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Angelbabe1983's Blog

Poll Results

Hey Guys,

I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank those who participated in my last poll. I had over 100 people vote which has really helped me out a lot. Anyway here are the results.....

What do you prefer?

No Mesh Clothing 41.44% (46)
Mesh Clothing 17.12% (19)
Doesn't Bother Me 40.54% (45)

It was pretty close there with "No Mesh Clothing" winning by one vote. I now also know that people don't mind having to download a mesh as well. Based on that though i think i am going to keep going with the No Mesh Clothing. It's been a great challenge for me to create using 1 or 2 bases.

Thanks everyone!


Hey Everyone,

I feel like celebrating. I have finally cracked the million downloads. I have been sitting between 900,000 and 1,000,000 for the past week and because i hadn't had a lot of new stuff coming out i had to wait patiently. But finally it's here.

Thanks to everyone who has left comments, signed my Guestbook or simply just downloaded my stuff. It truly is because of you guys that i have gotten to where i am today.

Now i'm off to celebrate by uploading some new Sets.

Thanks again everyone!!

Merry Christmas

Hey Guys,

I know it's a little early but i thought i would get in now. I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I hope that everyone enjoys the holidays and recieves everything they wish for.

I am going away this year which i am looking forward to. My family and i are going to spend some time with some of our other family. Unfortnunately though it will only be for a few days then it's back to reality (and work).

Thanks to everyone for all their support over this year. I finally got the courage to start submitting my own stuff and it's paid off. I really enjoy submitting to TSR - everyone here is so nice and it's been lovely to come home after a bad day and see everyone's lovely comments.

Thank you again.

Love Louise

Christmas Graphics

My Projects.....

Hey Guys, Here are some things i have been working on and have just uploaded. There is a mixture this time around. I tried my hand at creating Lipstick. I think they turned out resonably well. I also have a Nails Set. These are just some plain ones with fancy ones coming later on. Hope you enjoy them! Hugs, Louise.

Hair Requests

Hey Guys,

Well it's getting to the point now that i am running out of Hair Tones to recolour. So now i think i'm going to start taking any requests. If there is a particular Hair Tone that you have seen somewhere and would like it to be recoloured just sign my Guestbook or send me a PM telling me where it is - and if possible to give me the link. I won't though recolour any "Pay Hair" or ones that i am not allowed to recolour. I want everyone to be able to download them. I'm also not going to do any Hair Tones that i have already done.

I have a couple more Hair Sets coming out within the next week. There are a couple for Females and a couple for Males. Any requests can be for Female or Males - it doesn't bother me.

While i am also on this topic i must apologise to anyone who is trying to download any of my Peggy Sims Hair Tones. Peggy Sims is doing maintenance to their Free Area - so you won't be able to download from there for a short period. Hopefully though they will be back up and running soon.

Thanks guys,



Here are some things that i have been working on. All of these require no mesh apart from the Hair Tone. Enjoy them!

SAU Is Back Up!

Hey Everyone,

Just to let anyone who reads this know that the Sims Artists Union is back up and the links work. I am going to resubmit my Felicity Hair Set.

Thanks to those who have been very patient - although there are a few who haven't been so understanding.

Enjoy my Sets - hopefully it stays up.



Sims Artists Union Site Down!

Hey Guys,

Firstly i must apologise for SAU being down. I wasn't aware of this until i logged in this morning to find all the comments about it. They switched hosts the week just gone so it may have something to do with that. I checked on the Wicked Nouk Family of Sites website today which is the hosts of SAU and the site comes up with the same error. So they must be having troubles of some sort.

In the meantime you can either check back there in a couple of days to get any meshes that you require. Or send me a PM or sign my GB with your email address and i will send you the mesh file. I have 2 more hair sets coming out today that need meshes from there also.

Again i am very very sorry for any trouble.



Hey Everyone,

I'm just celebrating because i just realised today that i have reached 500,000 downloads. That's half a million. I am so excited and stoked.

Thanks to everyone who has downloaded something of mine. I don't know if you realise how much i appreciate it!

Keep downloading my stuff and thanks again!


What I'm Working On!

Hey Guys,

Well at the moment i am working on some new clothing for your Sims. I am making them without meshes. I want to see how they go and whether they get many downloads. I currently have a Poll going asking whether or not you prefer to download clothing without meshes or with meshes.

At the moment "No Meshes" is winning so i have decided to try my best with just using Maxis bases for some clothing. I hope you guys like them.

That all really from me, enjoy my new stuff!

Latest Headlines

Poll Results 1,000,000 Downloads!! Merry Christmas My Projects..... Hair Requests Upcoming..... SAU Is Back Up! Sims Artists Union Site Down! 500,000 Downloads! What I'm Working On!
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