AlexaFaie (6695380)
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AshuriaApr 13, 2022
Thank you so much for your comment on my dinosaur t-shirt creation. I went in game and tried the shirt on my female sim (no fashion choise ticked in filters) and the shirt looks decent in my opinion on a female. Surely I could've actually done a female version of this one too, just never occured to me due it was a request item originally
soloriyaJun 12, 2021
Thank you for your comment on my Gladys Decor set ♥ ♥ Happy simming
WistfulCastleNov 28, 2018
Please, don't play Despacito, Alexa I believe it's only a sexy-sadness role for a sexy-sadness photo They quite happily settled in my game, promise Thank you for the comment!