Aaron231 (3546753)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (20 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Sarah Napong
Published Jul 6, 2011
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ToxicButterfly29Dec 07, 2012
Hey Maybe you could do an Amy Lee sim so far i love your work
agapi rAug 25, 2011
Hi, thank you for your comment in my GB. I´m sorry that I havent answer you until now, but I have been away from the site for a couple months. To make clothes like me you need to be good in photoshop. I have gone classes for it but you can learn the program yourself if you search for photoshop tutorials. I design alot of my clothes and to make them look good I take parts from other clothes on the internet so that for example the frill, wrinkles or ribbons look´s good and more real.I hope this helps you. Have a nice day
murfeelApr 03, 2011
ATTENTION: I could stab myself in the foot and drink a gallon of bleach right now, but I JUST found another version of the princess dress WITH SLEEVES! http://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims3-clothing-female/title/vintage-ballgown-with-sleeves-%2Arequested%2A/id/999459/ I'd say, use this one instead! uh: Also, what do you want to DO on the Workshop? Really, the Workshop is not the problem with creating Clothes, Hairs and Objects. It's the skill behind wrangling mosters like Milkshape (for making Hair, Clothes and Object meshes) and Photoshop/Gimp (for making Hair, Clothes and Objects textures). TSRW is really just a middle man between transferring files so that TSR can easily read them. It's a ridiculous process, which is why I stick to murals, and then only on good days when I'm feeling risky. lol If you want, I can give you a tutorial I made for a friend a few months ago, on how I make murals. It shows you exactly what I mean when I say that TSRW is really just the bridge between MAKING and SHARING stuff. http://www.mediafire.com/?tr7c4s2nmneswrh As for craziness like clothes and hair and whatever, your guess is as good as mine, I tried, and bombed. That's why I like making Sims and Lots, You just play the game, click share, and go to sleep peacefully at the end of the day. LOL