Astarta (966360)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (1281 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Black nature
Published May 30, 2007
About Me
I have been a huge fan of The sims since it first came out. And when it comes to Sims2, my 2 main interests are creating decorative walls and recoloring rugs. I started to create walls and floors about 2 years ago, but lately I have started to make recolors of maxis original rugs, and sometimes I try something different like making a house, a room or some clothes - with varius results
My Latest Updates Show All
....and i am back onlineWritten Nov 13, 2007
Hello again, With quite a delay, I am back online, well the computer has been online since august, but our roof was falling off, so we spend all our days, evenings and even nights setting up a new roof, as we never tried it before (in game doesn't count in the real world - I got that after the second day :) ), it was quite a job, and still is, but what can you expect, 2 nerds trying to be... ...More
Moving daysWritten Jun 20, 2007
So I have bought my own house now :D, and I will be moving shortly, and in the beginning - no internet :( so from 1. of July to about the end of August, it will be quite sillent, but then I will retur, hopefully with a lot of recolors and maybee with some new meshes (with a little help from some of the fantastic people out here) there will be uploaded quite a lot before the 1 of July, rugs,... ...More
New uploadsWritten Jun 12, 2007
So today I have uploaded 5 new sets of area rugs. I hope you will enjoy them. Currently, i am still working on meshing, so thats why theres a little longer between my uploads than normal, to this site, these days, but now and then, i will, like today, upload a little, while i am figuring out how to create meshes (with a little help from some of the very nice people out here). Have a great day! ...More