Angelbabe1983's Blog
A Few Things.......
Hey Guys,I know it's been a little while since i have uploaded or updated here. Time is just flying for me at the moment and before i knew it it was Easter already. Ok so in this blog i want to take the opportunity to talk about a couple of things.
The first is a BIG THANKYOU to all of you who participated in my Fashion Style Poll. I know i have kept it up there for a long time but i had almost 300 people participate it it. I appreciate you all letting me know both your own style and your Sims style. This way i can create clothing based on what you guys like.
Here are the Poll Results.....
Question: Your Style?
Punk 17.25% (49)
Retro 8.8% (25)
Sexy 9.15% (26)
Pretty 16.9% (48)
Plain Jane 20.42% (58)
Preppy 6.34% (18)
Sophisticated 9.86% (28)
Girly 9.86% (28)
Question: Your Sims Style?
Punk 15.14% (43)
Retro 6.69% (19)
Sexy 23.94% (68)
Pretty 22.89% (65)
Plain Jane 3.17% (9)
Preppy 3.87% (11)
Sophisticated 14.44% (41)
Girly 8.1% (23)
The next thing is i want to wish everyone a very Happy Easter, I'm using this weekend to make a whole bunch of clothing for you guys. 4 days off - i think i can get a lot done. I have almost finished making my last 3 Teen Sets for Adults. Just finishing off the tops. I'm going to make some more clothing for Teens and Adults. Might work on some more hair too and ages ago i was going to make some more accessories so i might get stuck into that.
Anyway this is getting a little long - think i'll stop now. Again everyone have a wonderful Easter and i hope the Easter Bunny brings you lots of Eggs!
Take Care,
New Stuff!
Hey Guys,I know i have been a little slow of late with not many updates. But i'm here to tell you that there will be some more from me in the next week. I have been working on some stuff today that i just need to take my screens of and then upload.
I am hoping that my Internet problems start to get sorted soon too. My Internet has been slowed at the moment as it says i have gone over my Usage. I've recently started playing Second Life and i have a bad feeling that it is because of that that i have gone over my limit. Answer: to increase my Plan. I have gone upto the next plan which means my Usage doubles. So hopefully that will also help my other Internet problems.
Anyway enjoy my updates and sorry i have been very slack lately.
Thanks for all the comments you guys have been leaving me and sorry i have been slow to reply. I'll get there.
My Uploads
Hey Guys,I just wanted to write this short note to let anyone who regularly downloads my creations know that i am having Internet Problems at the moment which is why my Uploads are few and far between.
It's really getting beyond a joke. I am getting VERY frustrated with my ISP. At first i thought it might be something to do with my computer but after talking to others who have the same Internet that i have they have also said they are having problems.
I spent half an hour on the phone tonight trying to get through to a technician but ended up giving up. I'm going to try again tomorrow.
So i just wanted to apologise.
Thanks though to everyone who is still leaving me comments.
Happy Simming!
It's All About.........
Hey Guys,"It's All About" is the title of my new series of clothing. For each colour i am dedicating a Set. Today i finished a Red Set. This means if you have a favourite colour then you are able to download 4 items in that colour.
There is going to be:
- A Dress
- A Skirt and Top
- A Top and Pants
- A Top and 3Quarters.
To start off it's only going to be for Female Adults and depending on how well they go i may decide to make a series for Teens.
ALL of these Sets are going to be Mesh Free as i am liking the challenge of only working with 1 or 2 templates.
While that's still going on i'm still going to make my Swimsuits, PJ's etc. These colour sets are only going to be for "Everyday" clothing.
Also on the drawing board for me is still Hair Recolours and Make Up. I am also going to try making some more "Eye Sets" and in the next few weeks i'm going to start working on some more "Purses".
So i'm going to be very busy for the next month or so. I have lots of ideas but not a lot of time.
Well that's it from me. Hope you continue to enjoy my Uploads.
Happy Simming!
Sims Artists Union Links
Hey Guys,This is just to let you all know that i have updated my Sims Artists Union Sets with new links and new paths to find the meshes. Hopefully now things will start to settle down.
Thanks for your patience.
Have a great weekend!
SAU Update
Hey Guys,Well i had a look over at The Sims Artists Union today and it seems that they are up and running again. But there layout is now a little different so it seems that now i am going to have to update all my links again.
So i'm just asking for you guys to be a little patient with me. If i get the chance i will fix them tomorrow.
Thanks though to those of you who have been patient. I appreciate it.
The Sims Artists Union
Hi Guys,I got to the front page of The Sims Artists Union and there was this message there:
SAU is currently down for renewal of the site.
We'll be back on January 15th.
Okay now i have to say to all those people who keep reporting my Sims Artists Union Hair Recolours to please stop. I understand you are frustrated that you are unable to get the meshes but reporting my stuff isn't the way. I too am getting frustrated but with the reporting of my recolours. It's not my fault that the site is under maintenance.
The links DO work as a few thousand other people have been able to download the meshes. The Internet isn't always perfect and people do need to do maintenance of their sites every so often.
If you can't get the links to work or you come up with an error page contact me or check back at the SAU site in a few days. SAU has been unreliable the past month or so but they have a few things they need to work on to make the site better for you guys.
I appreciate so much that you want to download my recolours but It makes me feel horrible to log in and see that some of my stuff has been reported. So please just be patient with SAU.
Hair Recolours
Hey Guys,This is just to let anyone who downloads any of my Hair Recolours know that ALL links have been updated. All Peggy Recolours have been relinked to the new "Peggy Zone". Also while i was doing that i updated my Sims Artists Union Recolours also. So now they have the proper links and paths to find the meshes.
Thanks for all your patience. Any problems let me know.
P.S I hope everyone has a wonderful New Years. Unlucky for me i have to work :(

Peggy Sims Recolours
Hey Guys,Some of you might be aware that Peggy Sims 2 is now Peggy Zone. This also means that all my links are useless now. So i am going to update all of the links but it's going to take some time. So please be patient with me. I know it must be frustrating but these things happen. So if you aren't able to find the new meshes then just sit tight and the new links should be up soon.
Thanks for your patience.
Hey Guys,If you are wondering why there are no updates from me this week it's because i am going away for a couple of days for Christmas. I made a couple of things over the weekend but never got the time to upload and do my previews. Sorry! I'm about to start work in half an hour so this is just a quick note. Have a great day tomorrow!
Merry Christmas!

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