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Created for: The Sims 3
This is a Set with 5 Creations - Click here to show all
I made a crapload of patterns lately, and these were the 'poor unfortunate souls' (Little Mermaid song--love it) that I couldn't decide on including or excluding, since they're not very good. But I know there's got to be a nuts-n-bolts nut out there somewhere who could get a kick out of using these patterns for SOMETHING, so I figured--hey! Why not? If they want to make their lots look like a post-Doomsday Bomb abandoned warehouse dystopian WRECK, who am I to stop them? Why should I clip their metal wings before they learn to fly? Why should I pierce a hole in their gasoline tank of creativity, simply because I'm in a fix? Why should I continue rambling on and on when they've got patterns to download and ruin the pristineness of their lots with? You know?
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1132240
ItemID: 1132240
Filesize: 835 KB

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