![Sims 3 — Fnuggi Playard by Angelistra — The Fnuggi Playard set was designed to be used in the livingroom or in the garden](/scaled/2362/w-600h-450-2362424.jpg)
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Created for: The Sims 3
This is a Set with 3 Creations - Click here to show all
The Fnuggi Playard set was designed to be used in the livingroom or in the garden - to keep your baby close when you're busy!
TSR: Kitriana
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1217340
ItemID: 1217340
Filesize: 2 MB
The playard is actually a crib, but due to the playpen design there is no animated gate. The set was designed for babies but feel free to put in a toddler, just be aware that the animations will be off. The toy gym is purely a decorative object :)
and on a more personal note: This is my very first set! yay! :D So a special thanks goes out to Sim_man123 for patiently answering my never-ending string of questions xD couldn't have done this without his patient guidance :) so thank you!
Credits: Sim_man123
- TSRAA: Yes - What's this?
![Fnuggi Playard - Click to view and download separately!](/scaled/2362/w-133h-100-2362425.jpg)
![Fnuggi Toy Gym - Click to view and download separately!](/scaled/2362/w-133h-100-2362426.jpg)
![Fnuggi Canopy - Click to view and download separately!](/scaled/2362/w-133h-100-2362427.jpg)
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