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Created for: The Sims 3
This is a Set with 6 Creations - Click here to show all
My first set of meshes is inspired by a dress I made for my Daughter Isabella. It includes a crib, mirror, mobile, end table, painting, and play table. The play table looks like a coffee table however your toddler can play blocks on it anyway. The crib is a 4 poster bed with skirts and bumpers, and a quilted mattress. The mirror is made to look llike a window for a charming country appeal. The mobile is 4 hearts, made of shiny, durable plastic. The endtable is a simple table with 4 carved wooden hearts on each leg. The 4 hearts represent the "love 4 ever". The painting is of serene birds in a pretty and calming white, blue and red.
I may add a blog post talking about the inspiration for this nursery because it is pivotal for me, learning to create meshes is amazing. I hope you all can enjoy these, and hopefully you will bookmark me to see my progress in meshing. Thank you!
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1018487
ItemID: 1018487
Revision: 2
Filesize: 3 MB
If you use in a screen shot, send me a nore because i love to see it. USe as you like, TSRAA
Credits: My Daughter, Isabella for the inspiration
- TSRAA: Yes - What's this?

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