9F
objectID topStep 0x0011CF9C
objectID bottomStep 0x0011CF9A
catalogTextIndex 6
# cyclonesue_stairs_HS_Mauve
modularStairs 537
objectID landing 0x0011CFA4
objectID placeholder 0x0011CFA3
objectID step 0x0011CFA5
objectID topStep 0x0011CFA2
objectID bottomStep 0x0011CFA0
catalogTextIndex 6
<strong>(5) Save and close</strong> the text file.
And that\'s it! The entire Holy Smoke set should now show in your stairs catalog. More details about installing these steps can be found here at <a href=\"http://forums.thesimsresource.com/showthread.php?p=3047979\" target=\"_blank\">this forum</a>. Have fun!</font>