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Created for: The Sims 3
This is a Set with 18 Creations - Click here to show all
This is a set of modular curtains that will fit any window width. The set consists of pelmets, straight curtains and tieback curtains. Almost all curtains come in solid and sheer versions.
The pelmets come in five sizes mainly because I don't like the way the lamps in a room create different shades on two separate items next to each other. If you really need to dress a window that is 6 tiles or wider the pelmets can be combined. They match seamlessly.
These are the curtains I created originally for the Savoy Bedroom Set. The set started to grow and it became impossible to add the curtains to the bedroom. I created three new curtains for the bedroom set and planned to upload these later. To make a long story short I forgot them and they have been gathering dust on my hard drive until I found them this summer.
All theses curtains have new IDs so they won't overwrite the curtains that came with the bedroom set.
Link to collection file is available in the Creator Notes tab.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1248639
ItemID: 1248639
Filesize: 3 MB
Collection file can be found here:
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