Angelbabe1983's Blog
Time for a Break..... *EDIT*
Hey Everyone,I know i said in my previous Blog Entry that it was time for me to have a break.... but i didn't realise how much i would miss creating. It's only been a couple of days. Unfortnately though i am still having computer trouble so i'm going to give it another day or so and then reinstall. Hopefully with any luck things will go as i want them to.
Well it's just a short one from me today. Keep your fingers crossed for me that all goes well with my reinstall.
Time for a break........
Hey Everyone,Well it's about time for a break from me. Today i uninstalled EVERYTHING Sims related, games, downloads EVERYTHING. My computer has been running horribly lately and i thought it was about time for a clean up and fresh start.
Don't fret though i will be back in time. This time around though i think i will only install Nightlife, Seasons and Bon Voyage. They are really only the EP's that i use and like.
But in the meantime i have a lot of stuff coming out in the next 4 days. So i hope you will enjoy them. Once i have reinstalled i think i am going to play for a bit. I haven't played the actual game for a while and i haven't even explored Bon Voyage yet.
So i shouldn't be long in coming back but enjoy the stuff i have coming out this week and see you guys on the flip side.
Bye for now,
New Stuff!
Hey Guys,Well for a minute there i thought i was going to have to put anymore creating on hold for the time being. I had a bit of trouble with my computer this week. It was lagging VERY badly and was taking for ever to open anything. But i did a bit of a clean up and it seems to be working fine now. *Fingers Crossed*
So this weekend is one of my only free ones for the next month so i am going to get stuck into creating. I have found some new inspiration so i am planning on making a whole bunch of stuff for Teens and Adults, plus some more hair tones.
I have finally reached 300,000 downloads. I was so happy when i saw it. Thanks to everyone who has been downloading my stuff and for all the lovely comments i have been getting. I truly appreciate it and promise to get back to everyone.
Have a great weekend!
It's Been A While.
Hey Guys,Well it's been a while since i last posted in here. God i have been so busy working it's not even funny. I have been trying to cram as much creating into my weekends. So my Uploads are a bit few and far between. I have some new things coming out today and during the next couple of days. I had wanted to create some more swimsuits both for Female Adults and Teens. I'm happy with the way they turned out.
Next up i'm going to work on some hair recolours i think. I'm going to give it a start today before work and then over the weekend. It's a long weekend here in Adelaide so i have an extra day this weekend!
I have been thinking that lately i want a break from creating. I was thinking of installing The Sims 1 again and playing that for a while. But i haven't made up my mind yet. So for now you will still see stuff from me - until i make up my mind that is.
Well tis all from me, have a great day!
Poll Results
Here are the results of my last Poll. I was finding out what your favourite colours were and whether or not you liked Plains, Florals etc. For a little while there my favourite colour (Purple) was winning but it just lost to Pink. Anyway here are the results:Question: What's Your Favourite Colour?
Blue 12.2% (5)
Red 7.32% (3)
Purple 17.07% (7)
Black 14.63% (6)
Green 14.63% (6)
Pink 21.95% (9)
Yellow 2.44% (1)
White 4.88% (2)
Question: What Textures Do You Like?
Florals 24.39% (10)
Plain 39.02% (16)
Abstract 14.63% (6)
Other Pattern 14.63% (6)
Thanks to all that participated. It also now shows that i'm not alone when it comes to liking Plain Textures.
What I'm Working On.....
Hey Guys, Well i have an extra day off this weekend as we are having a long weekend here in Adelaide - Hooray for long weekends! So i'm going to get my butt moving and make stuff. I just finished some Accesories today and they are waiting for approval when the weekend is over. Here are some previews: I'm happy with the way they turned out. Thanks though needs to go to the 2 incredible mesh creators. Lianaa and Ulkrhsn. Just published today was some Nike Caps for Men - well i have decided i will make them also for Females - and i will also make Nike Beanies. It's just for something different as i'm always making clothes and i think i need something different for a change. I'm also going to make a lot of clothing for Teen Females. I have made a few here and there but think they deserve some more. Well i have lots to do and not a lot of time to do it. It's Saturday night already and i feel like i've done hardly anything. So it's off to creating for me. Bye, LouiseSneak Peek!
Hey Everyone, Here are some samples of some new items i have created which are just waiting approval. Hope you like and will enjoy them when they come out. Enjoy!Poll Results
Hey All!Just wanted to say thanks to all of your who participated in my Polls. Here are the results.....
Dresses OR Top & Pants..
Question: What would you like to see more of from me?
Dresses 33.33% (3)
Top & Pants Sets 33.33% (3)
Bit of both 33.33% (3)
What Do You Download More.....
Question: What do you download most of?
Adult Clothing 74.29% (26)
Teen Clothing 11.43% (4)
Half Half 17.14% (6)
So from that i will continue to make a bit of both and make more for Adults with a few creations in between for your Teens.
Thanks again to everyone who participated. It has helped me out in making my creations now. I want to be able to make what people want.