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Angelbabe1983's Guestbook

tinkerbell7716Dec 15, 2007

atangkiDec 15, 2007

Merry Christmas to you too! \:D

LuecyDec 15, 2007


rythmgitrDec 15, 2007

Platinumplaygurl82Dec 15, 2007

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wedonthavetoberockstarsDec 14, 2007

wow, thank you for your nice comment in my guestbook! I guess we are equal admirers \:\) Keep up the amazing work! \:D

tinkerbell7716Dec 14, 2007

\:rah\: \:D thanks for signing my guest book.

Wolfsim68Dec 14, 2007

Thanks Louise! It's so cool that you've met Lauren too (iLOVETHESIMS). It's such a small world isn't it? Love & Hugs \:wub\: Shaz

iLOVÉTHÉS¡MSDec 14, 2007

Hello Louise! \:D Its awesome people are from Adelaide, I too thought I was the only one. \:\) I didn't get to go to the GC concert, but I went to their big one, with The Hot Lies and Horshall common. \:\) That was at the Night Train, i'm sure youve heard of that. \:\) It was so awesome! They came out after teh show and hugged/talked with everyone, just like NORMAL people, not uptight rockstars. \:P Thats why I love them, darren espesh

Wolfsim68Dec 14, 2007

Hi Louise! I've been thinking about you & wondering how you were going. You must have heard me! Nothing much happening on the house hunting. Everything's either too expensive or too big for us to handle. Pat's unwell as he can't swallow solids, so he has to blend all his food. He has to wait till the end of January before he can get into the hospital to have a procedure which will hopefully fix it.It really sucks as we couldn't go out for dinner for our wedding anniversary & Christmas is going to be a very quiet affair. Hope you have a safe & happy Christmas & look forward to catching up with you in the new year! Love & Hugs \:wub\: Shaz

LuecyDec 14, 2007

Hey there , Merry Christmas to you too..GOD BELSS YOU....\:D

AjoyaDec 14, 2007

Just dropping in because I LOVE your page & wanted to introduce myself. And also because I see you like purple! MyHotComments / HotFreeLayouts

hiedibear75Dec 14, 2007

Punk is pretty.:col: I dress in all sorts of styles as do my sims......including punk, preppy, girly, and sexy......too bad there wasn't an "eclectic" or "different kinds" option.\;\) \:wub\: Fun poll.\:P \:wub\:

cinderellimouseDec 13, 2007

Hi Lousie! Thanks for the advice. I've been using clothing sites for inspiration too. I've been trying to create a long dress but I'm struggling a bit with the flared skirt. That's why I miss the sims creator. I'll keep plodding on. Thanks again! XXX Karen \:D \:wub\:

zvaellaDec 13, 2007

Hi you! Just wanted to tell you what an amazing job you're doing; I'm definitely keeping an eye on your work! And Happy Holidays! \:\)

MuccyDec 13, 2007

As always, do I have to thank you such wonderful insight into your Sims 2 show. I wish you a wonderful day, bye Muccy\:wub\: \:rah\:

pretty_babyDec 13, 2007

Peekaboo!! i just did your quiz. my sims are punk but i didnt know how to answer for myself...i did retro because i like those retro print tees. casual i guess not really plain jane tho. i hope not anyway!!! \:rah\: \:rah\: Sarah!!

cinderellimouseDec 12, 2007

Hi Louise, I was using bodyshop last night and your Colin hair looked great! I have a very handsome boy sim now. \:D Can I ask you a quick question? What program do you use when creating clothing? I'm using a photo editing program but I wish there was something like The Sims Creator which I used to use for the sims1, I like that it used to let you draw directly on a 3D body. Any ideas? Karen \:D \:wub\:

Bureaucrat36Dec 12, 2007

If you want i can say some ideas about clothing if you want of course\;\)

Bureaucrat36Dec 12, 2007

Thank for your answer to me. I hope you're making more cool sims staff. You have a talent it's great! \:wub\:

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